


Dinabandhu Rout. - Complainant(s)


S.D.O,Electrical ,TPNODL,Jajpur Sub division. - Opp.Party(s)


06 Oct 2023


Jajpur Town ,Behind Sanskruti Bhawa n (Opposite of Jajapur Town Head Post office),At ,P.o, Dist-Jajapur,PIN-755001,ODISHA
Complaint Case No. CC/23/2023
( Date of Filing : 25 Jan 2023 )
1. Dinabandhu Rout.
S/O-Madhusudan Rout,At-Deulabada,P.O-Bamdevpur,Dist-Jajpur
1. S.D.O,Electrical ,TPNODL,Jajpur Sub division.
2. J.E.Electrical ,Bahabalpur.
 HON'BLE MR. Sri Bibekananda Dash. MEMBER
 Sri P.K.DashPattanayak, Advocate for the Opp. Party 0
Dated : 06 Oct 2023
Final Order / Judgement



            The  complainant namely Dinabandhu Rout, aged about 91 years old, S/O Madhusudan Rout,Vill.Deulabad,P.O.Bamdevpur, Dist.Jajpur has been filed the present complaint U/sec.35 of the C.P.Act,2019 against the above named O.Ps “ alleging excess billing of the power supply for the month of December,2022, seeking the following reliefs by directing the O.ps to correct the defective/ erroneous bills  and the complainant be exempted in paying the penal amount of Rs.11,916.00/-.

            The case of the complainant in nutshell is that the complainant is a bonafide consumer of electricity under the above named O.ps(TPNODL) having consumer SC No.612112020146, consumer Account No. 16121005892 and old A/C No.JTR 999. The alleged electrical meter which was installed by the O.Ps in the name of the complainant found defective during the year of 2021-22. So, the complainant applied to O.Ps with due request to replace the defective electrical meter in the premises of the complainant. After receipt of the complaint regarding the replacement of the defective meter, the O.Ps are installed a new electrical meter in the premises of the complainant. In the complaint petition, the complainant is stating that from the date of installation of the new electrical meter, the electricity bill amount paid by him regularly as per the meter reading. It is also stated by the complainant that the complainant received a monthly electricity bill on 06.01.2023  for the month of December,2022 by the O.Ps and it is found  that the said bill  was  an erroneous bill / illegal bill of  Rs.1161.63/- and Arrear amount of Rs.10,800.39/- in toto Rs.11,916/- to be paid by the complainant . Again it is stated by the complainant that it may be possible to increase the bills of the electricity since January,2021 due to one Refrigerator and one washing machine was gifted to his grand son’s marriage in January,2021. The complainant alleged that the O.ps are supplied an erroneous bills of Rs.11,916/- based on the alleged discrepancies of excess load comparison to bills of electricity prior to January,2021. As a result, unnecessary billing was imposed upon the complainant by the O.Ps caused mental agony and financial burden to the complainant which  amounts to deficiency in service on the part of the O.Ps . Hence , this complaint filed by the complainant.

            Upon notice, the O.Ps are appeared  and filed their written version through their learned counsel.  The O.Ps are stated that the case is not maintainable in the eye of law. It is stated by the O.ps that that prior to installation of electrical meter, the complainant was paid the billing amount on the basis of the average consumption.

After installation of the new electrical meter per monthly electrical consumption was calculated on the basis of the actual consumption and monthly consumption billing was collected as per the actual meter reading which was higher side then that the previous lower one. It is also stated by the O.ps that as per accounting procedure the billing cycle has been automatically revised and the amount claimed as per the higher consumption which is realized from the complainant to the previous lower consumption. Hence the O.ps are no way to deficient in their service.

             In the instant case , the complainant is a senior citizen, aged about 91 years old, so we are disposing it on priority basis as per the mandate provision of the C.P.Act, 2019.

            In support of the case, the complainant had produced 2 nos. of documents marked as C-1 and C-2 respectively by this Commission. On the other hand, the O.Ps were not produced any single scrap of papers  for their defence. Evidence is closed.

            We have heard oral arguments from both the parties. Carefully perused the record and documents therein.


            It is admitted facts that the complainant is a bonafide consumer for the purpose of LT-Domestic under the O.Ps( The Electricity Dept.of Odisha,TPNODL) .It is  admitted fact that the electrical meter of the consumer/ complainant was found defective in the year 2021-22 and after receipt of request letter made by the complainant, the O.Ps were installed a new electrical meter instead of the defective meter.

            The copy of Bill No.612060123000014M9943/ dated 06.01.2023 shows that there was an arrear / outstanding of Rs.10,800.39/- excluding the current amount of Rs.1161.33/- on the basis of actual consumption as per the alleged meter reading and the contact load factor is 2.5K.W. The copy of the original TPNODL money receipt No.61732760/ dated 11.01.2023 shows that the complainant had paid only the current amount of Rs.1160/-for the month of December,2022. From this it clearly shows that the balance outstanding amount of Rs.10,800.39/- still pending with the complainant till now.

            But regarding the defective meter neither the complainant nor the O.ps were produced any documents to show when and in which date the new electrical meter was installed.

            However, during the course of oral arguments, the learned counsel on behalf of the O.ps has assured/ conceded that the O.ps are ready to revise the excess electricity bill in favour of the complainant. Hence the order.

 O R D E R.

            Taking into all the facts and circumstances involved in this case , the O.ps are directed to revise the excess bills of the complainant as per actual consumption of meter reading  within a period of 45 days from the date of receipt of this order, failing which the O.ps shall be liable for execution proceeding under the C.P.Act,2019.

            Accordingly, the consumer complaint No.23 of 2023 is disposed of.

Issue extract of the order to the parties   for compliance.

            Order Pronounced in the Open Commission on this the 6th day of October, 2023

[HON'BLE MRS. Susmita Mishra]
[HON'BLE MR. Sri Bibekananda Dash.]

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