


Pratap Ch Garnaik - Complainant(s)


Sector Manager, Sahara India Commercial Co. Ltd. & others - Opp.Party(s)


14 Feb 2017


Complaint Case No. CC/82/2013
( Date of Filing : 20 Nov 2013 )
1. Pratap Ch Garnaik
At/PO_Paik Purunakot,Bhusan,Dhenkanal
1. Sector Manager, Sahara India Commercial Co. Ltd. & others
 HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick MEMBER
 HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty MEMBER
For the Complainant:
For the Opp. Party:
Dated : 14 Feb 2017
Final Order / Judgement


       PRESENT:- SRI  DURGA CHARAN MISHRA.                          


                                                             A N D

                                      Mrs. S.MALLICK & Sri K.K.Mohanty,

                                        MEMBER .

                              Consumer Complaint No. 82 of 2013

                                         Date  of  Filling : - 20.11.2013.

                                                 Date  of  Order  :-  14.02.2017.


 Sri Pratap Ch.GarnaikS/O.Debraj Garnaik,

Vill/P.O.PaIK Purunakote,P.S.Bhusan,Dist.Dhenkanal.



  1.   Sector Manager,Sahara India Commercial Corporation Ltd.,

     Angul Sector Office,At- Madanmohanapada, P.O/P.S/Dist.Angul.


  1.     Sahara India Commercial Corporation Ltd.,

     Common Office,Sahara India Bhawan 1,Kapoorthala,

    Complex,Lucknow .


  1.  Pratap Behera,S/O.Parama Behera,Vill:-Matiasahi,P.O.Purunagarh,P.S.Bantala,Dist.Angul.

                                                                    ______________________________Opp. parties.

For the complainant                  :-  Sri A.Dash & associates(Advs.)

For the opp.party No. 1 & 2     :-  Sri D.K.Pani & associates(Advs.)

For the opp.party No.3              :-Non-appears


: J U D G E M E N T   :

Sri D. C. Mishra, President.

        The  petitioner has filed this  case with  prayer to direct the  opp.party No.1 & 2 to  pay the maturity  amount of  his policy under Sahara Rajat Yojana  “Sahara Housing  Option-C scheme” initiated on  20.8.2003  along with  compensation for  deficiency in service and  litigation  charges.

2.       The  petitioner  case runs thus:-

          That  on  20.08.2003  he had  invested  Rs. 10,000.00   vide receipt No. 38601808442  in   Sahara Rajat Yojana  “Sahara Housing  Option-C” and  as  per the  scheme  the  opp.party No.1 & 2  had  assured to  supply him a  house unit  within 10 years  or to pay Rs. 25,940.00  on  completion  of the   10th year. It is alleged that  after  10 years  of the  deposit i.e   on  and  after  20.8.2013 , the  petitioner  repeatedly  approached the  opp.party No.1 & 2 to  get the   maturity  amount   of Rs. 25,940.00   but on various  pleas the   opp.party No.1 & 2  deferred the matter and ultimately  did not pay the  amount. So the  petitioner  has filed this  case.

3.       Opp.party No.3 remained Exparte.The  opp.party No. 1 & 2  have  contested the  case  by  filing  written version , admitting that the   petitioner had  deposited Rs. 10,000.00  with them in Sahara Rajat Yojana  “Sahara Housing  Option-C scheme” but they have  denied all other allegations levelled  against them. According to the opp.party No.1 & 2, the  petitioner  took  pre-matured  payment  of Rs. 13,424.00  only  by   giving  application  but  suppressing that  fact ,he has fraudulently  filed this  case ,claiming   the maturity  amount. The opp.party No.1 & 2 have  further   averred that there  is  provision in the  policy  for   decision by  arbitration  , for which  this case is not maintainable  and the  case  has been filed   after  a  long  delay, for which  it is barred by  limitation and  as the petitioner has  already  taken   pre-matured  payment  on  application, there  is no cause  of action  to  file  the case. In the  above  premises the opp.party No.1 & 2 have prayed  to  reject  and  dismiss the  case with costs and compensation.

4.       In view of the  rival  pleadings of the  parties  the following  issues   arise   for  consideration.


  1. Whether  there   is  any  cause of action to  file the case and the  case is  maintainable ?
  2. Whether the  case is barred by law of  limitation ?
  3. Whether there   is  consumer and  service  provider relation between the  parties ?
  4. Whether the opp.party No.1 & 2   being the  service  providers  made  deficit  in  providing  service? 
  5. To what reliefs the  petitioner is entitled to ?

: F I N D I N G S :

Issue No.(iii):-     According to the  petitioner he has  deposited Rs. 10,000.00  with the  opp.party No.1 & 2  on 20.8.2003  vide receipt  No. 38601808442  in Sahara Rajat Yojana  “Sahara Housing  Option-C scheme” and the   opp.party No.1 & 2 have  admitted the  facts  in their  written version. Thus, there is  consumer and  service provider relationship  between the petitioner and the opp.parties.

Issue No.(iv):-     According  to the  petitioner , the opp.party No.1 & 2  have assured to   provide  advance  for   purchase of  immovable property  or  after  completion of  10 years they  have to pay Rs. 25,940.00  as  maturity amount against  the  deposit. As  per the  above  agreement the opp.party No.1 & 2 are  to pay  the maturity  amount  on or  after 20.8.2013 but the   petitioner  alleges that inspite of  several approaches  the  opp.party No.1 & 2  did not pay the maturity  amount. The  learned  defence  counsel  vehemently   argued that on application  of the   petitioner   pre-mature payment  of  Rs. 13,424.00  was  made to  him  on 31.5.2007 but  suppressing this  fact, he has  approached this  forum for illegal  gain, for which the case  should be  out rightly  dismissed. Though the opp.party No.1 & 2 have   pleaded that  on application of the  petitioner   pre-mature payment  of Rs. 13,424.00  was  made  to  his  account  as full and  final  payment  but astonishingly they  have not  filed  the  copy  of the  application of the  petitioner  or copy of  the payment  slip  or  any documentary  evidence  in  respect of  their  claim. If  at all the   petitioner  has  taken  pre-matured   payment   why  the opp.party No.1 & 2  failed to prove the   official  documents and  the  copy of the  application  of the  petitioner. In the  above   premises  the  plea of the opp.party No.1 & 2  has no  force at all and   it falls  to  ground. The    plea  of the opp.party No.1 & 2 that the  petitioner has  taken  pre-matured  payment cannot be  accepted, as it is   not  substantiated  by any  cogent  evidence.

Issue No.(V):-     Admittedly the  petitioner had  deposited Rs. 10,000.00  with the opp.party No.1 & 2  in Sahara Rajat Yojana  “Sahara Housing  Option-C scheme” for which  after 10 years i.e on or after 20.8.2013  he is  entitled  to  get Rs. 25,940.00 from the opp.party No.1 & 2 as  maturity amount. Since the opp.party No.1 & 2 did not pay the  same, they  have  to pay the maturity  amount Rs. 25,940.00 with 7%  simple  interest  per annum  from 21.8.2013  to till  actual payment  is made  .Due  to mental  agony    the petitioner is  entitled  to get  Rs. 5,000.00  from the opp.party No.1 & 2 and  Rs. 5,000.00  towards  cost of  litigation.

Issue No.(i) &(ii) :-      Since the opp.party No.1 & 2  didn’t pay the  maturity  amount of the  petitioner, there is  cause of action to file the  case. Though there is   provision  for Arbitration  but the   opp.party No.1 & 2   could  not  file any  document to  justify  that  the  case  is not   maintainable   before this  forum. It appears  that the  case has been  filed  in time, as such not  barred  by law of  limitation.


  1. Hence ordered:- 

: O R D E R :

               The  case is disposed of on contest against the opp.party No.1 & 2 and exparte against opp.party No.3. The opp.party No.1 & 2  are directed  to pay  Rs. 25,940.00 (Rupees Twenty-Five Thousand Nine Hundred Forty) only to the petitioner along with   simple interest @ 7% p.a  from 21.8.2013  till  the date of   actual  payment  is  made. They are  further directed to  pay Rs. 5,000.00 (Rupees Five Thousand)  towards  mental agony and  Rs. 5,000.00 (Rupees Five Thousand)only  towards litigation  cost to the  petitioner.

              All  the   above  payment  shall be   made within 45(Forty-Five) days  of this  order

                                                                                                                                                Order delivered in the open forum

                                                                  today the  14th  February,2017                                                                                            with hand   and seal of this Forum.

Typed to my dictation

and corrected by me                                                                                                                    Sd/-

                                                                                                                                                   (Sri D. C. Mishra)

 Sd/-                                                                                                                                                   President.       

  (Sri D. C. Mishra)                                                             

         President .


                                                                                (Mrs. S. Mallick)

Sd/-                                                                                 Member.

 (Sri K.K.Mohanty),




[HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra]
[HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick]
[HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty]

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