Vipin Johar S/o Tata Ram filed a consumer case on 12 Jul 2016 against Uttar Haryana Bijle Vitran Nigam Limited in the Karnal Consumer Court. The case no is 344/2011 and the judgment uploaded on 01 Aug 2016.
Complaint no.344 of2011
Date of instt.: 09.06.2011
Date of decision 12.07.2016
Vipin Johar son of Sh. Tota Ram resident of House no.1377, sector-13, Urban Estate, Karnal. …..Complainan Versus
1. Uttri Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Sub Urban, Sub Division, Model Town, Karnal through its AEE (OP).
2. Uttri Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Sub Division, City near Bus Stand, Karnal through its AEE (OP).
3. Sh. Sudershan Bhatia son of Sh. Ram Sharan Bhatia resident of House no.2669, Sadar Bazar, Karnal.
4. Rohit Bhatia son of Sh. Ram Sharan Bhatia resident of House no.73, Gali no.3, Brham Nagar, Hansi Road, Karnal.
….Opposite parties.
Complaint under section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act.
Before Sh.K.C.Sharma……….President.
Sh.Anil Sharma…….Member.
Present:- None for the complainant.
Shri S.D. Sharma Advocate for OP1
Shri Sanjeev Kamboj Advocate for OP2.
OP3 and 4 given up.
The case has been called several times since morning but none has put into appearance on behalf of the complainant. It is already 4.00 PM. No further wait is justified. Therefore, the complaint is dismissed in default. The parties concerned be communicated of the order accordingly and the file be consigned to the record room after due compliance.
District Consumer Disputes
Redressal Forum, Karnal.
(Anil Sharma )
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