Pushpalatha filed a consumer case on 20 Mar 2008 against The General Manager in the Kolar Consumer Court. The case no is CC/07/275 and the judgment uploaded on 30 Nov -0001.
Pushpalatha - Complainant(s)
The General Manager - Opp.Party(s)
B.N.Dathathreya & Another
20 Mar 2008
THE DISTRICT CONSUMAR DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM No.419, Ist Floor,. H.N. Gowda Building, M.B.Road, Kolar-563101 consumer case(CC) No. CC/07/275
The General Manager
CC Filed on 06.11.2007 Disposed on 16.04.2008 BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KOLAR. Dated 16.04.2008 PRESENT: Sri. G.V.HEGDE, President. Sri. T.NAGARAJA, Member. Smt. K.G.SHANTALA, Member. --- Consumer Complaint No.275/2007 Smt. Pushpalatha, W/o Ramashankar, Businessmen, DVG Road, Bagepalli Town & Taluk, Chikkaballapur District. Complainant (By Advocate Sri. B.N.Dathathreya & Others) V/S 1. The Managing Director, The Kolar District Co-operative Central Bank Ltd., Kolar District, Kolar. 2. The Branch Manager, The Kolar District Co-operative Central Bank Ltd., Branch at Bagepalli, Bagepalli 561 207. Opposite Parties (By Advocate Sri. Bisappa Gowda & Others) ORDERS This is a complaint under section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 praying for a direction against the opposite parties to pay a sum of Rs.91,064/- to the complainant with current and future interest at 12% per annum from the date of complaint till the date of realization with costs etc., CC No.275/2007 2. The opposite party No.1 is a banking institution having its head office at Kolar and branches all over Kolar District. Opposite party No.2 is one of the branches situated at Bagepalli Town. Opposite party No.2 collected deposit from complainant, the particulars of which are as follows: Nature of Deposit Amount of Deposit in Rs. Date of Deposit Date of Maturity Rate of Interest per annum Maturity Amount in Rs. Ksheera Nidhi Deposit Sl. No.4032 40000 14.07.2001 14.07.2007 12% 81312 It is alleged by complainant that even after maturity of deposit the opposite parties failed to repay the amount inspite of repeated demands. 3. The opposite parties appeared through counsel. They admitted the receipt of deposit and the maturity value. They contended during argument that due to financial crises the deposit could not be repaid within time. Further they contended that under provisions of the Karnataka Co-operative Societies Act 1959, the present complaint is not maintainable. 4. We heard the learned counsel for parties and perused the records. The non-payment of deposit after its maturity by a banking institution for any reason amounts to deficiency in service. The contention of the opposite parties that the complaint is not maintainable under the provisions of Karnataka Co-operative Societies Act 1959, is not well founded. The complainant can approach this Forum for redressal of his grievance inspite of certain remedies available under the Karnataka Co-operative Societies Act 1959. CC No.275/2007 The subsequent interest may be awarded at 8% per annum on the maturity amount subsequent to the date of maturity. Separate compensation need not be awarded as interest is payable. 5. For the above reasons we pass the following: O R D E R The complaint is allowed with costs of Rs.1,000/-. The opposite parties shall pay Rs.81,312/- (Eighty One Thousand Three Hundred Twelve only) to complainant with interest at 8% per annum on the said amount from 15.07.2007 till the date of payment within 45 days from the date of this order. Dictated to the Stenographer, corrected and pronounced in open Forum this the 16th day of April 2008. MEMBER MEMBER PRESIDENT
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