Case is called out.
None is present on behalf of the appellants. No adjournment application has also been moved on behalf of the appellants.
Following order was passed by this Commission on 19.10.2022:
“Case is called out.
None is present on behalf of the appellants.
On the previous date, office was directed to issue court notice to the appellants.
According to office report dated 19.10.2022, registered court notice was issued to the appellant No. 1 on 09.09.2022, which is not received back in the office as yet.
Office has further reported that registered court notice was issued to the appellant No. 1 on the same address, which is mentioned in the memo of appeal.
Thus, the registered court notice issued to the appellant No. 1 has not been received back in the office after expiry of 30 days’. Hence, the service of registered court notice issued to the appellant No. 1 is held to be sufficient.
In the interest of justice, one more opportunity is provided to the appellants.
Put up on 31.10.2022 for further orders.”
Inspite of that, none has appeared on behalf of the appellants.
It appears that the appellants are not interested in pursuing the appeal.
Accordingly, the appeal is dismissed in default of the appellants.
Let the record be consigned.