Hon’ble Mr. Ajeya Matilal, Presiding Member
None appears on behalf of the appellant. He did not pay any cost in terms of order no. 4 dt. 03.01.2023 for condoning the delay. So, it appears that the appellant is not interested to proceed with the appeal.
Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with judgment dt. 07/10/2021 in CC/384/2019 delivered by Ld. DCDRC, Kolkata, Unit I allowing the complaint ex parte against the OP the appellant/OP preferred this appeal.
Perused the impugned order, we do not find any illegality in the same.
Accordingly, A/41/2022 is dismissed. Impugned order is upheld. There shall be no order as to the costs.
Order of stay, if there is any, in connection with the present appeal stands vacated.
Let a copy of this order be sent to the Ld. DCDRC, Kolkata, Unit –I.
Joint Registrar of this Commission is directed to do the needful in this regard.