Mahaveer S Sarmagadum filed a consumer case on 11 May 2015 against The Liquidator. Om Ganesh Cr Sou Saha Ltd Nippani in the Belgaum Consumer Court. The case no is CC/29/2015 and the judgment uploaded on 12 May 2015.
(Order dictated by Smt. S.S.Kadrollimath, Member.)
U/s.12 of the C.P. Act, complainant has filed the complaint against the O.P. alleging deficiency in service of non payment of the amount of the lying in S.B. account.
2) The O.P. inspite of service of notice remained absent and placed exparte.
3) In support of the claim in the complaint, complainant has filed affidavit and original Passbook is produced by the complainant.
4) We have heard the arguments and perused the records.
5) Now the point for our consideration is that whether the complainant has proved deficiency in service on the part of the O.P. and entitled to the reliefs sought?
6) Our finding on the point is partly in affirmative, for the following reasons.
:: R E A S O N S ::
7) From the evidence on record it has been proved that in S.B. Account No.F335 or 8335 a sum of Rs.8,000/- balance as on 9/2/2011 was kept by the complainant in the O.P. society.
8) Grievance of the complainant is that inspite of the repeated requests the amount standing in S.B. Account was not paid and hence there is deficiency in service. These facts alleged in the complaint are stated by the complainant in the affidavit. Hence, deficiency in service is proved.
9) Taking in to consideration of various aspects and the decision of Hon’ble Apex Court reported in (2011) SCCR 268 and of the Hon’ble Apex Commission reported in 2013 (2) CPR 574 as well as other subsequent decisions absolutely it is just and necessary to impose cost on daily basis if order remains uncomplied within the period fixed for compliance of the order, so as to have feeling and pinch.
10) Accordingly, following order.
The complaint is partly allowed.
The O.P. represented by the Liquidator is hereby directed to pay a sum of Rs.8,000/- in respect of S.B. Account No. F335 or 8335 to the complainant with interest at the rate of 4% P.A. from 9/2/2011 till realization of the entire amount.
Further, the O.P. represented by the Liquidator is hereby directed to pay a sum of Rs.2,000/- to the complainant towards costs of the proceedings.
The order shall be complied within 30 days from the date of the order.
If the order is not complied within stipulated period, O.P. is hereby directed to pay a sum of Rs.50/- per day to the complainant from the date of disobedience of order, till the order is complied.
(Order dictated, corrected and then pronounced in the open Forum on: 11th day of May 2015)
Member Member President.
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