


Raj Singh Nagar S/o Dala singh - Complainant(s)


M/s United India Insurance Company Ltd. & Others - Opp.Party(s)

R P Nagar

15 Nov 2023


Distic forum Faridabad, hariyana
final order
Complaint Case No. CC/168/2022
( Date of Filing : 28 Mar 2022 )
1. Raj Singh Nagar S/o Dala singh
1. M/s United India Insurance Company Ltd. & Others
SCO- 106, Commercial
Dated : 15 Nov 2023
Final Order / Judgement

District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission ,Faridabad.


Consumer Complaint  No.168/2022.

 Date of Institution: 28.03.2022.

Date of Order: 15.11.2023.

Raj Singh Nagar son of Shri Dalal Singh resident of  Village and Post Office Tigaon, District Faridabad.



1.                     M/s. United India Insurance Company Limited, SCO-106, Commercial Complex, Green Channel Road, Sector-16, Faridabad – 121002 through  its Divisional Manager/Principal Officer.

2.                     M/s. Health Insurance of India Limited, 2nd floor, Majestic Omnia Building-a, 110, Sector-4, Noida (U.P)- 201 301 through its Directors/principal Officers.

                                                                                    …Opposite parties……

Complaint under section-12 of Consumer Protection Act, 1986

Now  amended  Section 34 of Consumer protection Act 2019.

BEFORE:                  Amit Arora……………..President

Mukesh Sharma…………Member.

Indira Bhadana………….Member.

PRESENT:                Sh.  R.P. Nagar,  counsel for the complainant.

                                    Sh.  L.S.Perswal, counsel for opposite party No.1.

                                    Opposite party No.2 ex-parte vide order dated  31.08.2022.


                                    Today the case was fixed for summon to concerned Clerk of accounts department of Sarvodya Hospital and Research Center, Sector-8, Faridabad.

                                    As per the statement of both the parties, the complainant has suffered a separate statement that he is satisfied with the payment of Rs.1576/- but the opposite party should be directed to pay the harassment & litigation and interest,

                                    On the other hand, Shri L.S.Perswal, counsel for the opposite party No.1 has made a statement that “I am ready to pay the amount of Rs.1576/-“

                                    After going through  the both the statements, the Commission is of the opinion that the complaint is disposed off with the direction to opposite party to pay  Rs. 3300/- as compensation for causing mental agony and harassment  and Rs.2200/- as litigation expenses to the complainant.  Opposite party No.1 is also directed to process the claim of the complainant @6% on the balance amount from the date of filing of complaint.  Compliance of this order be made within 30 days from the date of this order. Copy of this order be given to the parties  concerned free of costs and file be consigned to record room.


Announced on:  15.11.2023                                               (Amit Arora)


                         District Consumer Disputes

             Redressal  Commission, Faridabad.


                                                            (Mukesh Sharma)


            District Consumer Disputes

                                                                                    Redressal Commission, Faridabad.


                                                            (Indira Bhadana)


            District Consumer Disputes

                                                                                    Redressal Commission, Faridabad.




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