


Bira Kishore Rout - Complainant(s)


M/S-The new India Assurance Co Ltd & others - Opp.Party(s)


27 Feb 2017


Complaint Case No. CC/68/2015
1. Bira Kishore Rout
At-Badadanda sahi,word No-1, P.O/P.S/S.D-Talcher
1. M/S-The new India Assurance Co Ltd & others
At-4,Mangoe lane, 2nd floor,Kolkata-700001,West Bengal
 HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick MEMBER
 HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty MEMBER
For the Complainant:
For the Opp. Party:
Dated : 27 Feb 2017
Final Order / Judgement




       PRESENT:- SRI  DURGA CHARAN MISHRA.                          


                                                             A N D


                                      Mrs. S.MALLICK & Sri K.K.Mohanty,

                                        MEMBER .


                              Consumer Complaint No. 68 of 2015


                                         Date  of  Filling : - 16.06.2015.

                                                 Date  of  Order  :-  27 .02.2017.


Birakishore Rout,S/O.Late Baban Rout,

Residing At-Baddanda Sahi,Word No-1,






 01.M/S.The  New India Assurance Co.Ltd,Having registered

      Office at 4,Mangoe lane 2nd Floor,Kolkata- 700001, West

      Bengal,Represented through The Sr.Branch Manager,

      At- Angul,Near Daily Market,P.O/P.S/Dist.Angul.


  02.M/s.Magma Finocrop Ltd,Registered Office at

        24 ,Park Street,Kolkata-7000016,West Bengal.


                                     _________________________    Opp. parties.


For the complainant     :-  Sri P.Sahu(Adv.)

For the opp.party No. 1:-  Sri J.N.Mishra & associates(Advs.)

For the opp.party No.2 :-  Sri M.K.Panda & associates(Advs.)           



                                           : J U D G E M E N T   :


Sri D. C. Mishra, President.

          The complainant has filed this  case with  prayer to direct the opp.party No.1  to  pay the  insured  value of  his truck bearing Regd No. OR-19B-4943 i. e Rs.6,40,500.00 only with  interest,  compensation and  cost of  litigation.

2.       That, the  complainant  Birakishore Rout had  purchased  a Tata Ten wheeler  truck bearing  Regd. No. OR-19B-4943 , taking  a loan  of Rs. 5,48,600.00  from the opp.party No.2( M/S.Magma Fincrop Ltd.)  and  had  insured the  truck  with  opp.party No. 1(M/s.The New  India  Assurance Co.Ltdd) vide   package  policy No. 51170131120100003982  for the   period from 18.9.2012 till 17.9.2013 midnight for Rs. 6,40,500.00  only by  paying   premium of Rs. 24,905.00  only. It is alleged that  in the  night in-between 25.4.2013  and 26.4.2013 , during  valid  insurance  period, while  the  truck was  parked at Koira  parking  place  was stolen by  unknown  criminals  and    on the  next  morning , the  driver   noticed the  fact and  intimated the  complainant. The  complainant immediately  rushed to Koira  from Talcher, searched   the  near by  place  for  3-4 days but in  vain, for  which  ultimately  on 2.5.2013   the  complainant  lodged F.I.R at Koira Police  Station. According to the complainant,  police drawn  F.I.R  U/s.  379  of I.P.C  vide  P.S Case  entry No. 29  dt. 2.5.2013  , took up  the  investigation and  ultimately   submitted  final  report on 4.1.2015  stating that  “fact true but no clue” .The  complainant has also  submitted  that  he  got certified copy of the  final report  of the  police  from the  Court on  2.2.2015  and  thereafter  collecting all the  relevant  documents submitted insurance  claim  to opp.party No.1  through opp.party No.2.  on 18.2.2015 .It is  alleged by the  complainant  that  since the   insured  truck was  stolen within the  valid  insurance  period  and it  could not be  recovered, he  is entitled  to  get full  insurance  amount  i.e Rs.6.40,500.00  only  from opp.party No.1  but  despite   repeated approaches  and   discussions ,the opp.party No.1  did not pay the  same.  The complainant has  also   averred that the   interest  burden on his   loan is mounting day by  day    and he  is  unable  to  earn  his livelihood. So the complainant has filed this case   claiming the reliefs as already stated above in Para- 1.

3.       Opp.party No.2  has   contested the  case by  filing   written version  stating that the  case is   not  maintainable  against it. According   to  opp.party No.2, it is the  financer company and   entitled  to recover the   loan amount   but he has  nothing to  say as regards insurance and  theft of the  truck. It  has   specifically averred that the   dispute  was referred to Arbitrator  and on 12.11.2012  the   Arbitrator has  awarded   some  amount  in favour of the opp.parties   for  which  this  case  cannot  proceed  against  it.

          The  opp.party No.1  has  contested the  case  by filling  written  version with  prayer  to  dismiss the   case  as not  maintainable   since the  petitioner has  made  gross  violation of  policy  condition No.5  by not   reporting the  fact   of the  theft  immediately  or  in the  earliest  opportunity.

4.       In view  of the   rival   pleadings of the parties  the  following   issues are  arising  for  consideration.   


  1. Whether there  is   any cause of  action  to file the c ase and the  case is  maintainable ?
  2. Whether   the  case is   barred by  limitation or  any  other law ?
  3. Whether there  is  consumer  and   service  provider relationship   between the  complainant  and  opp.parties ?
  4. Whether the  opp.party No.1  has  committed  deficiency  in   providing  service  to the  complainant ?
  5. Whether the  case is   maintainable  against opp.party No.2  or not ?
  6. To  what  reliefs  the   complainant  is  entitled  to  ?


: F I N D I N G S :


Issue No.(iii):-      As  per the  case, the  complainant  had insured his  truck  bearing Regd. No. OR-19B-4943  vide  package  policy No.  51170131120100003982   with   the opp.party No. ( Insurance  Company )  for the   period  from 18.9.2012  to 17.9.2013  midnight  by  paying   premium of Rs. 24,905.00  only  for the   purpose of  insurance. Therefore, the   complainant is a consumer under the  opp.party No.1  and  opp.party No.1 is the  service  provider. According   to  opp.party No.2, the case  is not  maintainable  against it. Admittedly the   complainant   has not  claimed  any relief  against opp.party No.2 .Thus, this issue  is  answered in favour of the   complainant  and against  opp.party No.1.


Issue No. (iv):-     The opp.party  No.1  is  the  insurance  company and the  complainant had insured his  truck  by  paying   policy  premium of Rs. 24,905.00 only  and the   period  was  valid  from 18.9.2012  to  till 17.9.2013 midnight . Thus when the  insurance   policy was  valid, the truck was  stolen in the   intervening  night  in  between 25.4.2013  to  26.4.2013. The complainant  has reported the   fact  at Koira  Police station  vide P.S case entry No. 29  dt. 2.5.2013. After  investigation  police has  submitted   the  final report  stating that  “Fact true but no clue” .Since the  truck was  stolen  during  valid insurance  period and   police  has   certified  the  fact of  theft   to be  true,  the  complainant is  entitled to   get the  full  policy  amount of  Rs. 6,40,500.00   from the  date of  theft  but opp.party No.1  refused  payment on the  ground of  12 days  delay  in   reporting the   fact to opp.party  No.1 .Opp.party No.1  has  also taken the stand  that the  complainant  did not  keep  the  truck  by  taking all reasonable  steps  to  safeguard   the  vehicle  insured  from  loss  or  damaged. The  policy  condition  as   narrated by   opp.party  No.1  in  its  written version is  quoted below  for  proper  appreciation of the  case.


Policy Condition No.1:-

            Notice shall be  given  in writing to the  company immediately  upon the  occurrence of  any accidental loss or  damage in the  event  of  any claim and  thereafter  the insured  shall give all such information  and   assistance  as the  company shall require. Every letter  claim writ  summons  and/or  process  or  copy thereof  shall be  forwarded  to the  company immediately on  receipt  by  the   insured. Notice shall  also be  given in writing to  company immediately the    insured shall  have  knowledge of any  impending   prosecution, inquest or  any  fatal  inquiry in  respect of  any  occurrence  which  may  give  rise to a  claim under  the  policy. In  case of the  theft or  criminal  act  which may  be  the  subject  of  a claim  under this  policy  the insured  shall  give   immediate notice to the  police and  co-operate  with the  company  in securing  the  conviction of  the  offender.


Policy Condition No.5:-

            The  insured  shall  take  all  reasonable  steps  to  safeguard  the  vehicle  insured  from loss or  damage  and  to maintain  it in  efficient  condition and the  company  shall have at all  times  free and  full  access  to examine   the  vehicle  insured   or  any   part  thereof  or  any driver  or  employee of the  insured .In  the event  of  any  accident  or   breakdown, the  vehicle  insured  shall  not left  unattended  without   proper   precautions  being  taken  to  prevent   further damage  or  loss  and  if the  vehicle  be  driven before the  necessary  repairs are  effected  any  extensions  of the  damage or any  further  damage to the  vehicle  shall be  entirely  at the  insured’s own risk .


According to the  complainant  the  truck was  stolen in  the night  when  it was  kept in the parking   place at Koira  which is the best and  secured  place for keeping the  truck. He has  also  explained   that on the  next  morning  the   driver intimated him  about the  theft and he immediately  rushed  to Koira  and  searched  the  stolen  truck in the  nearby places of Koira   for  3-4 days  and   then  reported the  fact at Koira P.S on 2.5.2013.The  certified  copy  of  final  report  submitted  by the  complainant   reveals that the  case was  reported  on 2.5.2013. There  is  5/6 days  delay  in  lodging the  F.I.R  but the  complainant  has  suitably   explained that he  went to Koira  from  Talcher and  enquired  about the  missing  truck in  nearby  area and then lodged  the F.I.R. This  explanation  of the   complainant  is  quite  reasonable  and   probable .Further   the police has  certified the  fact of the  theft to be  true. When the   theft  of the   truck  is  true,  violating  some  technical  grounds  i.e  reporting  the  fact  in slight delay will   not hamper  the  complainant’s  demand   and  it  is  not  fatal  to this  case. Thus, opp.party No.1 has   made  deficiency  in service  by  not paying the policy amount, despite  the  fact of the   theft  is  proved  since  the  driver  of the  truck  had  slept , keeping   the truck in the   parking  place , it  cannot be  said that  the  truck was  kept carelessly. Though there is little  delay but in  view  of the  fact that the  theft has been  certified  by  the  police(Investigating Agency)  , the delay  cannot  debarred the  complainant  from getting his  claim. Thus, the  opp.party No.1 has   made  deficiency  in service  by  not paying  the  insurance  amount.


(Issue No. (i),(ii) & (v):-         It  appears  that  there  is  cause of  action  to file the  case and   the case  is maintainable. The  complainant has not  claimed  against the opp.aprty No.2   but  opp.aprty No2  is   entitled to   recover the  loan amount  if  any  from the  complainant. In the  written version,  opp.party No.2   has  admitted  that the  Arbitration Authority vide  order dt. 12.11.2012  awarded  some  amount   in favour of opp.party No.2   but  it  has  not  clearly mentioned the  amount  nor  submitted  the  copy of  any order. The  arbitrator  has  awarded some  amount  in favour of  opp.party No.2. So as  per  the   decisions of Hon’ble  State Commission & Hon’ble  National Commission   relied on by the opp.party No.2, no  order in favour of  it  can be  passed  as  because the  arbitration  authority  have  already  decided the matter  on 12.11.2012(as stated  by opp.party  No.2  in the  written version ).


Issue No. (vi):-    In view of the  above  discussions  made in issue No.(iii) & (iv)   the  complainant  is entitled to get the  full insurance  amount of Rs. 6,40,500.00  only   from opp.party No.1. Since  opp.party No.1  has  made  the delay  , the  complainant is also  entitled to  get 5% simple interest per annum  and  litigation  charges.


6.     Hence  ordered :-

: O R D E R :

        The  case is  disposed  of on contest  against the opp.parties.


        Opp.party No.1 (Insurance  Company) is directed to pay  the  insurance  amount of Rs. 6,40,500.00(Rupees Six Lakh Forty Thousand Five Hundred)  only to the  complainant within 2(two)  months from the  date  of  order along with 5%  simple  interest  per annum from the date of  theft   till the   date of  actual payment is made. Opp.party No.1  shall also   pay Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand) only   to the   complainant  towards  cost of  litigation  within  the  above  stipulated time.



                                                                   Order delivered in the open forum

today the  22nd   February,2017                                                      with hand   and seal of this Forum.

Typed to my dictation

and corrected by me                                    

                                                                          (Sri D. C. Mishra)


  (Sri D. C. Mishra)                                                             

         President .


                                                                                (Mrs. S. Mallick)


 (Sri K.K.Mohanty),




[HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra]
[HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick]
[HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty]

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