nd July 20092
errection to arrest ogling. Some more defects to cane unloader were noticed like 1)
Long travel gear boxes – 2 Nos. 2) C.T. drive wheel bearings – 2 Nos. 3) Wire rope got
damaged 3 times. Total wire rope was renewed one time. 4) L.T railing alignment
was improper causing heavy sound while L.T. Operation. 5) Structure columns were
not full welded causing vibrations. 6) End supports were not provided. 7) Centre bay
cross arms / supports were not provided. 8) Grab wire pullies were to be replaced to
correct size causing struck up of wire rope frequently. 9) Motor guards to be
provided and 10) L.T and C.T electrical contacts were damaged due to over heating.
They were to be replaced with suitable capacity and rating contacts. The respondent
failed to fulfill the terms of purchase order that “the crane shall be complete with its
accessories, gantry, columns, attendant platform along with length of the gantry on
both sides with 2 numbers of stair cases”, Whereas the respondent had provided
only one side attendant platform instead of both sides attendant platform causing
inconvenience in maintenance of L.T/C.T drives. One Stair case was provided instead
of two stair cases. They were to be provided as per purchase order. But the
respondent did not do so. The complainant faced much difficulty to feed the cane
into the carrier in peak hours. The complainant was forced to engage manual labour
on every shift throughout the crushing season. The complainant sent a letter dt.
01-3-2008. But there was no response. The respondent had agreed to pay
Rs. 10,00,000/- against any loss or damage caused or suffered by the purchaser by
reason of any breach of any of the terms and conditions of the order. The respondent
agreed that the purchaser should be sole judge to deal whether or not the seller had
committed any breach of terms and conditions of the order to an extent of loss
damaged, cost and expenses suffered by the purchaser.
3. The complainant estimated the loss as Rs. 19,90,000/- under various
heads as mentioned below.
In lakhs
1. Attendant plat – form along with length of the gantry on 1.50
C.C. No. 96 of 20083
one side with stair case – one side
2. Replacement of long travel gear boxes – 2 nos. including
drive motors / flexible gear couplings etc.
3. Cost of wire rope complete 0.25
4. L.T (long travel) railing alignment rectification 1.25
5. Structure columns full welding where ever necessary to
avoid vibrations
6. End supports 4 nos, cost of material, fabrication,
7. Centre bay cross arms / supports providing cost of
material, fabrication and erection
8. Grab wire rope pulleys replacement with pins etc. 0.10
9. Motor guards for all drive units 0.10
10. L.T & C.T. Electrical contracts / units replacement 0.40
11. Dismantling of entire crane re-erection alignment of
columns. L.T. C.T etc with higher cross section
channels / beams / angles
12. Cost of labour employed for feeding cane into the carrier
manual since the cane un-loader troubles for 2006-
2007 & 2007-08 seasons
Penalty clause for delayed commissioning of the
Total 19.90
The complainant atlast got issued a notice dt. 18-3-2008 to the respondent to replace
the defective cane unloader. The respondent failed to give reply or rectify the
problems. On 23-4-2008 the complainant again sent a letter demanding to pay
Rs. 10,00,000/- towards cost of material and labour costs. There was no response.
Thus the complaint was filed for Rs. 19,90,000/- towards rectification charges for
rectifying the defects of the cane unloader and cost of the material and labour cost
and Rs. 2,000/- towards costs of the complaint. The respondent erected and fixed
the defective machinery at the complainant. Thus the forum had got jurisdiction.
4. The respondent filed a counter that the complainant was not a consumer
within the definition of section 2 ( 1 ) (d) & (e) of the C.P. Act because the machinery
supplied was for commercial activity, as per purchase order, the invoice and tender
schedule. Any breach of contract between the parties the complainant had to
C.C. No. 96 of 20084
approach the Civil Court. Thus the forum had no jurisdiction. As per clause – 10 of
the agreement / purchase order vide order No. CCS/ Cane Unloader / 2006, dt.
4-9-2006 and clause 24 of tender schedule if any disputes arose in between parties it
would be referred to the Commissioner and Director of Sugar and Cane
Commissioner, Government of Andhra Pradesh for arbitration. As per section 8 of
Arbitration and Conciliation Act when there was any arbitration clause in the
agreement, it had to be referred with the arbitrator. It was a mandatory provision.
There was no deficiency of service at any point of time because cane unloader was
erected, installed and commissioned as per specifications designed approved by the
complainant by following standards, specifications of 2004. There was no problem
during crushing period of 2006-07. As per Clause – 5 of the purchase order the
machinery had to be maintained by the opposite party and accordingly the opposite
party engaged and deputed a skilled technical person during crushing season 2006-
07 and the machinery worked without any obstruction. After completion of the
warranty the problems were rectified as and when arose and training was also
provided to one of the persons of the complainant. As per clause 11 (c) of the
purchase order the entire payment was paid by the complainant on the satisfactory
work of cane unloader. The warranty period was ceased by 16-8-2007. Thus the
complainant was not entitled for any loss or damages.
5. The complaint was filed with a malifide intention to avoid payment in
respect of material supplied. The cane unloader might have given problems during
subsequent crushing season on account of mismanagement handling by the
unskilled persons. It was not maintained properly without using lubricants. The
machinery was not covered from sunlight or rains. The complaint was filed without
any expert opinion regarding nature of damage. The loss of assessment could be
done through a qualified competent person. But the loss claimed was exaggerated
without any document. The cost of equipment was Rs. 34,77,992/-. On his own
statement the complainant assessed Rs. 10,00,000/- as cost of the material and
C.C. No. 96 of 20085
labour charges. After satisfactory working condition the amount was released to the
opposite party. The complainant’s company was sick and hence, the complaint was
foisted with exaggerating amount as claim. As per the invoice supplied to the
complainant it was mentioned that the Hyderabad Courts had only jurisdiction to
entertain any dispute. The forum had no jurisdiction. The Government officials or
Directors of the company were not parties to the proceedings and for non-joinder of
the parties, the complaint ought to have been dismissed. The complainant was a
registered company under Cooperative Societies Act and hence, he ought to have filed
before the Cooperative Tribunal and the complaint may be dismissed with costs.
6. On the basis of the above pleadings the following points are settled for
i. Whether there is any negligence and deficiency of service on the
part of the respondent?
ii. Whether the complainant is entitled to the relief as prayed for?
iii. To what relief?
7. On behalf of the complainant Ex. A1 to A9 were marked and on behalf of
the respondent RW1 & RW2 were examined and Ex. B1 to B5 were marked. The
respondent filed written arguments also.
8. Point No. 1 & 2 The complainant was Cuddapah Cooperative Sugars
Ltd., represented by its Managing Director, Daulathapuram, Kadaapa District. The
complainant purchased 5 ton capacity Cane un-loader from the respondent under
Ex. A1 Xerox copy of invoice cum delivery challan dt. 9-11-2006 for a total amount of
Rs. 9,81,450/- from the respondent namely M/s Access Equipments, Hyderabad
along with corporate guarantee with validity period upto 31-3-2008. Ex. A1 disclosed
that the complainant purchased design manufacture supply of 5 ton capacity Cane
un-loader related structure for Rs. 7,50,000/- along with excise duty, sales tax,
additional education cess totaling Rs. 9,81,450/-. After supply and fixed at the
complainant’s factory by the respondent company the Cane un-loader did not work
C.C. No. 96 of 20086
properly and the complainant found certain defects in it. Therefore, the complainant
addressed a letter on 28-6-2007 to the respondent that the crushing season of 2006-
2007 was completed on 24-6-2007 and Cane un-loader long travel was not worked
and the same could not be attended to by the respondent on emergency basis
causing much inconvenience and the factory faced lot of cane feeding problems due
to L.T drive problem till closure of the crushing season. The Xerox copy of the letter
addressed by the Managing Director of the complainant was Ex. A2. in which he
refeered an earlier letter dt. 15-6-2007. On 01-3-2008 the complainant addressed a
letter to the respondent that the representatives of the respondent namely Sri Y.
Sathyanarayana and Sri G. Srinivasa Rao had examined the Cane un-loader and
promised to rectify the following defects during their next visit. The defects were 1)
Lifting equipment grab motor / gear coupling gear box problems to be rectified.
Grab wire rope bottom pulley sides observed more gap, due to the defect wire ropes
were getting damaged. 2) Long travel not functioned due to drive gear box / motor
coupling problem further advised to take up civil foundation works for rectification to
the following defects. 3) End supporters column foundation and 4) End supports
would be supplied in due course for erection to arrest ogling. But they had not
turned up for rectification even after laps of 2 months. It caused much
inconvenience to the factory. In the said letter the complainant mentioned that the
respondent had given corporate guarantee valid upto 31-3-2008 with terms agreed to
pay Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten lakshs only) against any loss or damage caused or
suffered by the purchaser by reason of any breach of any terms and conditions of the
order. But seller agreed that the purchaser should be the sole judge could deal
whether or not, the seller had committed any breach or breaches of any terms and
conditions of the order extent of loss, damages costs and expenses suffered or
incurred by the purchaser. The respondent filed the Xerox copy of corporate
guarantee for advance dt. 14-8-2007 with validity upto 31-3-2008. Therefore, the
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complainant requested the respondent to depute the technical personnel to the
factory for rectification of defects. The Xerox copy of letter was Ex. A3.
9. In Ex. A3 the complainant mentioned some more defects found in the
Cane un-loader i.e. 1) hoisting wire rope damage, 2) electrical operating switch board
/ switches with elements not functioned forced to replace total switches and damage
of break system / break shoes, 3) Break thruster winding got burnt causing down
tune. The same was rewinded and utilized 3-2-2008 / 4-2-2008, 4) Long travel drive
couplings teetch damaged. They were renewed. Long travel drive Rg box bearing
gears, pinion shaft teetch got damaged and 5) Causing unserviceable of L.T since
10. The complainant wrote another letter on 23-4-2008 mentioned all the
defects faced during the crushing season 2007-2008. They were 1) long travel gear
box – 2 Nos. gave trouble. 2) C.T drive wheel bearings 2 Nos. replaced. 3) Wire rope
got damaged 3 times. They were adjusted and rectified. 4) L.T railing alignment was
improper causing heavy sound while L.T operation. 5) Structure columns were not
full welded causing vibrations, 6) End supporters were not provided. 7) Centre bay
cross arms / supports were not provided. 8) Grab wire pullies were to be replaced to
correct size causing struck up of wire rope frequently. 9) Motor guards were to be
provided. 10) L.T and C.T Electrical contacts were frequently damaged due to over
heating. They were to be replaced. In view of the nonfunctional of the grab
continuously the complainant engaged manual labour in every shift ranging 10 to 15
persons daily throughout the crushing season. In the said letter the complainant
mentioned Rs. 10,00,000/- as cost of the material and labour and requested the
respondent to send Rs. 10,00,000/-. The Xerox copy of letter was Ex. A5. Therefore,
atlast the Commissioner of Sugar and Cane Commissioner, A.P. Hyderabad
addressed a letter to the respondent on 29-1-2008 to rectify the defects for smooth
functioning of the equipment. The Xerox copy of letter was Ex. A6.
C.C. No. 96 of 20088
11. Prior to supply of fixing of Cane Un-loader at the complainant factory,
the complainant released a purchase order for supply of 5 ton capacity grab type
Cane Un-loader after tender notice and negotiations with State level committee on
24-8-2006 for Rs. 47,77,992/-. The Xerox copy of the purchase order of the
respondent was Ex. A7 with specifications for grab type 5 ton Cane Un-loader. The
same was filed by the respondent under Ex. B3. So Ex. A7 and Ex. B3 were one and
same. Ex. A7 had certain terms and conditions for supply of Cane Un-loader. It also
disclosed that the disputes if any should be subject to the jurisdiction of the High
Court of Andhra Pradesh and subordinate courts in Kadapa District only.
12. Under the terms and conditions mentioned in Ex. A7 it was noted that
the supplier i.e. the respondent should design, fabricate, supply and erect and
commission the equipment on turn key basis and it was his responsibility to
synchronize the existing equipment with the new supplies for satisfactory of the
performance. The supplier should handover two copies of the drawing for civil work,
flow diagram and layout plan and all other drawings of the equipment. The supplier
should give guarantee in respect of design, workmanship, fabrication, erection,
standard structural materials of construction, Electro magnetic break thrusters,
heavy duty reduction gears, electrical contact panels, Heavy duty motors for assured
sound performance of the equipment without vibrations while in operation and
further if any defect was found within one full crushing season commencing from the
date of commissioning should be replaced / satisfactorily repaired by the tenderer on
free of cost. The supplier should depute his technical representative without
remuneration for operation of the equipment for one crushing season. The
structures wherever, necessary should be provided with necessary brazing, stiffeners
and tie beams to avoid vibration of the structures. If any specification was not given
in the schedule of the machinery, standard specification of machinery of 2004
specifications would be followed.
C.C. No. 96 of 20089
13. On 10-11-2006 the respondent wrote a letter to the complainant
regarding steel structures for commissioning of Cane Un-loader. The Xerox copy of
letter was Ex. A8. Ex. A9 was another Xerox copy of letter sent by the respondent dt.
7-1-2007 requesting the complainant to release the amount of Rs. 18,03,503/-. As
the respondent failed to attend for rectification of the defects or problems raised by
the complainant, the complainant got issued a notice dt. 18-3-2008 through the
advocate to t h e respondent. The office copy of the notice was Ex. A4. The
respondent contended that there was no deficiency of service because Cane Unloader
was erected, installed and commissioned as per specifications, designed,
approved by the complainant by following standard specifications of 2004 and there
was no problem during crushing season of 2006-07 and the respondent engaged a
skilled technical expert as per purchase order during the crushing season of 2006-07
and the complainant paid the entire payment on the satisfactory of work of the Cane
Un-loader and warranty period was ceased by the end of 16
over the complainant had not maintained the Cane Un-loader properly.
14. The respondent filed I.A. No. 76/2009 for appointment of qualified
Engineer to investigate and assist and get true facts regarding Cane Un-loader and
regarding structural design, access and also working condition of the Cane Unloader.
The I.A. No. 76/2009 was allowed on 31-3-2009 appointing the Chief
Engineer, The Andhra Sugars Ltd., Venkatarayapuram, Tanuku, East Godavari
district as commissioner, who addressed a letter explaining his fees along with other
expenses and later the warrant was returned. Subsequently the respondent filed a
memo on 16-4-2009 requesting the forum to appoint the Chief Engineer,
Sudulugunta Sugars Ltd., Buchinayudukandriga, Chittoor District as Commissioner.
As such the Commissioner was appointed at the instance of the respondent from
among the list submitted by way of memo on 30-3-2009 with four addresses. The
first one was the Andhra Sugars Ltd., Tanuku. 2
C.C. No. 96 of 2008th August 2007. Morend one was Sudulugunta Sugars10
Ltd., Buchinayudukandriga, Chittoor District. The commissioner filed his report by
post on 01-5-2009.
15. The respondent examined the Commissioner as RW1 and filed his report
as Ex. B1. The Commissioner was Deputy General Manager Engineer, Sudulugunta
Sugars Ltd., Buchinayudukandriga, Chittoor District. The commissioner RW1 visited
the Cane un-loader of the complainant on 29-4-2009. The Commissioner sent the
notice to the respondent herein , who addressed a letter to the Commissioner with
copy to the forum that it was not possible to attend at the time of inspection on
29-4-2009 because they had to gather the structural consultant, mechanical
designer and the advocate. It was not difficult to the respondent to gather the people
because the respondent was a company of Engineers and designers and fabricators
and the designer and consultant were his own men. Therefore, they simply wrote a
letter to the Commissioner with a view to avoid the inspection. The respondent
should not send such type of copy of letter to the forum directly when they have been
represented by a counsel.
16. The RW1 had no necessity to verify the tender schedule and structural
design, mechanical design and civil design and electrical design before execution of
warrant. He verified in General with his past experience of 20 years. The RW1
expressed that the Cane Un-loader functioned during crushing season of 2006-07
and 2007-08. It was not a dispute because it was worked with manual labour.
There was no shed or cover protecting the Cane Un-loader for sunlight and rain.
Periodical maintenance of Cane Un-loader during the crushing season was necessary
in general. The maintenance staff would replace the break shoe, Oil seals and other
important equipment such as bearings and other mechanical items. The Cane Unloader
could be used only on ‘I’ beams and not ‘L’ angles. In the report Ex. B1, it was
noted that the main columns M.S “L angle section fabricated and the present L angle
section columns were not suitable to carry the load as per standard. The entire
C.C. No. 96 of 200811
structure was obbling, vibrating and giving abnormal sounds from the all
components due to the ‘L’ angle fabricated columns. The RW1 tested empty grab
without loading. He admitted that he observed the structure was obbling, vibrating
and giving abnormal sound. The RW1 expressed to arrest vibration of Cane Unloader,
bracings had to be provided to another column and all column had to be
locked with bracings. In the report he expressed the centre bay was not having any
bracings required to arrest vibration for the Cane Un-loader. The gear box had to be
designed by helical gears only. In the report he mentioned the gear box was a nonstandard
make without name plate and specifications plate. There was no scope for
erecting stair cases and the platform to the side of preparatory devise side only.
Mockery ladder had to be provided. There was no difficulty for making platform to
other side of gantry. In general grab required 2.5 to 3 meters length. The un-loader
had only 2 meters length under capacity grab. The conveyor belt capacity of the
complainant factory was 50 to 60 tones per hour. The grab had the capacity of 20
lifts per hour. The wire rope having the grab was 16 mm diameter but it required 19
mm X 6/36 mm diameter construction to carry the load. Since there was no sugar
cane the RW1 did not verify the present grab capacity. He did not verify the rails
with scientific method by using scientific equipment. The RW1 verified with scale.
In the report Ex. B1, the RW1 mentioned the L.T. and C.T rails alignment was not in
a line. It was to be realigned. The entire structure of the unloader inside sections
was done tag weld only. It was to be full welded in order to avoid vibration. In
report Ex. B1 the RW1 at the end mentioned an interrogation of the respondent was
to be required co come to a conclusion. The respondent did not request the
Commissioner to visit the Cane Un-loader once again in their presence to ascertain
some more objections. But the respondent was silent.
17. The respondent sought permission of the forum to examine an
independent witness, who was examined as RW2 in part as per orders in I.A. No.
C.C. No. 96 of 200812
136/2009. He was not examined completely and a memo was filed on 9-7-2009 with
a letter named as return of summons from RW2 by name Tousfeeq Anwar. In view of
the letter styled as return of witness summons of RW2, his evidence was treated as
closed. The RW2 did not enclose the summons. In the said memo styled as return
of witness summons the RW2 requested the forum to furnish the approved design to
give scientific analysis and evidence in advance of 15 days, so that the report would
be prepared and give evidence. The RW2 was an independent witness of the
respondent summoned by the respondent himself and it was look out of the
respondent to furnish any document to his witness before examining him and
witness had no right to ask the forum or court to furnish the documents so that he
would give the evidence and file the report. He was not a commissioner.
18. T h e respondent filed written arguments without mentioning the
Commissioner and the report Ex. B1 and contended that the complaint was not
maintainable because the complainant purchased the machinery or equipment for
commercial purpose. The respondent did not say anything for not continuing the
evidence of his own witness RW2 and not examining himself as witness. The
respondent relied on II (1992) CPJ 630 M/s Rani Food Products Vs. K.P.M. Haneef.
The complainant purchased automatic sealing machine for business and later filed
the complaint as defective and so it was hled that the complainant was not a
consumer because it was for business activity and would not come under the purview
of section 2 ( 1) (d)(i) of the C.P. Act. Similarly in 1999 (2) CPR 437 Fineskin
Leathers and suppliers Co. Pvt. Ltd., Vs. New India Assurance Co. Ltd., The question
was whether the complainant as a company could maintain complaint under the Act
and it was held that the company was not a consumer. In the present case the
complainant was Cuddapah Cooperative Sugars Ltd., It was a Cooperative Sugar
Factory and it was not a company. It was run with the assistance of sugar cane ryots
or farmers. In I (1991) CPJ 56 Jaheed Hussain Vs. M/s Shah And Lohia Auto Pvt.
Ltd., and others. The complainant purchased a truck for commercial purpose was
C.C. No. 96 of 200813
not a consumer. In 2005 (2) CPR 57 (NC) Sree Anantha Grameena Bank Vs. The
Industrial Finance Corporation of India Ltd., the investment for commercial purpose
were out side the jurisdiction of Consumer For a, in view of amendment brought into
effect from 15-3-2003 in definition of Consumer Service under Section 2 (1) (d) (ii) of
C.P. Act.
19. On the other hand the complainant relied upon SC & National
Commission Consumer Law Cases (2005-2008) Super Computer Centre Vs. Globiz
Investment Pvt. Ltd., decided by the Hon’ble National Commission in R.P.No.
1086/2006 on 9-5-2006 under Section 2 (1) (d) of C.P. Act. It was held that
computer was purchased by the company for commercial purpose. The respondent
would be a consumer. In view of the said decision submitted by the complainant,
the rulings submitted by the respondent are not at all applicable. In view of Ex. B2
under clause 25 the Forum at Kadapa has got jurisdiction. It was held in II (1998)
CPJ 353 Kapoor farms Vs. Krishna Fabricators that the machinery was purchased
and installed at Jalandhar. The complaint was filed at Jalandhar as the opposite
parties had no office at jalandhar. However, the District Forum at Jalandhar had
jurisdiction to try the complaint under section 11 (2) (c) of C.P. Act. Therefore, the
forum has got jurisdiction to entertain the complaint.
20. The respondent filed I.A. No. 114/2008 under section 8 Arbitration and
Conciliation Act 1996 to refer the dispute to Commissioner of Sugar and Cane
Commissioner, A.P. Hyderabad as arbitrator and the same was dismissed on
31-12-2008. Against the said order the respondent preferred R.P No. 2/2009 before
the Hon’ble A.P. State Commission, Hyderabad and the said R.P. No. 2/2009 was
dismissed at admission stage on 23-1-2009.
21. The complainant claimed Rs. 19,90,000/- towards loss under various
heads including cost of labour employed for feeding cane into the carrier manually
since the Cane unloader gave troubles for 2006-07 and 2007-08 seasons and penalty
C.C. No. 96 of 200814
clause for delayed commissioning of the equipment. He claimed the cost of labour for
Rs. 7,20,000/-. There was no proper bills or receipts to substantiate the claim of
Rs. 7,20,000/-. No doubt the cane unloader gave troubles and the complainant
engaged manual labour for two crushing seasons. Since there were no receipts or
bills, the complainant is entitled to Rs. 1,00,000/- only to the cost of labour. In view
of the above discussion there was defect in the cane unloader. It was not attended to
by the respondent but giving much inconvenience to the complainant. The
respondent filed a Xerox copy of tender schedule under Ex. B2. Ex. B4 was Xerox
copy of design prepared by the respondent with design calculation. Ex. B5 was Xerox
copy of corporate guarantee valid upto 31-3-2008. The respondent agreed to the
conditions of Ex. B5. The respondent did not file any acceptance letter from the
complainant with regard to Ex. B4. Thus there is deficiency of service on the part of
the respondent towards complainant with regard to the cane unloader. The
respondent had not raised any dispute regarding the amount of calculation under
various heads mentioned in the complaint for total Rs.19,90,000/-. Hence, the
points are answered accordingly.
22. Point No. 3 In the result, the complaint is allowed, directing the
respondent to pay Rs. 13,90,000/- (Rupees Thirteen lakhs ninety thousand only)
towards rectification charges for rectifying the defects of the Cane Unloader and cost
of the material and labour cost and Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) towards
costs, payable within 60 days from the date of receipt of this order.
Dictated to the Stenographer, transcribed by him, corrected and pronounced
by us in the open forum, this the 22
Witnesses examined.
For Complainant NIL
For Respondent :
RW1 M. Krishnaiah, dt. 3-6-2009.
RW2 Tousfeeq Anwar, dt. 24-6-2009.
C.C. No. 96 of 2008nd July 200915
Exhibits marked for Complainant : -
Ex. A1 X/c of tax invoice cum delivery challan issued by Aacess Equipments,
Hyderabad, dt. 9-11-2006.
Ex. A2 X/c of letter from complainant to respondent, dt. 28-6-2007.
Ex. A3 X/c of letter from complainant to respondent, dt. 01-3-2008
Ex. A4 X/c of legal notice from complainant’s advocate to respondent,
dt. 18-3-2008
Ex. A5 X/c of letter from complainant to respondent, dt. 23-4-2008.
Ex. A6 X/c of letter from Commissioner of Sugar and Cane Commissioner,
Hyderabad to respondent, dt. 29-1-2008.
Ex. A7 X/c of purchase order of the respondent.
Ex. A8 X/c of letter from respondent to complainant, dt. 10-11-2006.
Ex. A9 X/c of letter from respondent to complainant, dt. 7-1-2007.
Exhibits marked for Respondents: -
Ex. B1 Report from Deputy General Manager (Engineering), Sudalagunta Sugars
Limited, Chittoor to the District Forum, Kadapa dt. 30-4-2009.
Ex. B2 X/c of tender schedule.
Ex. B3 X/c of purchase order of the respondent.
Ex. B4 X/c of design prepared by the respondent with design calculation.
Ex. B5 X/c of corporate guarantee valid upto 31-3-2008.
Copy to :-
1) Sri P. Subramanyam & Sri G. Trivikramsingh, Advocates.
3) Sri T. Narayana and B. Ramesh, Advocates, H.No. 6-3-788/14,
1) Copy was made ready on :
2) Copy was dispatched on :
3) Copy of delivered to parties :
B.V.P. - - -
C.C. No. 96 of 2008st floor, Opp. Big Bazar, Ameerpet, Hyderbad – 500 016.
M/s Cuddapah Co-operative Sugars Limited, Rep. by its
Managing Director, G. sudarshan Babu, S/o Ramaiah,
Kadapa District. ….. Complainant.
M/s Access Equipments, Rep. by its
Managing Director, Plot No. B8 & 9-1, Kukatpalli,
Gandhinagar, Hyderabad. ….. Respondent.
presence of Sri P. Subramanyam and Sri G. Trivikram Singh, Advocates f o r
complainant and Sri T. Narayana and B. Ramesh, Advocates, Hyderabad for
(Per Sri P.V. Nageswara Rao, President),
1. Complaint filed under section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act 1986.
2. The brief facts of the complaint is as follows:- The complainant
purchased 5 ton capacity cane unloader from the respondent under invoice dt.
9-11-2006. The equipment was supplied and fixed at the complainant by the
respondent with a corporate guarantee up to a period 31-3-2008. The cost was paid
to the respondent. But the complainant faced problems with cane unloader. The
defects to the cane unloader were informed by a letter dt. 16-11-2007. The
respondent deputed some persons to rectify the defects. The representatives of the
respondent visited and promised to rectify the defects like lifting equipment grab
motor / gear coupling gear box problems, grab wire, rope bottom pulley – sides was