ORAL JUDGMENT PER JUSTICE MR. V.R. KINGAONKAR We have heard learned counsel for the parties. By consent of learned counsel for the parties, the petitions are disposed of on following terms:-- (i) The builders and developers i.e. M/s Navin Vikas (P) Ltd. will initiate the process of inviting consent or proposals of the office purchasers to form a society or association, as the case may be, and shall take decision as per majority in view of the concerned provisions of Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulation of the Promotion of Construction, Sale, Management and Transfer) Act, 1963 (ii) A communication shall be sent by the petitioner to the concerned purchasers of the flats/office premises within a period of one month and if no reply is received within a period of three months thereafter, the consent may be presumed and necessary action as permissible under the relevant provisions may be taken so as to complete the process. (iii) The builders/promoters named above shall form the society or association or company, as permissible under the law within a period of six months hereafter and make allotment of the parking place as per the decision of the proposed society as per the Bye-laws or Resolution and the parking place shall be handed over to such society or association/company after the period of six months. 2. The rest part of the orders of the Fora below are set aside in view of the consent mentioned above and the parties are to bear their own costs throughout. |