C.C. No. 63/2018
Date of Filing: Date of Admission: Date of Disposal:
05.02.2018 16.02.2018 07.03.2018
Complainant = Vs= Opposite Parties
Mr. Tomas Kostrouch, 1. Ms. Agarwal Packers & Movers
S/o. ZDNEK Kostrouch, DRC Group of M/s. Agarwal,
Kovarovicova, 321, Kabra Complex, 61-M.G Road,
House No. 256, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh,
Domazlice C Zech Republic India (A unit of DRS Logistics
Private Limitd)
Passport No. 39768053, 2. Regional Manager,
Pin-34401. 3. Field Officer,
M/s. Agarwal Packers and Movers,
DRS Group, 2/4, Block-GP Netguru
Building, 1st floor, P.S. Electronics
Complex, DN Block, Sec-V,
Salt Lake City, Dist- North 24 Pgs,
Kolkata- 700091.
P R E S E N T : -Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay………President.
:- Smt. Silpi Majumder…………………… Member.
Final Order
This complaint is filed by the complainant under Section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 alleging deficiency in service as well as unfair trade practice against the OPs as the OPs did not deliver the house- hold goods at his residence in spite of agreement and payment.
It is seen by us that the complainant is residing in Czeckoslovakia (Zech) being a permanent resident of a foreign country the complainant has filed this complaint against the OPs without taking any appropriate steps from the concerned authority. In the petition of complaint though it is stated by the complainant that he has given power of attorney in favour of his friend, who is residing in Rajarhat, New Town, but in the cause title of the complaint nowhere it is mentioned that the complainant is represented by his power of attorney. The name of the holder of the power of attorney has also not been mentioned in the cause title of the complaint.
Due to such lacuna in filing the complaint by the complainant, we are not in a position to admit the same.
Hence, it is ordered, that the Consumer Complaint No-63/2018 is hereby dismissed without being admitted. There is no order as to cost. However, liberty be given to the Complainant to approach before the appropriate Court/ Forum/ Commission in accordance with law, if not barred otherwise.
Let plain copy of this order be given to the Complainant free of cost as per the CPR, 2005.