Sri Manoj Chowdhury filed a consumer case on 15 Jun 2023 against POST MASTER in the Siliguri Consumer Court. The case no is CC/17/16 and the judgment uploaded on 16 Jun 2023.
Both parties files hazira. The case is taken up for hearing of petition dated 30.09.2020 at the time of hearing Ld. advocate of the complainant as well as Ld. advocate of the OP submits that the matter has already amicably been settled between the parties.
Having heard Ld. advocate of OP and on perusal of application dated 30.09.2020 and other materials on record it is admitted fact that the matter has amicably been settled between the parties and as such there is no need to proceed with this matter furthermore.
that the instant case being no. CC/16/2017 is disposed of on compromise and the compromise petition dated 30.09.2020 be part of this matter.
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