


Pradeep Ku Sahoo - Complainant(s)


Prop.-J.K.Enterprises & others - Opp.Party(s)


21 Jul 2017


Complaint Case No. CC/109/2012
1. Pradeep Ku Sahoo
1. Prop.-J.K.Enterprises & others
 HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick MEMBER
 HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty MEMBER
For the Complainant:
For the Opp. Party:
Dated : 21 Jul 2017
Final Order / Judgement



       PRESENT:- SRI  DURGA CHARAN MISHRA.                          


                                                             A N D


                                          Smt.Sunanda Mallick &Sri K.K.Mohanty,

                                       MEMBER .


                                   Consumer Complaint No. 109 of 2012


                                                   Date  of  Filling : - 29.11.2012.

                                                          Date  of  Order  :-  21 .07.2017.


Pradeep Kumar Sahoo,S/O.Mohan Ch.Sahoo,

At:- Pokanda,P.O.Paik Sahi, Dist.Angul. 




  1. Proprietor J.K.Enterpriser,At- Turanga N.H-55,


02. Bridgestone India  Pvt.Ltd.Marketing/C.S.F Office,

      Ashirwad Apartment,Bomikhol,Cuttack-Puri Road,



03.Bridgestone India  Pvt.Ltd,Sales & Marketing Head Office,

     Plot No.5/4,5th Floor,Mirchandani Business Park,

     Shalimar ONYX,Off Andheri Kurla Road,Sakinaka,

     Andheri(East),Mumbai- 400072.   

                                     _________________________    Opp. parties.


For the complainant                  :- Sri B.C.Pradhan & associates(Advs.).

For the opp.party No.1              :-  Sri D.K.Pani & associates(Advs.)

For the opp.party No.2 & 3       :-  Sri R.K.Maharana & associates(Advs.)





                                           : J U D G E M E N T   :


Sri D. C. Mishra, President.


            The petitioner/complainant has  filed this  case with prayer  to direct the opp.parties  to replace the  defective tyre which he had purchased  from opp.party No.1 with a new  defect free tyre  of the same brand  or to refund  the cost of the tyre with interest and  compensation as well as cost of  litigation.


2.         The complainant’s case runs thus:-


            That on 18.10.2012  he  purchased two pieces of  bridge stone make  steel radial tyres from opp.party No.1 by paying Rs. 9,700.00  towards the cost  by obtaining retail invoice(Annexure-1)  and  warranty (Annexure-2) Opp.party Nos.2 & 3 are    the  manufacture  and  marketing office of the aforesaid tyres .After 20 days of  purchasing the tyres, the  complainant noticed defects i.e air  bubbles developed on the side walls of the  tyre. Therefore, the  complainant approached  opp.party No.1  with the defective tyre who refused  to accept the tyre and  advised  the  complainant to  give the complain  to opp.party No.2.Therefore on 22.11.2012 the complainant went to Bhubaneswar  with the defective tyre and  gave his  complain to opp.party No.2  and  one employee of opp.party No.2 just examined the defective tyre in bare  eye and  issued  claim advise letter to the  petitioner rejecting his  claim. It  is alleged that  neither the  complainant has signed  on the  claim rejection form  nor opp.party No.2 has recorded the  consumed millage or position of the vehicle or the tyre on the specified column of the letter. According to the petitioner the employee of the opp.party No.2 was in an  attitude to reject the claim ,for which  without any  type of examination of the tyre, he rejected the claim stating false and  unnecessary  grounds as the  cause of  the defect in the tyre. Since the complainant is  a consumer and the opp.parties being the service providers  did not  extend  service  properly, he has filed this case seeking  the reliefs as  already stated above in Para No.1.


3.         Opp.party No.1 has contested the case by filing written show cause stating that the case is not maintainable as  the alleged tyres were purchased by the  complainant for fitting in a commercial vehicle used for earning profit and  the opp.party No.1 being the trader has no liability about condition of the tyre for which he has prayed for dismissal of the case. Opp.party No.1 has specifically maintained that when the complainant approached him, he said to approach opp.party No.2 for a speedy and proper remedy and gave the claim advise letter in favour of the complainant and the complainant voluntarily accepted it, for which he has not  made any deficit in service. According to opp.party No.1, law is well settled that manufacturing defect has to be proved by the complainant by expert opinion or evidence  but the  complainant has not done so for  which  he has no locus-standaie to file this case against him (opp.party No.1 ).


4.         Opp.party Nos.2 & 3  have filed  a joint  written version  denying all the averments/  allegations  made against them by the complainant  stating that there is no consumer  or service provider relationship between them and that the  case is not  maintainable as  because manufacturing defect is  to be  proved by the  complainant by expert evidence or  examination report of authorized person. According  to the opp.parties, their service engineer who is  technically trained and qualified to inspect  and examine the defective tyre ,inspected it  in presence of the  complainant and  after due examination  reported that the  damage  to inner  ply cords resulted in bulging but the damage was  not due to manufacturing  defect. The cause of rejection  was also explained to the  complainant. According to the opp.parties the complainant had gone with  the  tyre in a taxi but  not in his  vehicle for which  the mileage consumed through the tyre could not be traced out and the technical service engineer has noted the remaining trade depth of the alleged tyre in the  inspection report (Annexure-A).The opp.parties have  specifically claimed that, since the defect  in the tyre was  not due to manufacturing defect but  due to other reasons, the claim is not covered under  warranty  issued  by it. According to the opp.parties, as per Clause-4 of their warranty policy, the tyres and tubes can be covered under warranty for  manufacturing defect only and  not  for any  other reasons.


            The opp.parties averred that as per Section-13(i)(C ) of the C.P.Act, the  complainant   should  prove the defect by submitting inspection  report of   some Govt. Servant  or  approved external laboratory  which is  authorized  to  conduct  such tests for  ascertaining  the real cause of damage.


            The opp.parties  have  mentioned many  citations of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and  Hon’ble National Commission in their  written version  in support of their claim.


5.         In the  above premises and  as  the  complainant has not tested the damaged  tyre  to  know about manufacturing defect or reasons  attributable for the defect,  the opp.parties have  prayed for  dismissal of the case.


6.         In view of the rival pleadings of the parties the following issues arise  for consideration.




: I S S U E S :


  1. Whether  there is  consumer  and service provider relationship between the parties and  the case is  maintainable and there is  any  cause of action to  file this case ?


(ii)Whether the opp.parties made deficit in providing proper service to the complainant and there was manufacturing defect in the alleged tyre ?


(iii) To what  reliefs  the parties are entitled to ?



Issue No.(i):-  The complainant has  purchased  the alleged tyres  from opp.party No.1  by  obtaining  invoice (Anx-I) and warranty (Anx-II)   by  paying money. Admittedly opp.party No.2 & 3 are the   marketing  office and  manufacturer of the alleged damaged tyre .Therefore, there is consumer and service provider relationship  between the  parties.  Since the  alleged tyre was  damaged within 20 days  of  purchase, the complainant  has filed this case  claiming compensation and  cost etc. So the  complainant has  cause  of action to file the case and the  case  is maintainable.


Issue No.(ii):-           According to the complainant, after 20 days of  purchase of the alleged tyre he noticed  air bubbles developed on the side wall  of the tyre for  which he approached opp.party No.1  for remedy  but opp.party No.1 refused to accept the  complaint and  told  the complainant to give the complain to opp.party No.2. The opp.parties submitted that, opp.party No.1 accepted the  complaint from the petitioner, prepared the  claim advice  letter in favour of the complainant and  told him  that if he  will send the  claim directly to the manufacturer  (opp.party No.2 & 3) ,then it will take some time and  if complainant will directly  submit his claim before  the opp.party No.2 his claim will be settled  earlier and the  complainant in order to  expedite his  claim approached  opp.party No.2  with the  claim advise letter  prepared by opp.party No.1 .If opp.party No.1  refused to accept the complain from the complainant, then how the  complainant approached  opp.party No.2  with the claim form  issued by opp.party No.1.Thus, the  claim of the  complainant  that he approached opp.party No.1  who refused to accept the  claim has not been substantiated by any cogent  evidence or  letter.


           According to the  petitioner, within 20 days of  purchase of the tyre, he noticed an  air bubble developed on the side wall of the tyre and it is only due  to  manufacturing defect, for which  the opp.parties are liable to compensate. In this regard  the opp.parties have relied  on many decisions of the Hon’ble  Supreme Court and National Commission in their written version. In the decision reported  in M/s. Fiat(I) Ltd. Vrs. Sri C.N decided by Hon’ble National Commission,the Hon’ble  Commission referred  to the judgement of  Hon’ble Supreme Court given in  Maruti Udyog Ltd. Vrs Susil Kumar Garbgotra and another ,II (2006) CPJ 3(SC)  where  in it  was hold that:-  


   : any relief out side the  terms and  conditions of the manufacturer  warranty could not be sustained”.The opp.parties specifically submitted that as per Clause No.4  and 16 of  their warranty  policy “ Tyrer and tubes shall be covered under  warranty for  manufacturing defects only”.   


            Now this  forum has to  decide  whether there was  manufacturing defect  in the alleged tyre or not.As per Section-13 (1)( c ):-


where the  complainant alleges a  defect in the  goods  which cannot be determined without  proper  analysis  or test of the goods, the District Forum  shall obtain a  sample of the  goods  from the complainant,   seal it and authenticate  it in the manner prescribed and refer  the sample sealed to the appropriate laboratory along with a direction that such laboratory make an analysis or test, whichever may  be  necessary, with a  view to  finding out whether  such  goods suffer  from any defect  alleged in the complaint or from any   other  defect and to report its  findings thereon to the District Forum within a  period of forty-five days of the receipt  of the reference  or within  such extended period  as may be granted by the  District Forum”:


            Thus as per the above decision of  Hon’ble Supreme Court and warranty condition of the opp.parties, the opp.parties can be held liable for manufacturing defective  goods only.


            In  the RVN Petition No. 327/2004, “Maruti Udyog Ltd Vrs, Hasmukh Laxmi Chand and  another”, the Hon’ble National Commission  have held that: –


“Complainant did not  produce  any evidence  to show that the defect pointed out  by it  was a manufacturing defect. To prove such a defect,opinion of an expert is necessary  which is not  forth  coming in this case”.


            In the  decision reported in CPR 282 (NC),Sashi PK Vrs. Director H & J informark and others, it has been held that:-


“ it is  obligatory on the part of the  complainant   to get  sample tested by laboratory” .

Now law is well settled that, to prove manufacturing defect, test  report  from a laboratory made by technical expert is necessary”. In this  case complainant has not  proved any test report from authorized laboratory.


           The complainant has filed three citations  out of which the decision reported in “MRF Limited and another Vrs. A.Bawa Bugardheen and  another,2008(II)  CPJ 559 Tamil Nadu SCDRC”  is   important. In the  said  decision it has been held that :-


  “ The opp.party No.1 &2 filed a petition before the District Forum in M.P.No.201/2001 requesting the Forum below  to send the tyres  to an appropriate laboratory  to find out the nature of defect.,However, at the  time of inquiry,an endorsement of “not pressed” was made on behalf of the opp.party No.1 and 2 hence  that petition was dismissed. No further steps having been taken by O.Ps 1 and 2 ,the stand of the  complainant stood unchallenged”.


            In the above  case  the opp.parties  had filed  a petition for expert opinion but subsequently not pressed the petition for which the decision  was taken against  the opp.parties as because the  complainant had got  the damaged  tyres  inspected through private engineer and the  private engineer had opined that  the tyres worn-out  due to  manufacturing defect. Since there was  an authenticated  report  from complainant side about  manufacturing defect and  the opp.parties had filed  petition to send the  tyres  to an  appropriate laboratory to find  out the  nature of  defect and  subsequently  not  pressed it, therefore the forum relied  and acted on the existing report  of the complainant found in the record. In the  present case the  complainant has not taken any step to send the damaged tyre for  examination by an authorized  technical expert which is  mandatory  as per Section -13(1)(c) of the C.P.Act.The  fact and circumstances of the above case  is  quite different from that of  the present case , for  which  it is not applicable to the  present case.


            Perused all other citations, documents and  affidavits filed by  the  parties  which neither  improve  not derogate  the case.


            From the  foregoing  discussions it is  found that the  complainant could not  prove any  authenticate testing report that there was manufacturing defect  with the alleged tyre.


Issue No.(iii):-  The  opp.parties  are not liable to  pay any  damage or compensation to the  complainant  and the  complainant is not entitled to get anything  from the opp.parties.


8.         Hence the  order:-


 : O R D E R :


            The case is disposed of on contest. The complainant is not entitled to get any relief (compensation or cost) in this case  from the opp.parties.


                                                                        Order delivered in the open forum

today the  21st   July2017 with

hand   and seal of this Forum.

Typed to my dictation

and corrected by me                                                       Sd/-

                                                                                         (Sri D. C. Mishra)         

    Sd/-                                                                        President.       

  (Sri D. C. Mishra)                                                                

         President .


    Sd/-                                                                                Sd/-

 (Sri K.K.Mohanty),                                                    (Smt.S. Mallick),

             Member.                                                                Member.  





[HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra]
[HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick]
[HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty]

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