Rajni filed a consumer case on 30 Aug 2022 against The Manager, Shriram General Inss Co Ltd in the Ambala Consumer Court. The case no is CC/13/2021 and the judgment uploaded on 07 Sep 2022.
Complaint case no. : 13 of 2021.
Date of Institution : 04.01.2021.
Date of decision : 30.08.2022.
Rajni (aged 31 years) widow of Ankit Singla R/o H.No.288A, Sector-D, Defence Colony, District Ambala.
……. Complainant.
….…. Opposite Parties.
Before: Smt. Neena Sandhu, President.
Smt. Ruby Sharma, Member.
Present: Complainant in person alongwith Shri R.K.Achint, Advocate.
Shri Mohinder Bindal, Advocate, counsel for the OPs.
Complaint under Section 35 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019
Order:- Smt. Neena Sandhu, President
Today, learned counsel for the OPs has suffered a statement, which is recorded separately, to the effect that the insurance company is ready to settle the claim of the complainant, within a period of 30 days, on being supply of the documents. Complainant has also suffered a statement that she has heard the statement given by the learned counsel for the OPs and agrees with the same. She will supply all the documents to the OPs and withdraws the present complaint. Said statement is duly identified by her counsel.
In view of the statement suffered by the learned counsel for the OPs and the complainant, the present complaint is hereby dismissed as withdrawn. It is made clear that respective parties shall remain bound by their own statements. Certified copy
of this order be sent to the parties concerned, free of costs, as per rules. File be indexed and consigned to record room.
Announced: 30.08.2022.
(Ruby Sharma) (Neena Sandhu)
Member President
DCDRC, Ambala
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