This case record has been placed before the ld. Judges of Upobhokta Lok Adalat which is held on this day at the court room of D.C.D.R.C., Hooghly.
Both sides are found present.
Heard and considered submission.
One petition has been filed by both sides stating inter alia that the disputes of this case have been amicably settled and the complainants out of that settlement have received Rs. 26,00,000/-.
Complainants are personally present and on interrogation they disclosed that they received the amount of Rs. 26,00,000/-and they have no further grievance against the OPs.
As the complainants are voluntarily withdrawing this case, the Judges of this Lok Adalat have no reason to stand on the way.
Under this position this case is settled in between the parties and this case is disposed of as it is withdrawn.
Let a copy of this order be handed over at free of cost to the parties of this case.
Let this order be uploaded in the confonet / website of D.C.D.R.C., Hooghly as early as possible.