


Sri Bansidhar Senapati - Complainant(s)


Sri Manunath Sethy, Dist. Treasury Officer,Angul - Opp.Party(s)


28 Nov 2017


Complaint Case No. CC/68/2016
1. Sri Bansidhar Senapati
At-Chandan Nagar,Kosala, P.O-Kosala,P.S-Chendipada,Dist-Angul
1. Sri Manunath Sethy, Dist. Treasury Officer,Angul
 HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick MEMBER
 HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty MEMBER
For the Complainant:
For the Opp. Party:
Dated : 28 Nov 2017
Final Order / Judgement



       PRESENT:- SRI  DURGA CHARAN MISHRA.                          


                                                             A N D


                                     Smt.Sunanda Mallick &Sri K.K.Mohanty,

                                         MEMBERS .


                              Consumer Complaint No. 68 of 2016


                                         Date  of  Filling : - 11.11.2016.

                                                 Date  of  Order  :-  28.11.2017.


 Sri Bansidhar Senapati,S/O.Chandranmani Senapathi,

At- Chandan Nagar,Kopsala,P.o.Kosala,P.S:-




  1. Sri Manunath Sethy,District Treasury Officer,


  1. Sri Lalit Kumar Patra,Branch Manager,

For the complainant     :-  Sri U.S.Mishra & associates(Advs.)

For the opp.party No.1:-   Govt.Pleader.

For the opp.party No.2:-  Sri R.P.Pattanaik & associates (Advs.)


                                           : J U D G E M E N T   :

Sri D. C. Mishra, President.

          The  petitioner has filed this  case  with prayer to pay him the arrear amount  after properly fixing  his pay as per  6th Pay Commission report w.e.f 1.1.2006 on the  grounds stated therein.

2.       The  complainant’s case runs thus :-

          That after  completing 35 years of  service  the  complainant  retired on superannuation and  his  pension was fixed at Rs.3063.00 per month  as because his  pay was Rs. 6125.00 .It is averred  that due to  implementation of report of 6th Pay Commission w.e.f 1.1.2006  his  pension was revised to Rs.6922.00  per month   basing upom his previous pension  of Rs. 3063.00 per month. On 6.2.2009  the  pesion of the  complaiant was revised to Rs. 3800.00 per month w.e.f  1.1.2006 as per  Finance  Deptt. letter No. 6575 dt. 6.2.2009 .The  complaint has  specifically averred that his pension has been revised  by the  Principal Accountant  General ( A & E ) Orissa,Bhubaneswar  from 1.1.2006  to be Rs. 3,800.00 per  month ,for which the  revised pension w.e.f 1.1.2006 should  be  calculated ,taking his  pension to be Rs 3800.00  per  month  but the opp.parties did not pay any heed  and  continuing to  make payment  fixing  his  revised  pension basing on old pension of Rs. 3063.00 per  month. Therefore, he has filed  this  case, seeking  the  reliefs as already stated above in Para- 1 above.

3.       Both the opp.parties  have  contested the  case  by filing  separate  written versions with prayer to dismiss the case  as  not   maintainable  and without  any  merit.

4.       In view of the rival  pleadings  of the parties  the  following  issues arise   for  consideration :-

(i)       Whether the  case is  maintainable  at this  late  stage  or        not ?

(ii)      Whether  there  is  consumer  and  service  provider               relationship  between the complainant  and the                      opp.parties ?

(iii)     To what reliefs the  petitioner is  entitled to ?

: I S S U E S :

Issue No.(i):-

        From the  repeated  letters submitted by the complainant  to the opp.parties  as well  as to the A.G (A&E) Orissa ,Bhubaneswar who is  the  final  pension  sanctioning  authority  it is  presumed  that the  petitioner  is continuously  making efforts to   get his  dues. So  his  case is not  barred  by limitation  or  any  other  law and  it is  maintainable .

Issue No.(ii):-      Opp.party No.1  is   the  pension  sanctioning authority  and opp.party No.2 is  the  pension disbursing authority,where as the A.G (A & )  Orissa is  the  final authority  for payment of  pension. After  getting  representation  of the petitioner  Banshidhar Senapati  and  clarification letters of opp.party No.1 (District Treasury Officer,Angul), the O/O Principal  ,A.G (A & E ) Orissa Bhubaneswaer  has  clarified  vide  letter No. PRC-3/191802/11-12/14-15/ PRC-D.O.No. 62 dt.20.10.2014  that  the  revised   pension of  the  complainant  has been  fixed @ Rs. 3800.00 per  month  w.e.f 1.1.2006. Since the  previous  pension of the  complainant was  fixed at Rs. 3,800.00 w.e.f 1.1.2006 , his revised pension should be  fixed  accordingly. The relevant   portion of the  clarification letter o O/O.Principal Accountant General (A & E ) Odisha ,Bhubaneswar is extracted  below :-

“With reference to the letter  numbers cited  above ,I am  to say that Sri Bansidhar Senapati has been authorized  revised pension  and  family pension @Rs.3,800.00 + T.I in term of G.O.,F.D letter No. 6575 –Pen-181/2008-F dt.6.2.2009 respectively ,subject to payment of consolidated pension/family pension payable with effect from 01.01.2006  as per Para-4 of G.O,F.D,O.M No. Pen-181/08-3667/F dated19.01.2009 i.e  pension @ 6922/- + T.I (enhanced) and  family pension @ Rs.4,154/- + T.I ( normal rate) to be worked out by the Disbursing Officer,i.e Treasury Officer,District Treasury,Angul and the said  revision of pension/family pension authority  issued  vide this office letter No. 8105-8107 dated 30.6.2011”.

Thus it is  clear that less pension i.e  basing  on  pre-revised pension of Rs. 3063.00  is now  given  to the  complainant  but the  highest  pension sanctioning authority  has  authorized    pre-revised pension of Rs. 3,800.00  per  month. Therefore, the  pensioner is  entitled  to get the arrear  amount   w.e.f 1.1.2006 .When the  amount is  due  and   the highest  pension sanctioning  authority have  passed it, the opp.parties are  only  to carry out   it  but they have  blocked the amount of the  complainant. Thus, there is  consumer and service  provider relationship  between the parties.

          The  petitioner has  relied on the  decision reported  in “2004(2) CJD (S.C) 88” where in it has been held that :-

  “ A- consumer Protection Act,1985- The Act  has  a wide  reach and  the  authorities have jurisdiction  even in cases  of service rendered by statutory and  public  authorities-Such authorities become liable  to  compensate  for  misfeasance  in  public office i.e  an act which  is  oppressive   or  capricious  or  arbitrary  or  negligent  provided loss  or injury is suffered by  a citizen”.


He has also relied upon  another  decision  reported in  “C.D No. 112 of 1990”,Jaya Krushna Samal Vrs. State of Orissa & others. where in it  has been held that :-

“Consumer Protection Act, 1986- Section 2 (1)(d)-Consumer-Complainant executed work  for State Government  on food  for work  programme-Claim  for damages on account of  negligence  on the part of State Govt. employees in rendering  necessary  services  to  complainant-Whether  complainant  is a consumer- Yes.

Held:- Those who are  employed by the State Government are governed  under Articles 309,310 and 311  of the Constitution. They  are paid by the State Government. Payment  to officers of the State Government  is not  gratuitous. They  are  expected to render their services. Where such services are in relation  to State Government only without  any third  party involved, such third party is  not a consumer. Where, however, a third party becomes the  beneficiary of such service  by an employee, State Government  having  paid  for the  service  for  benefit  of the  third party, such  third party  is  a consumer. When State Government  has  entrusted the duty for payment  for the  work done to the third party ,deficiency in service  of  such  employees  can be  made  a grievance. Non-payment  or delayed payment  is  a deficiency  in service. Accordingly, this redressal forum has  jurisdiction to entertain the  complaint. Besides, meaning  of “service” in the Act is  wide and  includes  any service”.

In the present  case  the opp.party No.1  being a govt.servant  and opp.party No.2  being  a Bank Manager have  neglected  in due  discharge  of their  duties. So  as per  the above  decisions there  is  consumer and  service  provider relationship  between the parties.

Issue No.(iii):-      Since the revised pension has been  fixed calculating  upon old pension of Rs. 3063.00 per  month   but the  Principal, Accountant General (A & E ) Odisha, has revised the old pension to be Rs.3800.00 per month w.e.f 1.1.2006 ,the revised pension of the complainant  as per 6th Pay Commission report should be  calculated  basing  on pension of Rs. 3800.00 per month. The new  revised pension  w.e.f 1.1.2006 would be Rs.3800.00  X 186% + 40% T.I  which will be  around Rs. 8588.00  per month  but  he  has been paid @ Rs. 6922.00  per month. Therefore, the  complainant  is entitled  to  get  the  differential  amount  and  subsequent  enhanced T.I. Since  the  petitioner  retired  from  service   from 31.1.2004  and his   pension has  been revised  w.e.f 1.1.2006  he is  not  entitled  to  get any  arrear  on gratuity  and  commutated value of  pension.

5.    Hence  the order :-


: O R D E R :

       The opp.parties  are directed  to  calculate the revised  pension of the  complainant basing on  his monthly pension @ Rs. 3,800.00 per  month  w.e.f 1.1.2006 and pay  the arrear amount  along with  subsequent  enhanced T.I  till  date  within 45 days   of getting this order. In case of  any  violation of this  order, the opp.parties  shall pay interest @ 12%  per annum  to the   complainant from 46th day of  getting  this order  besides getting other  penalties  provided in the Act.

                                                               Order delivered in the open forum

today the  28th   Novembery,2017 with hand   and seal of this Forum.

Typed to my dictation

and corrected by me                                            Sd/-

                                                                          (Sri D. C. Mishra)

 Sd/-                                                                             President.       

  (Sri D. C. Mishra)                                                             

         President .


Sd/-                                                                                     (Sri K.K.Mohanty),

(Smt.S.Mallick)                                                                Member.  






[HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra]
[HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick]
[HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty]

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