Order No.: 02
Date: 20.01.2021
Complainant is present through Ld. Lawyer.
OPs are also present through their Ld. Lawyer.
Today is fixed for hearing of IA/1/2021.
The instant IA case relates to an application for amendment.
Heard both sides.Considered.
It appears , Allahabad Bank has been renamed as Indian Bank and amendment is fought to that effect.
The amendment will not change the nature and character of the complaint petition it is also required for the effective adjudication of the case.
IA is accordingly allowed .
Complainant to file amended petition of complaint by the date fixed.
Ld. Lawyer for the OP files a written statementin view of the amended written statement let it be accepted.
Fix 19.02.2021 for filing amended petition and written version by the OP 2.
IA/41/2020 is thus disposed of.