This miscellaneous application has been filed by the applicant for release of amount of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only), deposited towards mandatory deposit in First Appeal No. 193 of 2012; Sh. Sayeed Ahmed Vs. Sh. Shivcharan Singh Bhandari.
Consumer complaint No. 19 of 2010; Sh. Shivcharan Singh Bhandari Vs. Sh. Sayeed Ahmed, was decided by the District Forum, Dehradun vide judgment and order dated 26.11.2012, against which First Appeal No. 193 of 2012 was preferred, which was dismissed vide judgment and order dated 08.02.2017 passed by this Commission.
Execution application No. 53 of 2017; Sh. Shivcharan Singh Bhandari Vs. Sh. Sayeed Ahmed, was filed for realization of the decretal amount. According to order dated 08.07.2019 passed by the District Forum, the decretal amount has been deposited by the applicant and execution application has been dismissed in full satisfaction.
Considering the aforesaid facts and circumstances of this case, let the aforesaid amount of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only), deposited towards mandatory deposit, be released in favour of the applicant.
Let the file be consigned.