View 597 Cases Against Andhra Bank
Smt. Vijayalakshmi Sahu filed a consumer case on 03 Apr 2019 against The Sr. Branch Manager, Andhra Bank in the Rayagada Consumer Court. The case no is CC/89/2017 and the judgment uploaded on 27 Jun 2019.
C.C. Case No. 89/ 2017. Date. 13 . 3 . 2019
P R E S E N T .
Dr. Aswini Kumar Mohapatra, President.
Sri Gadadhara Sahu, Member.
Smt. Padmalaya Mishra, Member.
Ssmt. Vijayalakshmi Sahu, W/O: Sri Sarat Kumr Sahu, College Road, Po/Dist:Rayagada, 765 001 (Odisha) …. Complainant.
1.The Sr. Branch Manager, Andhra Bank, Main Road, Rayagada .
2. The Manager, Good Health TPA Services, Punjagutta, Hyderabad- 500082, Telengana
3.The Manager,United India Insurnce Company Ltd., Bancassurance Division,Hyderabad- 500029. .…..Opp.Parties
Counsel for the parties:
For the complainant: - Self.
For the O.P No.1:- Sri K.Ravindra Kumar, Advocate, Rayagada.
For the O.P. No.2:- Exparte.
For the O.P. No.3:- Sri P.Ch.Das, Advocate, Rayagada.
The curx of the case is that the above named complainant alleging deficiency in service against afore mentioned O.Ps for non payment of balance medi claim a sum of Rs.13,010/- towards policy No.0504002815P103075013 for which the complainant sought for redressal of the grievances raised by the complainant.
Upon Notice, the O.Ps No.1 & 3 put in their appearance and filed written version through their learned counsel in which they refuting allegation made against them and defend the case. The O.P No.1 & 3 taking one and another pleas and sought to dismiss the complaint as it is not maintainable under the C.P. Act, 1986. The facts which are not specifically admitted may be treated as denial of the O.P No. 1 & 3 . Hence the O.P No. 1 & 3 prays the forum to dismiss the case against them to meet the ends of justice.
Upon Notice, the O.P No.2 neither entering in to appear before the forum nor filed their written version inspite of more than 11 adjournments has been given to them. Complainant consequently filed his memo and prayer to set exparte of the O.P No.2. Observing lapses of around 1(one) and half year for which the objectives of the legislature of the C.P. Act going to be destroyed to the prejudice of the interest of the complainant. Hence after hearing the counsel for the complainant set the case exparte against the O.P No.2. The action of the O.P No.2 is against the principles of natural justice as envisaged under section 13(2) (b)(ii) of the Act. Hence the O.P No.2 set exparte as the statutory period for filing of written version was over to close the case with in the time frame permitted by the C.P. Act.
Heard arguments from the learned counsels for the O.P No. 1 & 3 and from the complainant. Perused the record, documents, written version filed by the parties.
This forum examined the entire material on record and given a thoughtful consideration to the arguments advanced before us by the parties touching the points both on the facts as well as on law.
From the records it reveals that, there is no dispute that the complainant has taken a Tailor made Group health insurance policy having valid policy bearing policy No. 0504002815P103075013 for the period from 9.6.2015 to 8.6.2016.
Further this forum observed prior to filing of complaint, the complainant had issued letter to the O.Ps on Dt. 12.07.2016 and it was duly served on the O.Ps.(Copies of the letter DT.12.7.2016 is in the file which is marked as Annexure-1 ) but they failed to furnish reply to the said letter. Hence it appears that the O.P. has been negligent and callous regarding the complaint of the complainant. So the complainant filed this C.C. case before the forum.
The O.P No.1 & 3 in their written version taking one and another pleas to dismiss the complaint as it is not maintainable under the C.P. Act, 1986. Further the O.P. No. 1 in their written version clearly mentioned that the balance claim of the above policy also settled and an amount a sum of Rs.12,941/- has been credited on Dt.10.10.2017 through NEFT in the account of the complainants husband bearing A/c No.047110100012729 (copies of the statement which is in the file marked as Annexure-2).
The O.Ps considering the exigencies of the matter with out any basis in the right time properly settled the disputes at his end to avoid further litigation by over looking all the deficiencies without contesting the present case in the sense of humanitarian point of view by following the principles of natural justice in view of justice as contemplated the Modos Operandi of the O.Ps no doubt worthy of credence.
We perused the documents filed by the complainant as well as the O.Ps. In our considered view there is nothing to disbelieve the contents of the O.Ps regarding their service to the satisfaction of the complainant and forum does not find any reason to hold the O.Ps.
Accordingly the present dispute mitigated and the case stands disposed and O.Ps wriggled out of liabilities & the case closed against them as the complainant do not want to proceed with the case further against the O.Ps after receipt of balance amount. Parties are left to bear their own cost.
Dictated and corrected by me
Pronounced on this 13th. Day of March, 2019.
Member. Member. President
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