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Jitendra Shaha V/s Sanjay Khankari चा आधार घेतला आहे.Learned counsel for the appellant brought to our notice that Liquidator is appointed on respondent bank vide order No.URB/D- 4/P.K.Anna P.Bank/Liquidation/2009/111 dated 3 Liquidator`s name is Shri.Sopan Shinde, Dist.Dy. Registrar,Cooperative Societies, Nandurbar,Dist.Nandurbar, who is to conduct the affairs of the said bank as per the powers exercisable U/s1 05 of Maharashtra Cooperative Act 1960. Appointment is U/s 110-A(ii) of Maharashtra Co.operative Societies Act, 1960. Learned counsel for the appellant brought to our notice the judgment of National Commission in Revision Petition 2528/2006 & others in case Reserve Bank of India –Vs- Eshwarappa & Anr. reported in 1 (2008) CPJ 30(NC). Hon`ble National Commission observed that; rd January 2009.“Considering the aforesaid situation, there is no alternative but to direct the Liquidator to abide by the final order passed by the Consumer Fora, namely, the District Forum or the State Commission and to make 6 ŸÖÎúÖ¸ü Îú.201/2010 payment of the amount which is crystallised by the said Fora, within a period of six weeks from today”. 5. Dist.Dy.Registrar has been appointed as Liquidator of Shri.P.K.Anna Patil Sahakari Bank to conduct affairs of the bank. As per ratio in Eshwarappa`s case when the Liquidator is appointed against sick institution, the Liquidator is whole and sole controlling agent of the property of the said Sanstha. It is for him to disburse the liability of the loan or any of the liability etc. against the receipt realized from the property of the said Sanstha. It also be mentioned that non-bailable warrant had been issued against appellant No.2. In view of ratio in Eshwarappa`s case(Supra) order issuing warrant against appellant Purushottam Patil is hereby quashed and set aside. Order dated 05.02.2009 passed by District Forum is hereby quashed and set aside and respondent No.1 is directed to approach Liquidator for the satisfaction of the liability from the assets of the bank. It is apparent from above that Shri.Sopan Shinde,तसेच मा र-वंZ ंईसाइ -व द राज\ी राजकु मार चौधरB या Vय ाियक ]E टांताम य े पढु Bल 5माणे मत <य त के ले आहे As has been recorded above, I am of the view that a society registered under the provision of Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act against and a complaint under the provision of Consumer Protection Act is entertain able against the society, the Directors or members of the managing committee cannot be held responsible in view of the scheme of Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act. To hold the Directors of the banks/members of the managing committee of the societies responsible, without observing the procedure prescribed under the Act, would also be against the principles of co the co 1960 , although can be proceeded-operation, which is the very foundation of establishment of-operative societies.14. िनयु ती झालेली असC यामुळे र क म दे याची जबाबदारB अवसायक यांची आहे असे आ? हांस वाटते. 9 यामुळे -व द प" .2 ते 15 यांना र क म दे यास वैय तीक Lर9 या जबाबदार ठर-वता येणार नाहB. ? हणून मुा .4 चे उ9 तर आ? हB वरBल 5माणे देत आहोत. वरBल V याियक ]E टांतातील त9 व पाहता, -व द प" बँकेवर देखील अवसायक ाची7 15. ´Öã§üÖ Îú.5. ŸÖÎúÖ¸ü¤üÖ¸ü μOOO−ß ¤üÖÖ»Ö êú»Öê»μOO ´Öã¤üŸ šü¾Ö ¯ÖÖ¾ÖŸßŸß»Ö ¾μOO•ÖÃÖÆü ÆüÖê+ÖÖ¸üß ¸üOEú´Öबँकेक डून ×¾Ö¹ý¬¤ü ¯ÖÖ ×¾Ö¹ý¬¤ü μOO ´ÖÓ“ÖŸ ¤üÖ¤ü ´ÖÖ÷ÖÖ¾Öß »ÖÖ÷Ö»Öß †Æêü ŸμOO´Öãôêû ´ÖÖ−×ÃÖú ¡ÖÖÃÖ ÃÖÆü− ú¸üÖ¾ÖÖ »ÖÖ÷Ö»Öê»ÖÖ †Æêü ¾Ö †•Ô ¤üÖÖ»Ö ú¸ü+μOOAOOšs Ö“ÔÆüß ú¸üÖ¾ÖÖ »ÖÖ÷Ö»Öê»ÖÖ †Æêü. 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