


Bhikari Charan Samal - Complainant(s)


Regional Provident Fund Commissioner & others - Opp.Party(s)


31 Aug 2017


Complaint Case No. CC/100/2014
1. Bhikari Charan Samal
1. Regional Provident Fund Commissioner & others
Bhabisyanidhi Bhawan,Unit-IX,BBSR
 HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick MEMBER
 HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty MEMBER
For the Complainant:
For the Opp. Party:
Dated : 31 Aug 2017
Final Order / Judgement



       PRESENT:- SRI  DURGA CHARAN MISHRA.                          


                                                             A N D


                                          Smt.Sunanda Mallick &Sri K.K.Mohanty,

                                       MEMBER .


                                   Consumer Complaint No. 100 of 2014

                                                   Date  of  Filling : -12.12.2014.

                                                          Date  of  Order  :-  31 .08.2017.


 Bhikari Ch.Samal,S/O.Golekh Samal ,

Vill.Asananali (Patta Sahi),P.O.Basalai,





 01.Regional Provident Fund Commissioner,

      Bhabisyanidhi Bhawan,Unit-IX,Janapath,



 02. Executive Engineer,Field Machinary Divison (Defunct)

       Rengali Dam Division,At/P.O.Rengali,P.S- Rengali

       Dam Site,Dist.Angul.

                                      _________________________    Opp. parties.


For the complainant         :-  Sri P.K.Behera & associates(Advs.).

For the opp.party No.1     :-  Sri C.R.Swain (Authorized Person ).

For the opp.party No.2     :-  Sri K.Behera   (Authorized Person ).


                                     : J U D G E M E N T   :


Sri D. C. Mishra, President.

            The petitioner/ complainant   has filed this case with prayer to direct the opp.parties  for settlement and payment of his EPF  claims  as well as pension.

2.         The  complainant’s  case runs thus :-

            That he  was serving  under opp.party No.2  and retired on 31.3.2011 in superannuation  having EPF A/C. No. OR/2437/191 maintained by opp.partyNo.1. It is  alleged that, after retirement the  petitioner  applied  for  final  payment of EPF  amount  from his  aforesaid account and payment  of  pension  through opp.party No. 2 (employer)  by filing   duly  filled up  applications  but  thereafter  despite  repeated approaches and requests  his    prayer  has not been settled by oppp.party No.1. So he has filed this case, seeking the relief as  already stated above in Para- 1 of this  order.

3.         Opp.party No.1 & 2  have  contested the case by filing separate written versions ,stating  that  due  to non- filing of application in time  by the  petitioner and   due to non-supply of  correct  account  statement  by opp.party No.2 (employer)  the   case  was lingering   but  in the mean time  they have  already settled the dispute.

4.         In view of the  pleadings of the parties the following  issues arise for  consideration


  1. Whether  there  is consumer and  service provider relationship between the parties and  whether this forum is  competent to adjudicate  the  matter ?
  2. Whether  the opp.parties  can be directed to comply  the  prayer of the  petitioner ?


Issue No.(i):-

           Admittedly the petitioner was   serving  under the opp.party No.2  and  his EPF  contribution  as well as pension  matter was managed  and  dealt by opp.party No.1. Therefore,  there is consumer and  service provider relation ship  between the parties. Thus, this forum is competent  to  adjudicate the matter under C.P.Act.


Issue No.(ii):-

           According  to opp.party No.1 due to  non-submission of application  in time  and  due to  non-supply of  correct account statement by opp.party No.2 (employer)  , the claim of the petitioner  could not be  settled earlier. He has submitted letter No. OR/A/cs-V/OR/2437/191 dt. 22.05.2017 which reveals that the EPF claim of the petitioner amounting to Rs. 3,18,250.00  has been transferred  to the  present EPF A/C. No. OR/1780/1168 of the petitioner. Letter No.  OR/Acs-VIII/24371 2293 dt. 16.7.14 of opp.partyNo. 1 reveals  that he has several times reminded opp.party No.2  to submit  correct  returns of  statement of accounts of the petitioner. During argument opp.party No.1  has filed the  copy of journal  of  dispatch  section of  his office dt. 4.8.2017  which  reveals that Regd.  Letter  has been sent  to the petitioner  regarding  compliance of  his claim. The Reg.d Letter No. OR/PF/1780/1168 dt. 4.8.2017  of opp.party No.1  addressed  to  Bhikari Ch. Samal (petitioner)   reveals that his  final settled EPF claim of  Rs. 3,23,480.00 has been  credited  vide  cheque No. 040802 dt. 1.8.2017  to his  SB A/C. No. 11641073401 of SBI, Samal Barrage Branch and upto  date pension including arrear @ R.s 1,989.00  per  month  has been paid  to him vide PPO No. ORBBS73655 .Opp.party No.1  has  attached the screen printing  hard copy of the   computer of his office which  reveals that the EPF and  pension  amount has already been credited to the SB A/C. of the petitioner  maintained at SBI Samal Barrage Branch. Thus, in the meantime, the  claim of the petitioner has been fully  complied. The petitioner is remaining  absent  from the  forum since long. After  receiving the    Regd. Letter from opp.party No.1  about compliance of his claim, he did not  appear  before this forum  to  dispute  it. So  in absence of the petitioner and  due to non-dispute  of the above  documents filed by the opp.party No.1,the documents are  strongly presumed  to  be genuine and  accepted. Since  opp.party No.1  has   already   made payment  as claimed by the  petitioner  , any further direction need not  be  given  to the opp.parties.


5.       Hence ordered :-

: O R D E R :

           The  case is  disposed of  on contest . The  opp.parties have  already  complied  and paid the claim of the  petitioner. In the above circumstances  any  further  direction  need not be given to the opp.parties.

                                                                        Order delivered in the open forum

today the  31th   August, 2017 with

hand   and seal of this Forum.

Typed to my dictation

and corrected by me                                                            Sd/-

                                                                                              (Sri D. C. Mishra)    

  Sd/-                                                                                         President.       

  (Sri D. C. Mishra)                                                               



 Sd/-                                                                            Sd/- 

 (Sri K.K.Mohanty),                                                (Smt.S.Mallick),

      Member.                                                                  Member.  

[HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra]
[HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick]
[HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty]

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