


Lakhaswar Khuntia - Complainant(s)


Prop. Vardwaj Trading Co. - Opp.Party(s)


29 Aug 2018


Complaint Case No. CC/63/2017
( Date of Filing : 04 Sep 2017 )
1. Lakhaswar Khuntia
At-Haldi Mill Road,Gujurati Para,Gandhi Marg,Angul, P.O-Hulurisingha,Dist-Angul-759122
1. Prop. Vardwaj Trading Co.
At-Madan Mohan Pada,P.O/P.S/Dist-Angul-759122
2. Chairman & Managing Director, Mirc Electronics Ltd
ONIDA House, G-1,M.I.D.C., Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri (East), Mumbai-400093,Maharastra
 HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty MEMBER
For the Complainant:
For the Opp. Party:
Dated : 29 Aug 2018
Final Order / Judgement



       PRESENT:- SRI  DURGA CHARAN MISHRA.                          


                                                             A N D


                                   Smt.Sunanda Mallick &Sri K.K.Mohanty,

                                       MEMBER .


                              Consumer Complaint No. 63 of 2017


                                         Date  of  Filling : -  04.09.2017.

                                                 Date  of  Order  :-  28 .08.2018.


  Lakhaswar Khuntia,S/O.Late Rama Ch.Khuntia,

At- Haldi Mill Road,Gujurati Para,Gandhi Marg,


Pin- 759122.




01.Proprietor, Vardwaj Trading Co,At-Madan

Mohan Pada,P.O/Dist.Angu,Pin- 759122.


02.Chairman &Managing Director,Representing for

Mire Electronics Ltd,ONIDA House,G-1,M.I.D.C,

Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri (East),Mumbai-



For the complainant   :-  Sri B.C.Pradhan & associates(Advs.).

For the opp.parties     :-  Sri S.Sarangi & associates(Advs.).


                                     : J U D G E M E N T   :

Smt.S.Mallick, Member.

          Deficiency of  service  by the opp.parties is the  sole  grievance of the  complainant  in the  instant  case.

2.       The  case of the  complainant remains within a  narrow  compass. The  complainant  purchased  a  “LEO50FAIN”  model LED smart 50” ONIDA  television  from the opp.party No.1 on  dt. 10.10.2016  by  paying   an  amount  of  Rs. 48,500.00  only which  is  annexed (Annexure-1) .Opp.party No.2 is the   manufacturer of the said  T.V who  has  given 1 year  usual  warranty  along with  another  one  year  extended  warranty   . The copy of the  warranty  card  is  annexed (Annesxure-2 ) .Unfortunately on 26.7.2017  the  T.V gone  dead  . There was absolutely  “ No picture” & “ No Sound”  in  the  television . Immediately  the  complainant registered  his   complaint  on the  customer care number 180030099000 with  the   registration  complaint  No. 10785006380028. Just  after a few days  the  technician of the opp.parties   came  and  inspected the  defective TV  set and  told the   complainant that he did not have  the  required  spare part  with him and he   would  come with the  spare part on another  day. But he  did not come  back . When  the  complainant  again  contacted  the opp.parties, another technicians   came   with a   spare  part  and  tried  to fix it    in the  said  TV set but  failed  as  that  was not fit for that  model  . After   some  nagging, the  technician  came  with  another  spare part and  tried  to  fix  but  again could not succeed  . Then  the  technician  took away  the  defective  spare part  from the TV  with  a promise to  bring the appropriate one  but  remained silent. Being harassed, when the  complainant told  his  grievances  to the  Odisha  State Service   Head,Mr.  Prasanat  Rout  of  opp.party’s company came to  know  that  the   genuine   spare  part of  the said  model  is not  available  as the  company  has  stopped the production of  that   particular  model  TV. But  the  service head  assured  him  for  the replacement of the  defective TV set   with a new  one  of  another  model. Then  he  sent the  technician  on 21.08.2017  to  take some  photographs  of the said  TV set for  the  purpose of  replacement. As per the  advice of the Odissa State Service Head, on 29.8.2017 complainant sent   his  grievance  to the  customer  care on their  Email ID and  sent  the copy of that mail to  the  dealer   as well as  to the  service head  for  Odissa  Mr. Prasant Rout  but  got no reply . On 31.8.2017 he   met  the  service head of the  company at Bhubaneswar  office and  came to  know that the  head office did not  approve his  recommendation .So  the   complainant filed the   present  case praying  to direct the  opp.parties  to refund  Rs. 48,500.00  with an  interest @ 18%  till date of payment or to replace the defective TV  with a new  model with some or  more   specifications   and to pay  compensation of Rs. 20,000.00  along with  cost of  litigation  to the  tune of Rs. 10,000.00 .

3.       The opp.parties entered appearance, filed  separate written version and contested the  case. In the  written version opp.parties had admitted  that  they  had   sold of the TV  in  question  to the  complainant along with the fact that he had   only sent  one of  his  technicians to the  house of the  complainant for   preliminary inquiry  regarding  the defects  found in the said  TV  set to the  service  center  but the  complainant did not  allow him to enter  into his  house. Then  another technician  of the opp.party No.2 went  his  house where  the  complainant  again did not allow  him to  enter, but  on  sincere request  of the    said  technician person, the  complainant   allowed to inspect  the  TV set  in question . On  the  first  instance the said  technician  found  the  TV set  was opened  earlier, manhandled  and  tampered for  which he  expressed  his  inability  to repair  the said TV set  . Except this  the  opp.parties   denied  all the  allegations made  by  the  complainant. Accordingly  they  prayed  to dismiss the case of the  complainant  as there  is no  deficiency  of  service caused  by  them .

4.       On the basis  of  aforesaid  pleadings of the parties the  following issues  are settled  for determination :-


  1. Whether  the  complainant  is a consumer under the opp.parties  within the  meaning  of C.P.Act, 1986 ?
  2. Whether the   complainant   has  manhandled and  tampered the  said  TV or not ?
  3. Whether   the opp.parties  have committed  any deficiency  of  service  by  delaying  and  not  providing  the  genuine spare p art of the  said  defective TV  in time  and deferred the matter  on several  pretext ?
  4. Whether  the  complainant  is  entitled to relief  claimed ?

: F I N D I N G S :

Issue No.(i):-   Admittedly  the  complainant  purchased  the said TV from opp.party No.1   by paying  an  amount  of Rs. 48,500.00  only which  was manufactured by opp.party No.2 and  the opp.party No.2  offered  1 +1=2 years  warranty  period. Thus, the  opp.parties  stand  in the  footing of  service  provider to render  service to the  complainant. In that  view of matter the  complainant is  definitely a consumer  under the opp.parties  within the meaning of C.P.Act, 1986.

Issue No.(ii) & (iii):-  The   complaint  regarding the TV set in question by  the  complainant  to the  opp.parties is not  however  disputed. Admittedly  the  opp.parties  had  offered  two  years of extended warranty in respect  of the  said  TV set  by  taking  consideration. The  cause of  action arose on 26.04.2017  when  the   said TV  set had   gone  dead.  Soon after getting the  information from the  complainant , opp.parties  sent  their technician  for  preliminary inquiry. But  the  complainant  did not allow  him to  enter into his  house. After  few  days, on   sincere. request of  another technician of opp.parties the complainant allowed  him to inspect   the said TV  set where it  was   found  tampered and   manhandled . So  the opp.parties  refused to repair the same . Without any  supporting  evidence, the version of opp.party No.2  “the T.V was tampered and manhandled indicates his  fabricated plea to cover up his liability” as there is  no reason  for  which the  complainant will go for  an option to  check his  costly T.V set  by  any skilled  or  unskilled  person within the  warranty  period of  2 years.

The  technicians of opp.parties  tried   twice  to  fix  the  spare part brought  by them  on two different  occasions but  failed  to  do so. Then  on request  of  opp.parties, the  complainant  allowed  to take  away  the  main  board  of the said TV with them on 09.08.2017 which is   annexed  as  (Annexure-5) which clearly  indicates that   he  wanted  his  TV  to  be  repaired  at that  point of time. But the opp.party No.2 failed  to  supply  the  genuine main board  for   months. Here  the  question  arises -  if the said TV was  tampered and  manhandled  , then why did  the  opp.party No.2  take  away  the mainboard on 09.08.2017  from the  complainant’s house  to  his  service  center ? . During  the  course of  argument the learned  counsel for the opp.parties  gave assurance to replace the  mainboard  by  another  model T.V set  with additional  warranty of  one year  from the date of replacement  which  clearly indicates that the said T.V  was  not manhandled  and tampered. Hence   unrebutted  presumption becomes  proof  and  the opp.parties  were  found  deficient to fix  the  genuine  spare part in  time. The issues (ii) and (iii) are answered accordingly.

Issue No.(iv):- The  life of  a costly T.V  is not  just for  a few months  . The  mainboard of  a T.V  is  like  the  engine of the  vehicle . Within a  spar of  only 9 months  the T.V did not  work which is  corroborated by the  fact that the opp.party No.2 took  the  main board to  his  workshop but  could not  replace  it  with the  genuine one    otherwise  for  any  type of  minor  defect   he  would  have rectified  the same  at the  site of  his  house itself and   further the question of  getting  an expert  opinion was  not  possible in the  circumstances  when the  main board  of the T.V  is  with the opp.party No.2. Hon’ble  National Commission in the  case  titled Scooter India  Ltd and Anr.Vs Madha Bananda Mohanty and  Ors.,II(2005) CPJ 136(NC),had  clearly  held that “ It is  not  always necessary  for the  consumers to  get  expert testomy”.

             The  standard of ONIDA T.V should  always  live upto its reputation and the  behavior of the opp.parties  should  have been so   consumer  friendly that  complainant  should  not have felt  the  pinch of   having  a defective T.V.Every person who purchase a T.V has   enormous  sentimental  values  attached  to  the  same. If  any  defect is  arose it should  have been removed  when the main board    was taken to the  workshop  where it  was  attended to  by  the  engineers who had  all the  expertise on such Main boards.It is  found  from the  print  copy of the official Web Site page of opp.party No.2 (ONIDA T.V Company )  that  there is no availability  of the T.V in question i.e, (LEO50FAIN) model ,ONIDA. From the mail of the  complainant dt. 29.08.2017 it   is also clear that the  complaint had written  them regarding  his  tele talk with Mr.Prasant Rout,Odisha Service Head of  the opp.party No.2  who informed  that  they  donot have  another  genuine main board  to replace  since that model is out of  stock.When  a  product  is  found to be  defective  at the  very  beginning  it is always  better to order  for refund  of the amount because replacement  of the product  will  never  satisfy  the  consumer  because the consumer  had  lost faith  in that  company’s product and  if the   repaired  product  is  again returned  to the  consumer will be  put to  much larger harassment because  he had to  fight  another  board of  litigation which will be highly  torturous. The Hon’ble Supreme Court  of India in the  case  titled  Hindustan Motors Ltd and Anr. Vrs. N.Shiva Kumar and An.(2000) to Supreme Court cases 654, held  that:-  

    “When any company had stopped manufacturing the particular model , under those circumstances there is no other way except to refund of the money along with interest, compensation and cost”.

             The  opp.party No.1 being  the  seller of  defective T.V, in our  considered  view, was under  obligation  either to  replace the said T,V or  refund the   consideration amount  received. So far as the  liability  of  both  parties  is  concerned it is  the  issue  between the   manufacturing company and the dealer  for   which the  complainant  cannot be made  to suffer.


Hence ordered that :-

: O R D E R :

               The  consumer  complaint is  allowed on contest. The opp.parties  are directed to refund the  sale price  of the said T,V  i.e  Rs. 48,500.00  only  to the  complainant. They further  directed to  pay a compensation of  Rs. 5,000.00 only  along with  the  litigation expenses  of Rs. 2,000.00 .They  are  jointly  and  severally  liable to pay the  above  amount. The  complainant  is also  directed to  return  back the said T.V to the  opp.party No.1 after  receiving  the  above  amount.

            It is  made  clear that  in case of  any deviation of this order by the opp.parties then they shall pay 12% interest on the  awarded  amount  from the 46th  day of this  order  till actual payment is  made.

            The  aforesaid  order shall be  implemented within 45 days  of  getting  this order, failing which law  shall take its own course.

                                                                                                                                       Order delivered in the open forum                                                                                                                                                                      today the  29th   August, 2018 with                                                                                                                                                                      hand   and seal of this Forum.

Typed to my dictation

and corrected by me                                                                                                      Sd/-

                                                                                                                                         (Sri D. C. Mishra)   

    Sd/-                                                                                                                             President.       

  ( Smt.S.Mallick)                                                       




 (Sri K.K.Mohanty),                                                



[HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick]
[HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty]

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