


Ashok Kumar Pattnaik, - Complainant(s)


Post Master, Mukhya Dak Ghar, Malkangiri, - Opp.Party(s)


29 Aug 2022


Complaint Case No. CC/119/2021
( Date of Filing : 14 Dec 2021 )
1. Ashok Kumar Pattnaik,
aged about 57 years, S/O late Chandra Dhwaja Pattnaik, At. Satiguda, PO/PS/Dist. Malkangiri, (Odisha) Pin. 764045.
1. Post Master, Mukhya Dak Ghar, Malkangiri,
At/PO/PS/Dist. Malkangiri, Odisha.
2. Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices,
Jeypore, (K), 764001.
3. The Chief post Master General,
PMG Square, Bhubaneswar.
4. The Chief General of posts,
New Delhi.
 HON'BLE MR. Sri Prafulla Kumar Panda PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MR. Rajesh Chodhuri MEMBER
Dated : 29 Aug 2022
Final Order / Judgement


  1. The brief fact of the case of complainant is that he is a RD account holder under the O.Ps vide account no. 4518674889 which is existed in the name of his minor son.  It is alleged that on many occasions, he visited to the office of O.P. No. 1 & 2 in order to deposit the subscription amount, but on each date, on the plea of failure of Broadband connection and link failure the subscription amount could not be received.  Further alleged that in the month of October – November, 2021 for about 30 days the office of O. P. No. 1 got link failure, thus the complainant made in the grievance cell available with the O.P. No. 3 & 4, but to no effect for which he alongwith all other general public suffered.Thus being harassed mentally, financially and physically he filed this case claiming the refund of penalty amount received by the O.Ps, Rs. 2,00,000/- and Rs. 10,000/- towards compensation and costs of litigation.
  1. The O.Ps appeared and filed their counter version admitting the allegations of complainant, have contended that the Deptt. of Post provides service for more than 150 years and to provide better service they have inducted technologies through the Sify network using the infrastructure of BSNL.  Further contended that network is he main tool through which most of the online services of the department are provided to the customer and also due to failure of Sify/BSNL network the problems occurred and also the customer can avail the service of online applications like Dakpay, Post Infor and IPPB etc. for any postal transaction. Further contended that the misappropriation took place Bhejangiwada P.O. is under investigation by the CBI.  With other contentions, showing their no deficiency in service, they prayed to dismiss the case.
  1. Complainant filed certain documents.  O.Ps did not choose to file any documents.  Heard from the parties at length.  Perused the case record and materials available therein.
  1. It is an admitted fact that the complainant’s minor son is having one RD account with the O.P. no. 1 vide account no. 4518674889 and due to broadband network failure or link failure he could not deposit the subscription amount in time, which result the imposement of penalty over the subscription amount by the O.Ps. On the other hand, the O.Ps admitting such fact, have contended that only due to the failure in connection through Sify / BSNL, such problems occurred.

    From the above submission of parties, it is ascertained that only due to network problems the complainant alongwith other general public are suffering.In our view, customers under the O.Ps are the valuable assets of the O.Ps and only for such assets, the department is running all over the country.Hence it is prime duty on the part of the O.Ps to provide better service to the customer, as today’s technology has already improved much more with various facilities.Having competition all over, the network companies are providing better facilities comparing with one another.So it is the duty of the O.Ps. to adopt such type of network facility to facilitate their valuable customers.Admittedly, it is seen all over the Department of Post is the oldest one which providing services for more than 150 years and as on today many more organization have come up to provide service either banking or non banking under the guidelines of RBI.But larger number of public still have faith and expectation from the Department of Post to secure their financial investment, for better communication with their own, to secure the future aspect of their life and in that regard the Central Govt. has launched many beneficial schemes through the Department of Post.So it can be observed the usefulness of the Department towards the general public.But it is also observed that only for silly mistake / problems, the general customers are suffering a lot, and their suffering compel them to seek redress before the different Forums.
  1. In the present case in hand, it is also observed the same situation as discussed it the foregoing para.  Hence in our view, only due to such problems, the complainant must have suffered mentally, financially as well physically due to such improper service by the O.Ps, which compelled him to knock the door of the Commission.  Hence this order.


The complaint is allowed in part.  The O.Ps are herewith directed not to impose any fine over the subscription amount of complainant for the period August, 2021 and October and November, 2021 and also to pay Rs. 10,000/- towards compensation and costs for causing mental agony, physical harassment and sustaining financial harassment and costs of litigation within 45 days from the date of receipt of this order, failing which the amount of Rs. 10,000/- shall carry interest @ 6% p.a. from the date of this order till payment.  Further the O.Ps are directed to follow the better network facility to provide better service to the general public.

Pronounced the order in the open Court on this the 29th day of August, 2022.  Issue free copy to the parties concerned.


[HON'BLE MR. Sri Prafulla Kumar Panda]
[HON'BLE MR. Rajesh Chodhuri]

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