West Bengal

Uttar Dinajpur


Binay Kumar Agarwala - Complainant(s)


The Assistant Engineer - Opp.Party(s)

Biswarup Majumder

22 Apr 2024


Before the Honorable
Uttar Dinajpur Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Super Market Complex, Block 1 , 1st Floor.
P.O and P.S Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur,Pin 733134,
West Bengal
Complaint Case No. CC/24/23
( Date of Filing : 08 Apr 2024 )
1. Binay Kumar Agarwala
S/o: Late Gangadhar Agarwala, Vill.: Ukilpara, P.O. & P.S.: Raiganj,
Uttar Dinajpur
West Bengal
1. The Assistant Engineer
W.B.S.E.D.C.L., Birnagar CCC, Raiganj,
Uttar Dinajpur
West Bengal
2. The Divisional Engineer
W.B.S.E.D.C.L., Raiganj,
Uttar Dinajpur
West Bengal
PRESENT:Biswarup Majumder, Advocate for the Complainant 1
Dated : 22 Apr 2024
Final Order / Judgement

Today is fixed for admission hearing.

Ld. Advocate for the complainant is present, submit documents with list & moves the complaint petition.

Heard & perused the documents.

Admittedly, complainant Binay Kumar Agarwala is not a consumer of W.B.S.E.D.C.L. It is also admitted that his father Gangadhar Agarwala (since deceased) & Elder Brother Durga Datta Agarwala (since deceased) were the consumer of W.B.S.E.D.C.L.


It appears that correspondences of Gangadhar Agarwala were dated 06.10.2015, 28.12.2015 & 18.02.2016 subsequent correspondences dated 06.09.2016, 17.02.2023, 28.02.2023, 28.07.2023 were submitted for Gangadhar Agarwala & Durga Datta Agarwala (perhaps since deceased). Electric bill in name of Gangadhar Agarwala with payment receipt & bill of Durga Datta Agarwala were of the year of 2022 & 2015.


Since the complainant is not a consumer under the W.B.S.E.D.C.L I am of the opinion that he has locus standai to lodge the consumer complaint against W.B.S.E.D.C.L


Hence, it is

O r d e r  e d


that the complaint registered as C.C-23/2024 be and the same is rejected.


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