View 1389 Cases Against Myntra
SANJEEV MAILK filed a consumer case on 15 Nov 2018 against MYNTRA in the Panchkula Consumer Court. The case no is CC/167/2018 and the judgment uploaded on 19 Nov 2018.
Complaint Case No. | : | 167 of 2018 |
Date of Institution | : | 12.09.2018 |
Date of Decision | : | 15.11.2018 |
Sanjeev Malik S/o Sh.Vedpal Malik, R/o H.No.182, Manav Colony, Village Suketri (376), Panchkula-134109.
1. Myntra, 3rd floor, A Block, AKR Tech Park, 7th mile, Krishna Reddy Industrial Area, Kudlu Gate, Bengaluru-560068, Karnatak through their Propietar/Manager/Authorised Signatory.
….Opposite Parties
Before: Mr.Satpal, President.
Mr.Jagmohan Singh, Member.
Ms.Ruby Sharma, Member.
Present: Mr.Raman Sihag, Adv., for the complainant.
Mr.Rohit Kumar, Adv., for the Ops.
Today the case is fixed for filing written statement of Ops. At this stage, counsel for the Ops has made a separate statement in which he states that the matter has been compromised between the parties and the OP No.2 will make the payment of Rs.2300/- on 26.11.2018.
Counsel for the complainant has also made a separate statement in which he states that in view of the statement made by the counsel for the Ops, he withdraws the present complaint being fully satisfied. In case of non-payment by the Ops, the complainant shall be at liberty for initiation of proceeding u/s 25 and 27.
Heard. In view of the statement made by both the parties, it is clear that matter has been compromised. Hence, the present complaint is hereby dismissed as withdrawn being fully satisfied. However, it is made clear that the Ops shall be bound by their statement made before this Forum today i.e. 15.11.2018 that the Op No.2 will give the payment of Rs.2300/- to the complainant on 26.11.2018. In case, the Op No.2 fails to fulfill its commitment as per the above statement, the complainant shall be at liberty to invoke the jurisdiction of this Forum under section 25 and 27.
A copy of this order be sent to the parties free of costs and file be consigned to record room after due compliance.
Dt. (Ruby Sharma) (Jagmohan Singh) (Satpal)
15.11.2018 Member Member President
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