Mahender Singh filed a consumer case on 10 May 2023 against M/s Shiv Beej Bhandar in the Kaithal Consumer Court. The case no is 414/20 and the judgment uploaded on 11 May 2023.
Mahender Vs. M/s Shiv Beej Bhandar etc.
Present: None for complainant.
Sh. Vivek Kumar, Advocate for OPs.
Today the case is fixed for evidence of the complainant. No documentary evidence on behalf of complainant is present. Case called several times since morning but none has appeared on behalf of complainant nor any counsel. It is already 3:30 PM. No further wait seems to be justified. From perusal of case file it reveals that since 09.11.2021, the case was fixed for evidence of the complainant but the complainant has not been produced any documents in his evidence after availing eleven opportunities including last opportunity, which means that the complainant is not interested to proceed the present case further thus, present complaint is hereby dismissed for want of prosecution. Copy of the order be sent to both the parties free of cost. File be consigned to the record-room after do compliance.
Date: 10.05.2023 President
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