Fixed for Argument.
Ld. Advocate for O.P. files his hajira.
Complainant files petition to add Director M/S. P.M. System and Finance Service Pvt. Ltd. as O.P. no.2.
Let it be registered as Misc. Case no.44 of 2017.
Misc. Case is taken up for hearing.
Heard. Perused the petition.
We find that M/S P.M. System and Finance Services Pvt. Ltd. should be made party for proper adjudication of this case.
So, we like to allow this petition.
Hence, it is
That the Misc. Case no.44 of 2017 be and same is allowed on contest.
Director, M/S P.M. System and Finance Services Pvt. Ltd. be made parties as O.P. no.2 . Amend the plaint & Registered accordingly.
Complainant is directed to take step upon O.P. no.2 by 15-days.
Thus this Misc. Case is disposed of.
Fix 17-10-2017 for S.R. of O.P. no.2.