Rakesh Kumar filed a consumer case on 03 Dec 2019 against M/S. TANEJA DEVELOPERS & INFRASTRUCTURE LTD in the New Delhi Consumer Court. The case no is CC/03/2011 and the judgment uploaded on 06 Dec 2019.
NEW DELHI-110001
Case No.C.C./03/2011 Dated:
Rakesh Kumar
S/o Sh. R RSaini
R/o 2052, Sector-7
Urban Estate, Karnal – 132001
Haryana …… Complainant
TDI Infrastructure Ltd
Head Office : 9, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi and
G -7, Ground floor , Connaught Circus
Opposite Madras Hotel Block
New Delhi …….Opposite Party
The brief facts of the case are that the complainant purchased a plot no. E- 177 at measuring 244.25 square yards in the OP’s project name TDI city Kundli, District Sonepat from one Sh. Ram Chand on 08/08/2008 and all the payments have been made to the owner of the said plot or promoter of the city including the External Development Charges of Rs. 3,06,290/- as per the statement of account dated 20/10/2008. The OP demanded a sum of Rs. 44,204/- as outstanding amount towards External Development Charges@ 1254 per square yard alongwith interest for delayed payment which has not been questioned in the present complaint. It is stated that the Government of Haryana enhanced the EDC charges with retrospective effect and a demand of Rs. 99776 /- ( Rs. 408.50/- per square yard ) was raised for making payment till 09/07/2009 and delay will attract interest at the rate of 18% per annum. It is stated that OP has raised the demand and did not provide the clarifications vide complainant’s letter dated 27/07/2009, 30/08/2009, 14/12/2009, 01/02/2010 and 15/02/2010, it was orally informed that the enhanced EDC calculated @ Rs. 408.50 per square yard with interest @ 18% has to be paid as directed by the Directorate of Town & Country Planning Haryana, Chandigarh vide Memo No. LC 722/2008/12093 dated 15/12/2008. Since no clarifications/ information was provided by the OP despite repeated articles complainant filed RTI application to the Directorate of Town & Country Planning ( DTCP) Chandigarh, Haryana on 23/09/2009. The public information of Directorate of Town & Country Planning responded to the RTI application and also informed the complainant that certain information was required from the OP which have not been furnished and accordingly a show cause notice was also issued. Prayer for refund of the enhanced External Development Charges(EDC) of Rs. 99,775/-, interest @18% levied on enhanced EDC Rs. 11809/- and interest @ 18% on the amount i.e. Rs. 111584/- (enhanced EDC i.e. Rs. 99775/- +interest paid on question enhanced EDC i.e. Rs. 11809 = Rs. 111584) has been made.
The OP was initially proceeded ex-parte after granting number of opportunities to file written statement. However, the said order dated 25/02/2013 was set aside by the Hon’ble State Commission and the written statement was allowed to be filed by OP.
The complainant had already filed ex-parte evidence which was adopted after filing of the written statement by the OP.
Both the OP also filed evidence by way of affidavit. They also addressed oral arguments.
We have considered the material placed before us and the submissions to the parties.
The entire issue remains confined to the demand of enhanced External Development Charges as stated and admittedly issued by the Directorate of Town and Country Planning, Chandigarh, Haryana. The amount of Rs. 44,204/- has not been disputed by the complainant. The complainant stated to have paid the entire EDC charges at the time of purchasing of the plot from the original allotee i.e. much before the said demand. However, the demand was raised by the OP to the tune of Rs. 99,776/- has been wrangled. The said amount of Rs. 99,776/- was later paid by the complainant as per the letter dated 09/03/2010 but under protest.
In our considered view the builders and the allotees have to meet the requirements and the demands raised by the Government agency/ Stuatory bodies. The quantum of amount of enhanced EDC charges demanded by the OP ought to be conforming to the demand raised by the Directorate of Town and Country Planning, Chandigarh, Haryana. The complainant has filed reply to an RTI application which indicates that some clarifications/ documents were called for by the DTCP from the OP. The inter-se communications of the Directorate of Town & Country Planning, Chandigarh, Haryana and OP do not have any impressive impact on the present proceedings/ complaint since no concrete outcome/ decision appears to have emerged there from.
Since, the amount of EDC payable by the OP after collecting from allotees of the plot holders had to be deposited with the Directorate of Town & Country Planning (DTCP) Chandigarh, Haryana. Therefore, claim of the refund of the amount of enhanced EDC by the complainant is rejected.
In view of above, the complaint is dismissed with no orders as to cost.
Copy of the order may be forwarded to the parties to the case
free of costs statutorily required.
Announced in open Forum on 03/12/2019.
The orders be uploaded on www.confonet.nic.in
File be consigned to record room.
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