West Bengal



Paban Kumar Das - Complainant(s)


West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited - Opp.Party(s)

20 Aug 2024


Shri Sudip Majumder- President-in-Charge.

The record is put up on the strength of one application dated 20/08/2024 for restoration his electric service connection filed by the Complainant. Ld. Advocate for both parties are present. Objection raised by the OP side.

The petition dated 20/08/2024 filed by the complainant for restoration of his electricity line is taken up for hearing treating the same as M.A. Case No. 89/2024.

Heard both sides.

 It appears from the case record that the compliant is ready to pay electric bill as per current consumption but the OP refused to take bill as per current consumption and they are claim entire electric bill including the challenge bill and the OP has already been disconnected his domestic electric service connection being Consumer ID No. 501237481. It also appears from the case record that the complainant has already been paid the last bill dated 16/09/2020 amounting of Rs. 2424/- . Outstanding bill Rs. 1086/- dated 02/02/2024.

In this juncture without going into the merit of the case we think Electricity is most essential part of the human life in present day situation. Moreover, the electricity service connection of the complainant is domestic connection.


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Hence, we think prayer is to be allowed.

Hence, it is,


                                                the petition dated 20/08/2024 filed by the complainant for restoration of his electricity line i.e. M.A. Case No. 89/2024 is allowed without contest. No cost.

The OP/WBSEDCL is directed to restore electricity connection being Consumer ID No. 501237481 of the complainant within 7 days from this date of order.

OP/WBSEDCL is also directed to issue bill month by month/quarterly as per current consumption without clubbing the challenged/disputed bill.

The complainant is also directed to pay the current bill month by month/quarterly in respect of this service connection.

Thus the M.A. Case No. 89/2024 is disposed of.

Fix.  06/09/2024 for filing OPW by the OP/WBSEDCL.

Copy of this order be supplied to the parties each at free of cost.

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