The Complainant Shri Kanaklal Debnath is present along with his advocate. O.P., Assam Gas Company Ltd. is represented by its O-i-C Priyanka Das. Both the parties have filed joint compromise petition vide petition No.30/23 dtd. 24.02.23 praying to accept their compromise petition in resolving their disputes and drop the present proceeding as both the parties have mutually agreed to settle the matter amicably.
Perused the compromise petition. The complainant filed this present case against the Opposite Party challenging alleged exorbitant bill against pipe line gas connection vide bill No.028-014-13183/20210 standing in the name of the complainant for the period from 01.10.2020 to 31.10.2020 showing bill amount as Rs.15,525.00. But even after filing this case the O.P. used to issue exorbitant bills for the period from 01.04.2020 to 31.04.2021 showing meter reading as 73.25SCUM/units.
As explained in the joint compromise petition the complainant note down all bill from the computer of the Opposite Party and find that Gas consumption bill for the month of January, 2020 and April, 2021 are access, other bills are normal and the Opposite Party asked the complainant to pay other bills with late fine excluding the bill for the months of January, 2020 and April, 2021 amounting to Rs.26,852.00 and accordingly the complainant has paid Rs.66,073.00 which the O.P. received.
Both the parties have settled their disputes on the following terms and conditions :
- The complainant has already paid to the Opposite Party an amount of Rs.10,000.00 on 27.12.2022 as full and final settlement against the total bill amount of Rs.26,852.00 for the month of January, 2020 and April, 2021.
- The Opposite Party has acknowledged the receipt of Rs.10,000.00 as full and final settlement and assures the complainant that there are no outstanding dues against the complainant.
Both the parties have filed this compromise petition bonafide in the interest of justice.
After careful perusal of joint compromise petition filed by both the parties for amicable solution of this case, this Commission finds no reason to dismiss their petition. Petition No.30/23, is, therefore accepted and allowing the prayer of that petition this C.C. case is disposed of on compromise.
Supply copy of this order free of cost to both the parties.