Bhairab Nath Acharya filed a consumer case on 07 Feb 2018 against W.B.S.E.D.C.L represented by Station Manager, in the Birbhum Consumer Court. The case no is MA/13/2018 and the judgment uploaded on 08 Feb 2018.
The record is taken up at the instant of the Jdr/WBSEDCL Suri, East.
Jdr/ Station Manager, WBSEDCL, Suri East appears personally and by filing a petition prays for recalling the W/A issued against him. The petition be treated as M.A case No. 13/2018.
Heard both sides. No objection is raised by Dhr.
Station Manager, WBSEDCL personally assured the Forum that they will comply the order very soon.
Considering overall matter into consideration prayer is to be allowed.
that the petition dt. 07.02.18 for recalling W/A against the Jdr. is allowed.
Let recall the W/A. Issue recall order.
Let the copy of the order be supplied to the Jdr. free of cost.
Thus M.A. is disposed of accordingly.
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