SRI.K. VIJAYAKUMARAN, PRESIDENT. Complaint for realization of chitty amount and costs. The averment s in the complaint can be briefly summarized as follows: The complainant was a subscriber of Chitty No.22/03 of the The sala of the chitty was Rs 1,00,000/-. The chitty was prized in the name of the complainant in the 10th instalment and the informed the complainant to receive the amount. Since the complainant was unable to furnish sufficient security he could not receive the amount. The informed the complainant that since the surety is not sufficient prized amount may be kept in the Fixed deposit with the But the has not done so which amounts to deficiency in service. After the termination of chitty the complainant contacted the demanding the amount of 10th instalments remitted by him and thereupon he was informed by the that the amount deposited by him were given to other subscriber as veetha palisa. The complainant is entitled to get the amount paid by him. Hence the complaint The filed version contending, interalia, that the complaint is not maintainable either in law or on facts. The averments in para1 and2 are admitted It is admitted that the complainant was a subscriber of Chitty No.22/03 and the sala was Rs.1.00,000/-. The averment that the chitty was prized in the name of the complainant in the 10 the instalment is not correct. The chitty was prized in the name of the complainant in the first auction itself on 16.8.2003 AND THE PRIZE MONEY WAS Rs.70,000/- As per the conditions of the chitty the prized subscriber had to give sufficient security for an amount of Rs.95,000/- to get the prized money of Rs.70,000/- from the But he had failed to offer sufficient security and also failed to deposit the same in the fixed deposit. He has not turned up to the request of the to come and sign the documents to deposit the amount in the Fixed Deposit. The had never informed the complainant that they will deposit the amount in the absence of the complainant. The prized money can be deposited only after complying with the rules and regulations existing . The complainant had to fill in and sign the form for it. But the complainant had failed to comply with the conditions and also failed to offer security. The prized money was kept with the and was shared among the other subscribers on every month till the termination of chitty. Since the complainant had defaulted in payment of monthly instalments after the10th instalments. The complainant had paid only Rs.19,475/- in 10 instalments at the rate of Rs.2500/-. He had to pay Rs.95,000/- to the in forty instalment. The prized money of the complainant would be shared with the other subscribers on each and every month till the closing of the chitty was within the knowledge of the complainant. There is no deficiency in service on the part of the The complaint is filed as experimental measure. Hence the prays to dismiss the complaint. Points that would arise for consideration are: [1] Whether there is deficiency in service on the part of the [2] Reliefs and costs. For the complainant PW.1 is examined. Ext. P1 is marked. No oral or documentary evidence by the opp.parties. POINTS: There is no dispute that the complainant was a subscriber of chittyNo.22/03 conducted by the and that the chitty was prized in the name of the complainant. According to the complainant the chitty was prized in his name in the 10th instalment whereas the contention of the opp.parties is that the chitty was prized in the name of the complainant in the first instalment itself. However at the time of evidence PW.1 has admitted that the chitty was prized in his name in the first instalment itself. There is also no dispute that the complainant has not received the prized amount as he has not produced sufficient security. According to the the complainant was informed of the prizing of the chitty in his name when the complainant came for the remitting the 2 instalment of subscription, which is not disputed by the complainant also, and even after that since no security was furnished the amount was kept in a separate account by the It is further contended by the that the complainant neither receive the prize money producing sufficient security nor inform the that he does not require the prized amount nor any application for keeping the amount in the Fixed Deposit was also filed by the complainant It goes without saying that for depositing the amount in a fixed deposit necessary requests from the subscriber is necessary and PW.1 in cross examination at page No.3 has stated that he did not requests the to transfer the amount to the Fixed Deposit. So in these circumstances the can only retain the amount. It is also pertinent to point out that the complainant never inform the that he does not want the prize amount which he has admitted in cross examination at page No.3 To use his own words “1 h\d,A goe chukxx vj}julnk\ vj}jfkd Sin\m tr\rk Qgj]hkA eyB\Bj}jh\h\ ? Th\h So the opp.parties cannot be blamed for keeping the amount in a separate account. The has to pay the instalments of chitty to the persons infavour of whom the subsequent chittes are prized. According to the the complainant did not turn up till the termination of the chitty and after termination he has applied for refund of 10 instalments which he has remitted. As point out earlier there is no dispute that the complainant has remitted 10 instalments of chitty. According to the after prizing of the chitty in the name of the complainant a sum of Rs.95,000/- was required for payment of prize money to the subscribers in whose favour the chitty was prized subsequently whereas the prize money of the complainant was Rs.70,000/- only and therefore the amount remitted by the complainant has also to be appropriated for the same. The learned counsel for the complainant would argue that the name of the complainant was included in the draw without his consent and therefore the complainant is entitled to get back the amount deposited by him. As argued by the the complainant has no case in the complaint that his name was included in the bid without his permission and such a contention was advanced at the time of the argument which is not sustainable. According to the in the case of a defaulter after termination of the chitty if there was any balance amount it would be given to him. Since the complainant has been a prized subscriber and a defaulter he is entitled to get the amount remitted by him only if there is balance after payment of balance subscription. In cross examination the complainant admitted that the opp.parties had collected only the amount for the remaining instalments and dividend. To use own words vj}j akm]A igkf\fjufk\ akfH vj}j fJgkA isg Lmu\S]n\m fkdukA iJf ehjCukA alYfalnk\ TOml]juj}kxxfk\ tr\rk\ eyukr\rk; ? Cgjulnk\; rjuaegaluj Lmv\v fkd domj dj}lR LG<fujh\hlf\ffksdln\mlnk\ rHdlfjgkr\rfk\ ? Cgjulnk\ From the admission of the complainant it is clear that there is no deficiency in service on the part of the Therefore the complaint is not maintainable. Point found accordingly. In the result the complaint fails and the same is hereby dismissed. No costs. Dated this the 29th day of May, 2010. . I N D E X List of witnesses for the complainant. PW.1. – Wilson List of documents for the complainant P1. – chitty variyola List of witnesses for the :NIL List of documents for the NIL |