Fixed for hearing of Amendment petitions dated 26-09-2016 and dated 02-03-2017 filed by Complainant.
Ld. Advocate for both sides file this respective hajiras.
Let both the amendment petitions be registered as Misc. Case no.30 of 2017 and Misc. Case no.31 of 2017 respectively.
Both the Misc. Cases are taken up for hearing.
Heard. Perused both the amendment petitions. It appears that proposed amendment hearing for relating to subsequent event.
So, we like to allow the fact.
Hence, it is
That both the Misc. Case No.30 of 2017 & 31 of 2017 are allowed on contest.
Amend the petition of Complainant & registered accordingly.
Complainant is directed to subsequent amendment petition of complaint on the date fixed.
Thus both the Misc. Cases are hereby disposed of.
Fix 12-09-2017 for amendment petition of complaint & W.V.
Fixed for show cause by Complainant