


Ismail Ali Laskar - Complainant(s)


The Sahara India Credit Co-Operative Society Ltd., Represented by its Managing Director. - Opp.Party(s)

Adv. Ansarul Hoque

17 Jan 2022


Complaint Case No. CC/6/2019
( Date of Filing : 06 Mar 2019 )
1. Ismail Ali Laskar
Masughat, P.O- Masughat, P.S- Silchar
1. The Sahara India Credit Co-Operative Society Ltd., Represented by its Managing Director.
Sahara Bhawan, 1 kapoor Thala Complex.
Uttar Pradesh
2. The Sahara India Credit Co-Operative Society Ltd.,Silchar Sector, Represented by its Sector Manager
Ranghirkhari, Shobna Super Market, Silchar
3. The Sahara India Credit Co-Operative Society Ltd.,Silchar Sector, Represented by its Regional Manager
Ranghirkhari, Shobna Super Market, Silchar
  Kamal Kumar Sarda MEMBER
Dated : 17 Jan 2022
Final Order / Judgement







                                        The present  case has arisen from a complaint petition  filed by one Ismail Ali Laskar of village- Masughat,  P.O.-  Silchar  against  Opposite Party  the Sahara India Credit Co-operative Society Ltd. Case of the complainant ,in brief, is that the complainant deposited Rs.37,200/- in  account  no.-11962901842 on different dates from 07-07-2011  to  30-06-2016  under a scheme of daily deposit for a period of sixty  months with a condition for payment of maturity alongwith bonus,interest etc amounting to Rs.49,364/- .  That upon maturity of the scheme the complainant demanded  payment of the matured amount at the office of  O.P.  No.-2 but the  O.P. failed to pay the matured amount rather created pressure to re-invest the  same.  Thus the O.P.  caused  disservice  to the complainant by not paying the matured amount in time upon maturity.  The complainant also issued legal notice to the O.P. demanding payment but they did not pay any heed.  The O.Ps. are making payment partly to the complainant which is in  violation of the contract for deposit.  That the O.Ps.  are bound to pay the maturity amount of Rs.49,364/-  with further bonus alongwith further penal interest  @ 15% per annum  w.e.f.  22/10/2016  to   02/03/2019  thus total liability being Rs.62,322/- .   The complainant has therefore prayed for passing  an award for an amount of Rs.62,322/-  alongwith  compensation for disservice and cost of  the proceeding.

                                The  O.Ps.  jointly filed written statement stating ,interalia, that  there is no cause of action for filing the  present complaint, that the complaint petition is not maintainable in its present form and manner,  that the complaint is bad for non-joinder of necessary

party  etc.  It is  denied by the  answering O.Ps. that the complainant made  any demand for payment of matured  amount nor the O.Ps.  pressed the complainant for re-investment of the  said  matured  amount .  The O.Ps. have categorically stated that the complainant never submitted any demand in the office of the O.P.  No.-2 .  It is alleged that the complainant for  his illegal gain made this false complaint against the  O.Ps.  Under the circumstances it is prayed by the  O.Ps. for dismissal of the complaint petition with cost.

                                  In support of the case the complainant has submitted his evidence on affidavit and has also exhibited some documents.  On the other hand  from the side of  O.P.  examination-in-chief of  DW  Shri Ajoy Kumar Singh has been  furnished by way of  affidavit.  Both the parties also submitted respective  written  argument.  Perused the entire evidence on record.  Supporting the facts narrated in the complaint petition  the complainant in his evidence  as PW-1 has stated that  he deposited  Rs.37,200/-  in Account  no.-11962901842  on different dates from 07-07-2011  to  30-06-2016  under a scheme of daily deposit for a period of sixty  months with a condition for payment on maturity alongwith bonus,interest etc amounting to Rs.49,364/- .   PW-1  has claimed  that  though  after the date of maturity he  submitted a demand  in the  office of  O.P.  No.-2   for payment of the matured amount but the  O.P.  refused to accept the withdrawal slip  and failed to pay the money rather  created pressure for reinvestment of the matured amount.  According to  PW-1,  he issued  legal notice to the  O.Ps. but  as the O.Ps. did not pay any heed so he has become compelled to file this case for causing disservice to him by the  O.Ps..   Further contention of  PW-1  is that  though the matured amount is required to be paid at a time on the date of maturity but the O.Ps. are making payment  partly.  In the case  PW-1  has exhibited  his passbook  bearing Account  no.- 11962901842  which goes to show that  total amount of Rs.37,200/- ( Rs. Thirty seven thousand two hundred) only was deposited in the said account by the complainant.  PW-1 has also submitted Ext.-2  application  for withdrawal  and  Ext.-3 legal notice. 

                                           On the other hand, though  DW-1  Shri  Ajoy Kumar Singh in his evidence has not disputed of having an account  bearing  no.-1196290 1842 by the complainant in the office of O.P.  No.-2  and also about the claim of deposit of Rs.37,200/-  in the said account  but  he has specifically stated that the complainant  never submitted any demand duly signed by him at the office of  O.P.  Nos. 2 or 3 after the date of maturity of the policy.  As  such, according to  DW-1,  the O.Ps.  can not be held responsible for non payment of the matured amount.   The  D.W.  has also claimed that  there was no negligence or disservice on the part of the  O.Ps. 


                                     That the complainant deposited  total  amount of Rs.37,200/-  on  different  dates from  07/07/2011  to  30/06/2016 this fact has been admitted by the  O.Ps.  in their written argument.  On the other hand, though the complainant  has  claimed that  the maturity value  of the said account alongwith bonus, interest etc. is  Rs.49,364/-  but  according to the  O.Ps.  the  matured amount would be  Rs.45,756/-  which  is inclusive of principal  amount and  interest of Rs.8556/-.  Further  contention  of  the O.Ps. made in their written argument is that vide cheque  no.-  000805 dated 21/09/2019  they  have  already paid to the  complainant  total  amount  of Rs. 50,833/-  calculating interest upto 23/09/2019.  It also reveals from their argument as well as from this case record that the complainant received the said cheque from this commission with objection.  On the other hand, though the complainant has claimed that  the maturity amount was Rs.49,364/-  but  to  substantiate this fact he has submitted nothing in this case.  That apart, the version of the  O.P.  is that  the complainant made deposit in the account  irregularly but the  O.P.  did not charge any late fee for that. 

                                        Considering  the above  the payment of  Rs. 50,833/-  by the  O.P.  does not appear to be unjustified. But it has  revealed from the case record that the  O.Ps.  did not pay the  matured amount in time for which the complainant had to file this case.  The  exhibited papers also go to show that legal notice  was issued against the 

O.P.  for non-payment of  matured amount.  These things clearly indicate the fact that there was fault in the service of the  O.Ps.  towards  the complainant.  This disservice  by the  O.Ps. and  for that filing of  this case  certainly  became the cause of mental sufferings for the complainant for which he is entitled to get compensation. 

                                        In  view of the above  it is hold that  the  O.Ps. are liable to pay to the complainant  an amount of Rs. 3,000/- ( Rs. Three  thousand ) only towards compensation for mental pain, agony etc and another  amount of Rs.2,000/- ( Rs. Two thousand ) only  for litigation expenses.  The  entire amount  will  be  payable  within  sixty days from today in default interest @ 8% per annum would be accrued on the amount from the date of this order till payment.

                                    With the above relief to the complainant the  present case stands disposed of on contest.

                                   Given under the hand and seal of this commission on this  17th day of January’2022.

                                    Furnish certified copy of judgment to the parties free of cost.

[HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE Sri Samarjit Dey]
[ Kamal Kumar Sarda]

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