ORDER | STATE CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL COMMISSION, U.T.,CHANDIGARH First Appeal No. | : | 496 of 2013 | Date of Institution | : | 19.11.2013 | Date of Decision | : | 21.11.2013 | | Sunil Kumar Dhariwal S/o Sh. Faquir Chand R/o 1043 First Floor, Sector 19-B, Chandigarh. ……Appellant/Complainant V e r s u s1.United India Insurance Co. Ltd.24 Wide Road, Chennai 600014, through its General Manager. 2.United India Insurance Co. Ltd. Regional Office SCO No.123-124, Sector 17-B,Chandigarh, through its Regional Manager. 3./s Banarasi Dass Automobiles Ltd. Plot No.198, Industrial Area, Phase-II, Panchkula, through its General Manager.
Appeal under Section 15 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. BEFORE: Argued by: PER JUSTICE SHAM SUNDER (RETD.), PRESIDENT 1. Chandigarh “[a] To pay the complainant the amount of [b] To pay Rs.35,000/- on account of deficiency in service and causing mental and harassment to the complainant; [c] To pay Rs.11,000/- 2. 3. 4. 5. None put in appearance, on behalf of Opposite Parties No.1 & 2, despite service, as a result whereof, they were proceeded against exparte on 01.04.2013. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. For the reasons recorded above, the appeal, being devoid of merit, must fail, and the same is dismissed, at the preliminary stage, with no order as to costs. The order of the District Forum is upheld. 18. 19. Pronounced. November 21, 2013 Sd/- [JUSTICE SHAM SUNDER (RETD.)] PRESIDENT Sd/- [DEV RAJ] MEMBER Gp |