Bibekananda Pramanik, President – This consumer complaint under section 12 of C.P. Act.,1986 has been filed by the complainant Sawar Mal Surekha against the above named O.Ps. alleging deficiency in service on their part.
Complainant’s case in brief is as follows :-
The complainant invested a sum of Rs.13,000/- in fixed deposit scheme with the O.p. on 29/06/2015 vide fixed deposit certificate no.304007015542 and as per the said certificate, after 1(one) year the complainant will get redemption value of Rs.14,950/- from the O.ps. After expiry of said redemption period of 1 year the complainant went to O.p. no.1 for depositing all original papers relating to his certificate but the O.p. no.1 did not receive the same although he assured the complainant that he will issue a necessary cheque to the complainant very shortly. Unfortunately, O.ps. did not pay the redemption value of the certificate, for which the complainant by sending a letter on 07/02/2018 requested the O.ps. to make payment of the said amount.
In spite receipt of the said letter, the O.ps. paid nothing to the complainant. Hence the complaint.
All the O.ps. appeared in this case and they prayed for time for filing w.v. but subsequently on the date fixed, O.ps. did not appear to contest this case. Hence the ex-parte hearing.
It is to be mentioned here that during the pendency of this case the complainant Sarar Mal Surekha died and his legal heirs have been substituted as complainant no. 1(a) to 1(f) respectively.
Point for decision
Is the complainant entitled to get the reliefs as prayed for?
Decision with reasons
To prove their case, the added complainant no. 1(e) Madhusudhan Surekha has tendered his written examination-in-chief supported by affidavit on behalf of himself and other added complainants. He has also produced all necessary documents in support of his case.
We have gone through the said evidence of the complainants and the documents filed by them and found that the complainants invested a sum of Rs.13,000/- in the fixed deposit scheme of the O.ps. and as per said scheme after expiry of 1(one) year the O.ps. failed and neglected to pay the redemption value of Rs.14,950/- to the complainant. So in view of the said evidence of the complainants, remaining un-challenged, it is held that the complainants’ case is proved and they are entitled to get the reliefs as prayed for. Hence,
it is,
O r d e r e d
that the complaint case no.171/2018 is allowed ex-parte with cost against all the O.ps. O.ps. are jointly and severally directed to pay to the complainants the redemption value of Rs.14,950/- of the fixed deposit scheme with interest @8% per annum with effect from 29/06/2016 till full payment. O.ps. are further directed to pay to the complainants a sum of Rs.5,000/- as compensation and a sum of Rs.3,000/- as litigation cost.
All such payment shall be made by the O.ps. to the complainants within 2(two) months from the date of this order.
Let plain copy of this order be given to the complainants free of cost.
Dictated & corrected by me.
( Bibekananda Pramanik)
President, D.C.D.R.F.,