Parri Ramanaiah, S/o Subbaramaiah filed a consumer case on 24 Feb 2016 against The Executive Officer, Sri Subramanyeswara Swamyvari Devasthanam in the Nellore Consumer Court. The case no is CC/83/2015 and the judgment uploaded on 16 Mar 2016.
Date of Filing :21-05-2015
Date of Disposal:24-02-2016
Wednesday, this the 24th day of February, 2016
PRESENT: Sri M. Subbarayudu Naidu, B.Com.,B.L.,LL.M.,President(FAC) & Member
Sri N.S. Kumara Swamy, B.Sc.,LL.B., Member.
Parri Ramanaiah, S/o.Subbaramaiah,
Hindu, Aged 62 years, Residing at Mallam Village,
Chittamuru Mandal, S.P.S.Nellore District. ..… Complainant
1. | The Executive Officer, Sri Subrahmanyeswara Swamyvari Devasthanam, Mallam Village, Chittamuru Mandal, S.P.S.Nellore District.
2. | The Tahsildear, Chittamuru Mandal, S.P.S.Nellore District. ..…Opposite parties
This complaint coming on 09-02-2016 before us for hearing in the presence of Sri Dama Prabhakar Rao, advocate for the complainant and opposite parties 1 and 2 are called absent and having stood over for consideration till this day and this Forum made the following:
This Complaint is filed under Section-12 of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 prays to direct the opposite parties to pay the damages and compensation of Rs.3,00,000/- at Rs.60,000/- per year for a period of 5 years; directing the 2nd opposite party to measure the extent and fix up the boundaries as per the challan paid by the complainant, costs and such other further reliefs.
2. The brief averments of the complaint that complainant is the successful bidder in the public auction conducted by the 1st opposite party for the lease hold rights of the land pertaining to an extent of Ac.3.32 cents of land in survey No.11 of Pittivanipalli Village, Chittamuru Mandal, S.P.S.Nellore District. The said lease hold rights is for a period of three years. Immediately after the auction was conducted, the complainant made a request to the 1st opposite party for handovering the physical possession of the above said land as there is boundary dispute with the adjoining land owners. The 1st opposite party did not respond to handover the said land but used to collect the maktha every year through the said land.
3. The 1st opposite party advised the complainant to approach the 2nd opposite party for measurement and fixing the boundaries. Accordingly, the complainant paid Rs.285/- under mee-seva receipt No.5028672, dated 03-01-2014 to the 2nd opposite party with a request to measure the land and fix the boundaries . On several requests made by the complainant, the 1st opposite party addressed a letter to the 2nd opposite party on 31-07-2014 requesting him to measure the extent and fix the boundaries. But both the parties failed to render their services. The complainant paid the requisite fees on 26-02-2015 though the said land was not handedover to the complainant but he paid maktha every year to the opposite party at Rs.11,500/-. In view of non-delivery of possession of the land, the complainant could not raise the paddy crop and did not get any income there from. An account of non-delivery of the land, the complainant sustained loss of Rs.60,000/- per year i.e., from the year 2010 to 2015 i.e., for a period of five years totaling Rs.3,00,000/- . Due to the non-payment of the said amount, the opposite parties are liable to reimburse the loss. Further, the complainant is a Consumer under Consumer Protection Act and this Forum has got jurisdiction to entertain the complaint. Hence, the complaint is filed for deficiency of service on the part of opposite parties.
4. The 1st and 2nd opposite parties called absent evnethough notices were received. No representation on their behalf and the case is proceeded with on merits.
5. The points for determination would be:
6. To substantiate the evidences on both sides, the complainant filed evidence on affidavit as PW1 and marked ExA1 to A5. On the other hand, the opposite parties called absent, no representation on their behalf. The complainant filed written arguments. Heard.
7. POINT No.1:From the records it is disclosed that the complainant participated in the auction of the lease hold rights of the land to an extent of Ac. 3.32 cents of land in Survey No.11 of Pittivanipalli Village, Chittamuru Mandal, S.P.S.R.Nellore District and became a successful bidder of the said lease hold rights of land for a period of three years. Since he is the highest bidder in the said auction, he made a request to the 1st opposite party to measure the said land and fix up the boundaries and to handover physical possession of the said land as there is a boundary dispute with the adjoining land owners. Since the 1st opposite party evaded to handover the said land he filed a case before this Forum for payment of compensation of Rs.3,00,000/- and directing the 2nd opposite party to measure the extent and fix up the boundaries as per challan paid by him and for costs.
8. It is an admitted fact that on seeing the letter dated 31-07-2014 written by 1st opposite party i.e., Executive Officer, Subrahmanyeswara Swamyvari Devasthanam, Mallam Village, Chittamuru Mandal, Nellore District which was addressed to the Tahasildar, Chittamuru Mandal, Nellore District wherein it was disclosed that the disputed land was knocked down in favour of complainant as he is the highest bidder in the public auction. Perused the records.
9. In order to avoid filing of the suit by paying court fee on the amount of damages claimed by the complainant, the complainant has approached this Forum and adopted a shortcut method of achieving his object of getting damages. The relationship of the parties are lessor and lessee. The transactions are bilateral transactions between the lessor and lessee, who are having certain duties and liabilities on their part as specified in Section-108 of Transfer of Property Act. The terms of lease are governed by lease deed. When any such terms of lease deed is violated the affected party can approach a civil court and to obtain appropriate relief for claiming damages. In this case for adjudication of the dispute between the parties, it requires elaborate evidence to decide the matter and the said dispute will be decided only by Civil Court. Further this Forum is trying the cases in a summary procedure. The above case is on hand is purely civil nature. The bilateral contract between lessor and lessee will not come under the purview and definition of Consumer Protection Act.
10. Instead of filing a civil suit for obtaining damages, the complainant filed this case before this Forum for damages since there is no relationship of Consumer and also no deficiency of service on the part of opposite parties, the present complaint lacks bonafidies. Accordingly, point No.1 is answered.
11. POINT No.2: In the result, the complaint is dismissed without costs.
Typed to the dictation to the Stenographer, corrected and pronounced by us in the open Forum, this the 24th day of February, 2016.
Sd/- Sd/-
Witnesses Examined for the complainant
P.W.1 - | 20-01-2016 | Sri Parri Ramanaiah, S/o.Subbaramaiah, Residing at Mallam Village, Chittamuru Mandal, S.P.S. Nellore District (Affidavit filed) |
Witnesses Examined for the opposite parties
Ex.A1 - | 03-01-2014 | Photocopy of original receipt in Transaction No.T1426927449 in favour of complainant .
Ex.A2 - | 26-02-2015 | Photocopy of mee-seva receipt in transaction No.TADER011500227373 in favour of complainant.
Ex.A3 - | - | Letter from complainant to the District Commissioner of Endowments, Nellore alongwith five speed post receipts.
Ex.A4 - | 31-07-2014 | Photocopy of letter No.NIL/2014 from 1st opposite party to the 2nd opposite party.
Ex.A5 - | - | Photocopy of R & E Form Nos.62, 88 and 27, dated 26-07-2000, 28-07-2014 and 11-11-2013 respectively in favour of complainant issued by 1st opposite party. |
Copies to:
1. | Sri Dama Prabhakar Rao, Advocate, Nellore.
2. | The Executive Officer, Sri Subrahmanyeswara Swamyvari Devasthanam, Mallam Village, Chittamuru Mandal, S.P.S.Nellore District.
3. | The Tahsildear, Chittamuru Mandal, S.P.S.Nellore District.
Date when free copy was issued:
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