West Bengal



Sri Ramesh Kumar Agarwal - Complainant(s)


The Office-in-charge,Air India Ltd,Siliguri - Opp.Party(s)

Nihar Ranjan Chaki

08 Jun 2023


Complainant is present by filing hazira. The case is taken up for hearing of application dated 02.06.2023 filed on behalf of the complainant. By filing an application Ld. advocate of the complainant praying for withdrawal of instant case on the ground that the matter has amicably been settled between the parties and the complainant is not at all interested to proceed with this matter furthermore.

Heard the Ld. advocate of the complainant and perused the application dated 02.06.2023. Complainant himself is present before this commission today and fairly submits that this matter has been settled between the parties amicably and he is not intending proceed with this matter furthermore.

Hence ordered,

 that the complainant is permitted to withdraw the instant case as prayed for vide application dated 02.06.2023. Accordingly the matter is disposed of.


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