Heard Mr. R.J. Das, learned counsel, appearing for the appellant. Also heard Mr. M. Kataki, learned counsel, appearing for the respondent.
Considering the facts and circumstances of the case, during the hearing of the matter on the last date, the Commission had opined that there was scope of amicable settlement between the parties in this matter. Accordingly, the parties had sought for adjournment on the last date.
Today, a joint petition dated 29-5-2017 has been filed by both the parties, stating therein that they have amicably settled the matter and the present appeal be disposed of accordingly.
In view of the settlement arrived at between the parties, present appeal No. F.A. 9/11 stands disposed of being settled.
Both the parties shall be bound by the terms of the settlement.
The application dated 29-5-2017 shall form part of the record.
Statutory amount of Rs. 25,000/- deposited by the appellant shall be returned to the appellant or their authorised agent.
Send back the original record along with a copy of this order to the District Forum.