


Sh. Jagjit Singh Malik - Complainant(s)


Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd. - Opp.Party(s)

Shri Sandeep Malik

12 May 2023


Complaint Case No. CC/42/2023
( Date of Filing : 01 Feb 2023 )
1. Sh. Jagjit Singh Malik
S/o Sh. Charan Singh resident of Village Nimbari Tehsil & District Panipat, Haryana (aged 41 years, Aadhar No. 8785-5893-4902)
1. Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.
through its Manager/ Authorized person 930/8, RJ Tower, 2nd Floor, G.T. Road, Opp. I.B. College, Panipat.
2. Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.
through its Manager/ Authorized person registered and corporate office 15, Sri Balaji Complex, 1st Floor, Whites Lane, Royapettah, Chennai-600014.
  Dr. J.R. Chauhan PRESIDENT
  Smt. Anita Dahiya MEMBER
  Dr. Suman Singh MEMBER
Complainant in person alongwith Sh. Sandeep Malik, Advocate for complainant.
......for the Complainant
Sh. Pratik Duhan, Advocate for opposite parties/respondents.
......for the Opp. Party
Dated : 12 May 2023
Final Order / Judgement

Learned counsel for the Ops on 10.05.2023 has made a statement that the matter has been compromised with the complainant for an amount of Rs.35,000/- (Rupees Thirty Five Thousand Only) as full and final settlement of the claim and settled amount shall be paid  within 60 days from the receipt of copy of this order.

                   Complainant also made a statement that he has read and heard the above-mentioned statement given by learned counsel for the OPs and agreed to receive an amount of Rs.35,000/- (Rupees Thirty Five Thousand Only) as full and final settlement of the claim. He further stated that he does not want to pursue the case and withdraws the present complaint being compromised.


                   Statement of both the parties recorded separately. According to that, the matter has been full & final settled for Rs.35,000/- (Rupees Thirty Five Thousand Only). The Ops are directed to make payment to the complainant within 60 days from the receipt of copy of this order failing to which complainant shall be entitled to interest @9% per annum from the institution of this complaint till realization.  

                   Keeping in view the statement made by complainant duly identified by his counsel, the present complaint stands dismissed as withdrawn being compromised.

                   Copy of this order be supplied to both the parties free of costs and file be consigned after due compliance.

[ Dr. J.R. Chauhan]
[ Smt. Anita Dahiya]
[ Dr. Suman Singh]

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