Today is fixed for hearing of both the Misc. Cases, filed for amendment of petitions of Complaint by Complainant on 18-04-2016 and 17-04-2017.
Ld. Advocate for the Complainant is present by filing his hazira.
Ld. Advocate for the O.P. also files his hajira and also files another application for time to file W.V.
Hence, both Misc cases are taken up together for hearing.
Heard. Ld. Advocate. Perused the contents of both the Misc. Cases i.e. both the amendment petitions dated 18-04-2016 and 17-04-2017 and perused the materials on record and. It appears that amendment sought for about subsequent event occurred during pendency of this case and proposed amendments are formal one. If both the amendments petitions are allowed it will not change the nature and character of this case.
In view of above facts & circumstances we are inclined to allow both the amendment petitions ; filed by the Complainant.
Hence, it is
That both the Misc. Cases filed by Complainant for amendment of petition of complaint i.e. both the amendment petitions dated 18-04-2016 and 17-04-2017 are hereby allowed on contest ; but without cost.
Amend the plaint and register accordingly.
Complainant is directed to file amended petition of complaint by the date fixed.
Petition filed by the O.P. for filing W.V. is hereby allowed.
Fix 25-08-2017 for filing amended petition of complaint.