View 150 Cases Against Bhupesh
Bhupesh Chandra Pradhan filed a consumer case on 20 Sep 2016 against Union of India,Chairman,Railway Boerd cum Ex officer Principal Secretary Govt. of India Ministry Rai in the Anugul Consumer Court. The case no is CC/05/2014 and the judgment uploaded on 02 Nov 2016.
Mrs. S.MALLICK & Sri K.K.Mohanty,
Consumer Complaint No. 05 of 2014
Date of Filling : - 08.09.2016.
Date of Order :- 20.09.2016.
Bhupesh Ch.Pradhan,S/O.Gobinda Ch.Pradhan,
At-near Durga Mandap,Amalapda,P.O/Dist.Angul.
01.Union of India,Through Chairman,Railway Board-cum-
Exofficio Principal Secretary,Govt.of India,Ministry of
Railways,Rail Bhavan,New Delhi-110001.
02. General Manager, East Coast Railway, Rail Sadan,
At- Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar,Dist.Khurda,Odisha.
03. Station Master, Angul Railway Station,
_________________________ Opp. parties.
For the complainant :- Self.
For the No.1 :- None.
For the No.2 & 3 :- Sri P.K.Pradhan & associates(Advs.)
: J U D G E M E N T :
Sri D. C. Mishra, President.
The complainant has filed this case, claiming compensation and cost of the case from the opp.parties for negligence and deficiency in supplying service with further prayer to direct the opp.parties to change the damage coaches and provide good and standard service to the passenger during journey in the train.
2. The case of the complainant as narrated in complaint runs thus :-
(i) That on 19.10.2013 the complainant booked six online tickets vide PNR No.6524209323 in three tire A/C class of Puri-Ahmedabad express train No. 18404 to perform journey from Angul to Ahmedabad on 18.12.2013 and again on 28.10.2013 he booked return tickets vide PNR No.8617880597 in the down train for returning to Angul on 27.12.2013 .
Though six numbers of tickets were booked for up and down journey but on 8.12.2013 three tickets of the relatives of the complainant were cancelled , for which ultimately the complainant and his family ( three persons) made the journey on 18.12.2013 in berth Nos. 49,51 and 52 of coach No.B-3 and on 27.12.2013 returned in the same coach No. B-3 on berth Nos. 41,43 and 44.
(ii) It is specifically averred that the coach was very old and dirty one, manufactured in the year 2007 and due to lack of maintenance it was damaged. Since water was flowing from the broken roof near the entrance area the complainant and his family members went into the train (seat) through that dirty water flowing area as there was no other way to enter into the train. The doors, toilets and wash basins were damaged and the dirty water was flowing inside the passengers sitting area. The glass of the doors were broken and plywood was fitted in place of the glass, for which the inside passengers and outside passengers were unable to see each other through those widows and due to pushing of the widows by the complainant and his family members they suffered bodily injury and pain. The water taps ,toilet, flushes ,fans of the toilet were broken and missing and there was no mugs or liquid soaps or toilet papers in the toilet and toilets were very much dirty and not in a condition for use.
(iii) According to the complainant there was no curtains in their coaches and the bed rolls and the blankets supplied were torn and dirty ,having very bad smell and the seats were torned .The middle berths were hanging by only one chain ,for which the complainant and his family members apprehended danger and became panick and could not sleep in the night. It is further pleaded that the rats , cockroaches and other insects were moving freely inside the coach and crawling on the complainant and other passengers and entering in their bags and damaging their foods , for which the complainant and other passengers could not sit or sleep peacefully and travel with much pain and hardship without using the toilet. Due to unhygienic condition inside the train and restless as well as dangerous journey the complainant and his family members could not sleep and suffered physically and mentally. It is specifically averred that the journey time is too long (about 30 hrs.) and due to negligence as well as strong deficiency in service rendered by the opp.parties and for unhygienic condition and poor maintenance of the coach the complainant and his family members suffered financially, physically and mentally, for which the opp.parties being the service providers are liable to pay the compensation. Hence the case.
3. No.1 has been set-exparte. No.2 & 3 have contested the case by filing a joint written version, denying all the allegations and averments made by the complainant against them with prayer to dismiss the case. According to them after getting complaint from the complainant the contractor entrusted with the sanitation work has been punished and defects rectified but unless the train returns to its starting point (Puri) ,they had no chance or capacity to rectify the other alleged defects. Thus, though the opp.parties have admitted negligence and deficiency in service rendered by them, but according to them those defects were beyond their control.
4. In view of the rival pleadings of the parties the following issues arise for adjudication by this forum.
: F I N D I N G S:
Issue No.(i):- The complainant has filed the tickets vide PNR No. 6524209323 & 8617880597 to show that he has made up and down journey in train No. 18404 & 18406 on 18.122013 and 27.12.2013 respectively. The above PNR numbers Tickets are Annexure 1 & 2 of the case. It is admitted by No.2 & 3 in their written version that the complainant had paid the required amount for under taking the journey from Angul to Ahmedabad and the vice-versa. Thus, the complainant has purchased/hired services from opp.parties by paying money. So the complainant is a consumer and the opp.parties are the service providers.
Issue No.(ii):- Cause of action arises in this case on the date of journey and return journey i.e on 18.12.2013 and 27.12.2013 when the complainant and his family members suffered due to negligence and deficit of service provided by the opp.parties in their train and when the complainant lodged his written complaint No.067142(Annexure-3)before the concerned TTE and the TTE admitted the fact ,endorsing as “ All are true”. Thus there is cause of action in this case.
Issue No.(iii):- In annexure-3, the complainant has written all the deficiencies and negligence caused by the opp.parties and the concerned TTE has endorsed on the complaint (vide Annexure-3) that “All are true” which means all the allegations lavelled by the complainant are true. Also in the written version the opp.parties have accepted the allegation of the complainant to be true but they have taken the plea that the deficiency in service caused was beyond their control but this plea cannot be accepted as it is not worthy of acceptancy .The complainant has submitted some photographs vide Annexure-4 to justify his claim which are not disputed by the opp.parties. The complainant has explained that he could not lodge the complaint during journey from Angul to Ahmedabad as the concerned TTE did not supply the complaint book.Further it is seen that the complainant has duly lodged complaint No. 067142 on 28.12.2013 during return journey and the railway authority has duly accepted it. Thus, the complainant has taken prompt action.
Issue No.(iv):- From the foregoing discussions made in issue No.(i),(ii) & (iii) it is found that the opp.parties have made deficiency in service and also committed unfair trade practice, for which they are liable for penal action under C.P.Act,1986.So the complainant and his family members making the journey are entitled to get compensation and cost of the case.
5. Hence ordered:-
: O R D E R :
The case is disposed of on contest against No. 2 & 3 and exparte against No.1.All the opp.parties are directed to jointly and severally pay compensation of Rs. 25,000.00 (Rupees Twenty-Five Thousand) only to the complainant for causing mental agony and harassment to him and his family members and sum of Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand) only towards cost of litigation within one month from the date of this order.
Order delivered in the open forum
today the 20th September,2016 with hand and seal of this Forum.
Typed to my dictation
and corrected by me
(Sri D. C. Mishra)
(Sri D. C. Mishra)
President .
(Mrs. S. Mallick)
(Sri K.K.Mohanty),
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