Order No. 10
Parties were present through their Ld. Advocates. We have heard the petition u/S 13 (3B) of the CP Act, 1986. The OPs have argued verbally without filing any written objection against the petition filed by the complainant under the said Section. It is seen by us that the complainant filed a separate petition u/S 13(3B_ of the CP Act at the time of filing of this complaint. On 14.09.2017 after admission hearing of this complaint the said petition was heard and interim order was granted in favour of the complainant for a specific period i.e. 23.10.2017. On 23.10.2017 none was turn up on behalf of OPs inspite of receipt of the notice, hence next date was given on 22.11.2017 extending the interim order. Subsequently it was further extended till 14.12.2017. In this manner this Ld. Forum was pleased to extent the interim order till 19.06.2018.
On 19.06.2018 the said petition was taken up for hearing in presence of both parties. During hearing the Ld. Counsel for the OPs had argued that if the complainant will pay 50% of the outstanding amount, then the OPs will reconnect of the electric collection at the premises of the complainant. On the contrary the Ld. Counsel for the complained has argued that as he had already paid a sum fo Rs. 11,050/- along with reconnection and disconnection charges for Rs. 100/- to the OPs, the electric connection have not yet been restored by the OPs at his house.
It is seen by us that though the complainant was directed in the CC no- 384/2015, which was disposed of by this Ld. Forum on 19.02.2016 to make payment the abovementioned amount within 15 days from the date of the order, the complainant paid the amount at a later stage, not in complaisance with the order of this Ld. Forum.
However admittedly the complainant is passing his days without electricity. The OPs have claimed that if the 50% of the outstanding amount will be paid by the complainant then the OPs will reconnect the electric connection at the house of the complainant. The document reveals that there is outstanding amount of Rs. 37,303/-. So the complainant is directed to pay 50% of the said outstanding amount of Rs. 18,500/- to the OP within 7 days from this day. The OPs are directed to reconnect the electric connection at the complainant’s house within 2 days from the date of receipt of the abovementioned proportionate outstanding amount.
In view of the said order the 13(3B) of the CP Act is hereby allowed on contest and this order will remain in force till 2nd August.
On 2nd August,2018 parties are directed to appear before this Ld. Forum and they will be entitled to state their respective facts regarding reconnection of the electric connection and further order.
Member President