VIJAY PAL SINGH filed a consumer case on 08 Nov 2023 against NANDI INFRATECH PVT LTD in the East Delhi Consumer Court. The case no is MA/102/2023 and the judgment uploaded on 22 Nov 2023.
Present:- Sh. Rajesh Kumar Advocate for DH/Complainant
He has filed two applications, one for seeking direction to Indian Bank to furnish the details of the Bank Account of JD and secondly for issuing notice to other director of JD Company. Heard.
As far as application seeking direction to Indian Bank to furnish the details of the Bank Account of JD is concerned, the Commission is of the opinion that this Commission should not seek some information from third party and it is the DH who would get this information of its own and would inform the Commission. Therefore this application is not maintainable before this Commission as Commission cannot act as an agent of the DH for collection of evidence against the JD. Therefore this application is dismissed.
As far as second application is concerned i.e. with respect to issuing notice to other directors of JD Company, this contention of Ld. Counsel for DH is well found & therefore issue Notice to other director of JD Sh. Kailash Kumar and its CFO Sh. Amod Kumar Shukla as per the address given in the application.
Put up for further proceedings on 17.01.2024.
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