


Narahari Sahoo - Complainant(s)


Sub Post Master,Chainpal Sub Post Office & others - Opp.Party(s)


28 Jun 2023


Complaint Case No. CC/44/2016
( Date of Filing : 23 Aug 2016 )
1. Narahari Sahoo
vill-Chainpal,P.O-Chainpal colony,Angul
1. Sub Post Master,Chainpal Sub Post Office & others
2. Post Master, Head Post Office, Angul
At/P.O./P.S./Dist. Angul, PIN-759122.
3. Superintendent of Post Offices, Dhenkanal Division
At/P.O./P.S./Dist.-Dhenkanal, PIN-759001
4. Regional Post Master General, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur
AT/P.O/P.S/Dist.- Sambalpur, PIN-768001
5. Chief Post Master General, (Odisha),Office of the CPMG
Bhubaneswar,P.S- Kharvel Nagar, UNIT-III, Dist.-Khurda, PIN-751001.
6. Directorate of Postal Life Insurance
Chanakyapuri P.O-Complex, First Floor, New Delhi- India, PIN-110021.
 HON'BLE MR. Saroj Kumar Sahoo PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MS. Sasmita Kumari Rath MEMBER
Dated : 28 Jun 2023
Final Order / Judgement

Sri S.K.Sahoo,President.

            Sri Narhari Sahoo  the  complainant has filed  the present  complaint against the opp.parties U/s. 12 of  C.P.Act,1986.

2.       The case of the  complainant is that he  being  a  bonafide resident  of Chainpal Colony  had  opened  a  rural postal life insurance policy  with opp.party No.1 on 29.03.2008 . The sum assured was Rs.1,00,000.00 and  the premium was Rs.1225.00 per month. The  policy number was R-OR-EA-6601.It  was  to be  matured in the  month of  February,2015. Annexure  A is the photo copy of  the said  policy. The  complainant started paying  monthly premium  to opp.party No.1 from march, 2008 to May, 2009  without  any  break . Although the  complainant  obtained the policy in the year, 2008 the opp.parties  did not  issue the  policy bond till 18.01.2010. On 18.01.2010 the opp.party No.3 supplied  the  policy bond and  premium receipt book  for  incorporation of  premium  payment details .Annexure- B is the  photo copy of the premium receipt  book. As the  complainant  received the premium receipt book from opp.party No.3  during the  month of January, 2010  he requested  the opp.party No.1  to entered the  premium deposits particulars from March, 2008 to January, 2010 . The opp.party No.1  did not make  the  necessary entry for the  aforesaid period but  made  necessary entries regarding payment  from June, 2009 onwards. The  complainant has paid all the premiums  from the  date of  commencement of the policy till its maturity in the  month of February, 2015. On 09.04.2015  the complainant  submitted all the required documents including original policy bond and an application to opp.party No.3 for payment of the maturity value. All of  a  sudden the  complainant received a letter dtd. 13.04.2015 from the opp.party No.3  that the complainant has not deposited  the premium from April,2008  to May, 2009  and  asked for  submission of  the premium paid receipts for the  aforesaid period . Annexure-C is the  photo copy of the said  letter of opp.party No.3.On receipt  of the said letter  the complainant  intimated to opp.party No.3 by letter dtd. 17.06.2015 that the receipts are not  available with him. However, again on 01.07.2015 the  opp.party No.3 issued  a letter  to opp.party No.1 & 2 regarding  payment of premium from April,2008 to May, 2009 and  also called for  the record.  Although the policy was matured  in February,2015 there was no  prior intimation to the  complainant  regarding payment   of the  maturity value. It is the duty of the insurer informed  about the maturity value one month prior to such maturity .No action was  taken  for  about  fourteen months  by  the opp.parties for  payment of the maturity value and on 02.06.2016 the opp.party No.2 has sanctioned  a wrong  maturity value of Rs.1,02,292.00 . Annexure-D  is the  photo copy of the said letter  of  opp.party No.2. The  complainant has   paid an amount of Rs.1,02,555.00 towards  premium. The opp.party No.2  after lapse of  fourteen months  calculated the  maturity value at Rs.1,02,292.00 (maturity value + bonus) which is  wrong. The opp.party No.2  has cheated the  complainant. On 28.06.2016 the  complainant  wrote  a letter  to opp.party No.1 to 5  for supply  of  calculation sheet  of  the  settlement of the maturity value. Annexure- E is  the  photo copy of the said  letter and Annexure- E1 is  the  photo copy of the postal receipt. The bonus  for  endowment  programme of  Rural Postal Insurance Scheme is  Rs.55.00 for every Rs.1000.00  sum assured  ,if the policy term   exceeds ten years. The applicable  bonus would be Rs.52.00 per Rs.1000.00 .If the  policy term is less than ten years. The maturity  amount  should be settled within thirty days  from the date of maturity . The opp.parties  have caused delay more than fourteen months for payment of the matured  amount under the  policy by adopting unfair trade practice. They have also paid less maturity  value. All the  opp.parties are  jointly  and severally liable for the  claim of the  complainant.

3.       Notice was issued to opp.party No.2 by this office  who received in person. All other notices were issued to the opp.party No.1,3,4,5 & 6 through Regd. Post with  A.D. The A.D of  opp.party No.1  and 5 are available in the case record. The notices  issued to opp.party No.3,4 & 6  neither returned nor  A.D is backed .So it is presumed  that  notice has been duly served on those  opp.parties in view  of  Section-27 of General Clauses Act. The opp.party No.3  filed  his  written statement  on 01.10.2016 .

4.       The case  of the opp.party  No.3 is that  opp.party Nop.4 to 6  are his  higher authority and opp.party No.1 & 2 are working under him , for which he is  competent to file  written statement on behalf  of  all. It  is  a fact that the  complainant has obtained a   Rural Postal Life Insurance bearing policy No. R-OR-EA- 6601 and the sum assured was Rs.1,00,000.00. The date of  acceptance of the  policy was 29.03.2008 and  maturity was  on 29.03.2015 .The  complainant  had applied  for  sanction of  maturity value to SPOs Dhenkanal division  on 09.04.2015 . On scrutiny of the  premium receipt book it  was found that the premium deposit  particulars for the  period April,2008 to May, 2009  are  not  mentioned  in the premium book receipt. So  the  complainant was requested   by letter dtd.13.05.2015  for  submission of the information regarding the  missing entry. The  complainant in his reply submitted that he has  lost  the premium paid receipts and thereafter the office of  the  opp.party No.3  requested to  Post Master, Angul H.O  for verification   of the deposit particulars. In reply to  such letter  the Post Master, Angul informed  that there is  no such information with  him. In the  mean while  Angul head Office rolled out a new platform i.e Mc Camish Software on 16.11.2015 which is  operated at head post office level. The maturity  case of the  complainant was sent  Post Master,Angul H.O on 07.01.2016 for  further  processing at their end. The C.P.C,Angul H.O indexed the policy for  maturity on 15.01.2016 after receipt of  documents  from SPOs ,Dhenkanal. As there was discrepancies in the  premium receipt book the  Postmaster ,Angul H.O has sought for instruction from opp.party No.3 on 19.02.2016  the maturity  value  was sanctioned by deducting the unpaid premium amount along with interest for  the period  April,2008 to May, 2009. The Postmaster, Angul H.O deducted an amount  of Rs.32,708.00 towards unpaid premium  and paid the sanctioned  amount to the  complainant, who received the  same. The opp.party No.3  has prayed for  dismissal of the  complaint.

5.       Perused the  documents  filed by the  complainant  and the complaint petition which has been  supported with affidavit. It is  clear from the materials on record that the  complainant has  obtained  an insurance  policy from the  opp.parties on 29.03.2008 and paid  monthly  premium  of Rs.1225.00 . It is also  not  disputed  that the maturity  value of the said   policy was Rs.1,00,000.00  which is to be matured in the  month of February, 2015. It is  alleged by the opp.parties that the complainant  has not  paid the premium from the month of March, 2008 to January, 2010  . It is  admitted that the  complainant  failed to supply the  necessary documents  to the opp.parties regarding payment of the premium for the  aforesaid  period. As  the  complainant has not paid the premium for the aforesaid period  he is not entitled  to get  the  aforesaid  amount . From the  written statement  filed by the complainant  it is  that  the  complainant  has received an amount of Rs.1,02,292.00  from the opp.parties towards the maturity value. The opp.parties have  rightly deducted an amount of Rs.32,708.00  from the  maturity  value and  paid the rest amount  to the  complainant. However on 09.09.2017 the  complainant has received  an amount of Rs.1,02,292.00 from the  opp.parties in  presence  of  the  Learned Advocate engaged by him in this  case. As the  complainant has received  the  aforesaid  amount  without  any objection  it is  admitted that he has  accepted the  amount towards full and final settlement  of  his  claim. It is also clear from the  materials on record that the  complainant  is entitled for  the aforesaid  amount  after deducting  the unpaid premiums. He is  not entitled for  anything more. 

6.       Hence order :-

: O R D E R :

          The case be and the same is dismissed on contest against the opp.party No.3 and exparte against  opp.party No.1,2,4,5 & 6.

[HON'BLE MR. Saroj Kumar Sahoo]
[HON'BLE MS. Sasmita Kumari Rath]

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