View 157 Cases Against Naaptol
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Manas Ranjan Rath filed a consumer case on 30 Dec 2016 against Naaptol Online Shopping Pvt. Ltd., in the Rayagada Consumer Court. The case no is CC/192/2016 and the judgment uploaded on 26 Dec 2017.
C.C. Case No.192/ 2016
P R E S E N T .
Sri Pradeep Kumar Dash, LL.B President
Sri Gadadhara Sahu, B.Sc. Member
Manas Ranjan Rath, Son of Haramohan Rath, C/o Ganesh Mishra, village Hatipathar Road, Raniguda Farm, Rayagada,765001. ………..Complainant
Naaptol Online Shopping Pvt. Ltd.,12 PL Solutions, Old No.B98,New No.B1331,New Ashok Nagar, Near Pandey Medicos, New Delhi-110096.
For the Complainant: In Person
For the O.P: Sri Manoj Verma & Associate Advocate.
The facts of the case in brief is that the complainant has a Ubislate 7DC Android 4.4.2 Kitkat Tablet Smartphone from the Opp.Party on dt.26/04/2016 with a consideration of Rs.3398/- vide Order No.22215797 but after its purchase the mobile phone started trouble and it was not updated for which the complainant immediately contacted the OP and made complaint but after several complaints of the petitioner the OP failed to replace the same . Hence the complainant finding no other option prays before this forum to direct the O.P to refund price of the mobile set and award compensation along with cost for litigation . Hence this complaint.
On being noticed, the appeared through their advocate and filed written version inter alia denying their petition allegations on all its material particulars. It is submitted by the O.P that the complainant has placed order for the product namely Datawind Calling Tablet vide order No.22215797 and after receipt of the order the OP forwarded it to the concerned seller for delivery and the concerned seller dispatched a fresh and good quality product in working condition and delivered it to the complainant through courier company and obtained Rs.3398/-. The above product carry one year warranty and according to the policy if any defect is found in the product within the warranty period then the product is been repaired on free of cost , if repair work is not possible then the product is replaced and if a in the event of both remedies are not satisfy to the customer then the price of the product is refunded to the customer. After receipt of complaint the troubleshoot team resolved the issue regarding the complaint of the complainant and also provided service centre number and informed him to visit his nearest service centre for resolution of the problem and thereafter no complaints are found to be made by the complainant in respect of the said product. There is no deficiency in service on the part of OP and therefore not liable to pay any compensation and prayed to dismiss the complaint.
Heard and perused the complaint petition and documents filed by the complainant and we accept the grievance of the complainant. The Complainant argued that the have sold a defective mobile set to the complainant and claimed that the caused deficiency in service and deprived of the complainant of enjoyment of the mobile set since the date of its purchase which caused mental agony and harassment to the complainant.
Now we have to see whether there was any negligence of the Ops in providing after sale service to the complainant as alleged ?
We perused the documents filed by the complainant. Since the mobile set found defective after its purchase and the complainant informed the Ops regarding the defect but the Ops failed to remove the defect . At this stage we hold that if the mobile set require servicing since the date of its purchase, then it can be presumed that it is defective one and if the defective mobile set is sold to the complainant , the complainant is entitled to get refund of the price of the article or to replace a new one or remove the defects and also the complainant is entitled and has a right to claim compensation and cost to meet his mental agony , financial loss. In the instant case as it is appears that the mobile set which was purchased by the complainant had developed defects and the were unable to restore its normal functioning during the warranty period. It appears that the complainant invested a substantial amount and purchased the mobile set with an expectation to have the effective benefit of use of the article. In this case, the complainant was deprived of getting beneficial use of the article and deprived of using the mobile set for such and the defecates were not removed by the who know the defects from time to time from the complainant.
Hence, in our view the complainant has right to claim compensation to meet his mental agony, financial loss. Hence, it is ordered.
The opposite parties are directed to refund the cost of mobile set and pay cost and compensation of Rs.1000/- . Further, we direct the Ops to pay the aforesaid award amount within one month from the date of receipt of this order, failing which the O.Ps are liable to pay interest @ 12% p.a. on the above awarded amount till the date of payment. Accordingly the complaint is allowed.
Pronounced in open forum today on this 26th day December,2016 under the seal and signature of this forum.
A copy of this order as per the statutory requirements , be forwarded to the parties free of charge.
Member President
Documents relied upon:
By the complainant:
By the Opp.Party: Nil
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