Salil Baran Roy filed a consumer case on 19 Jul 2017 against The Director, Alchemist Township India Ltd. in the Paschim Midnapore Consumer Court. The case no is CC/22/2017 and the judgment uploaded on 21 Jul 2017.
Bibekananda Pramanik, President,
Pulak Kumar Singha, Member
Sagarika Sarkar, Member
Complaint Case No.22/2017
Salil Baran Roy, S/o-late Nimai Ratan Roy,
Vill, P.O. & P.S.-Goaltore,
Dist-Paschim Medinipur…..………Complainant
For the Complainant: Mr. Ashis Roy Chowdhury, Advocate.
For the O.P. : xxxxxxxxxxx
Decided on: - 19/07/2017
Pulak Kumar Singha, Member :
Complainant files this case u/s-12 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
In brief the case of the complainant is that the complainant was deposited a sum of Rs.1,00,000/- (One lakh) only to O.P. no.2 and against the said amount O.P. issued a certificate vide no.TA01139609 dated 10/07/2013 in favour of the complainant. O.P. no.1 assured that complainant would refund the amount received together with compensation
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depending upon appreciation in the value of real-estate which in any event shall not be less than Rs.2,00,000/- after three years two months on 19/07/2016 the complainant submitted original certificate to O.P. no.2 along with all relevant documents. But O.P. did not pay heed in respect of refund the matured amount. Finding no way the complainant appeared before this Forum for getting relief as per prayer of his complaint.
In spite of service of summons none of the O.P.s appeared nor contested the case. So, the case is heard ex-parte against O.P.s.
Decission with Reasons
We have perused the complaint documents and evidence of complainant, it appears that complainant had invested Rs.1,00,000/-(One lakh) only to O.P. no.2 in a fixed deposited scheme after receiving the amount O.P. no.1 issued certificate vide no. TA01139609 dated 10/07/2013 and assured that complainant will get Rs.2,00,000/-(Two lakh) together with compensation depending upon appreciation in value of Real Estate after three year two months. Accordingly on 19/07/2016 complainant submitted original certificate along with other relevant documents to O.P. no.2 for getting the matured amount. But after elapsed of stipulated period, O.Ps. did not pay heed to the claim of complainant. Complainant tried to his best effort to collect the money from O.Ps. but in vain. Finding no way the complainant approached before this Forum for getting releief as prayed for.
Complainant to prove his case submitted documents and evidence supported by affidavit on oath. But O.Ps. did not contest the case. The case is heard ex-parte against O.Ps. So, the evidence of complainant remain uncontravened and unchallenged. The activity of O.Ps. proved that they are negligent and deficient in service for which the complainant has been suffering mental pain and financial loss.
In view of the discussions here in above we think that O.Ps. are negligent and deficient in rendering service to the complainant for such complainant is entitled to get relief as prayed for.
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Thus the complaint case succeeds.
Hence, it is,
That the complaint case be and the same is allowed ex-parte against O.Ps.
O.Ps are directed jointly or severally to pay Rs.2,00,000/-(Rupees two lakh) only with interest @ 9% from 19/07/2016 and to pay Rs.10,000/-(Ten thousand) only compensation for harassment, mental pain.
O.Ps. are further directed to pay Rs.2,000/-(Rupees two thousand) only as litigation cost to the complainant within stipulated period.
Failure to comply O.Ps. shall be liable to pay Rs.200/- (Rupees two hundred) only per month to the Legal Aid account to this Forum till date of full realization.
Dictated and Corrected by me
Sd/- P.K. Singha Sd/- S. Sarkar Sd/-B. Pramanik.
Member Member President
District Forum
Paschim Medinipur
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