FA 628 of 2009 against C.C. 36/2008, Dist. Forum, Warangal
Kunduru Subhashini
W/o. Jammula Ranga Reddy
Age: 58 years, Pvt. Employee
H.No. 5-8-73/1, Reddy Complex
Lashkar Bazar, Hanamkonda
Now at D.No. 1-8-467
Madali Narsimha Reddy Qtrs
Hanamkonda, Warangal Dist. *** Appellant/
M/s. Rajani Chit Fund Pvt. Ltd.
Rep. by its Managing Director
Smt. Vanaja, W/o. Late CH. Saraiah
Age: 51 years, Rajani Complex
Chowrastha, Hanamkonda
Now at H.No. 2-739/4-C/2/21
Ramnagar, Behind Old Bus Depot
Hanamkonda. *** Respondent/
Opposite Party.
FA 630 of 2009 against C.C. 38/2008, Dist. Forum, Warangal
Kunduru Subhashini
W/o. Jammula Ranga Reddy
Age: 58 years, Pvt. Employee
H.No. 5-8-73/1, Reddy Complex
Lashkar Bazar, Hanamkonda
Now at D.No. 1-8-467
Madali Narsimha Reddy Qtrs
Hanamkonda, Warangal Dist. *** Appellant/
M/s. Rajani Chit Fund Pvt. Ltd.
Rep. by its Managing Director
Smt. Vanaja, W/o. Late CH. Saraiah
Age: 51 years, Rajani Complex
Chowrastha, Hanamkonda
Now at H.No. 2-739/4-C/2/21
Ramnagar, Behind Old Bus Depot
Hanamkonda. *** Respondent/
Opposite Party.
FA 631 of 2009 against C.C. 39/2008, Dist. Forum, Warangal
Kunduru Subhashini
W/o. Jammula Ranga Reddy
Age: 58 years, Pvt. Employee
H.No. 5-8-73/1, Reddy Complex
Lashkar Bazar, Hanamkonda
Now at D.No. 1-8-467
Madali Narsimha Reddy Qtrs
Hanamkonda, Warangal Dist. *** Appellant/
M/s. Rajani Chit Fund Pvt. Ltd.
Rep. by its Managing Director
Smt. Vanaja, W/o. Late CH. Saraiah
Age: 51 years, Rajani Complex
Chowrastha, Hanamkonda
Now at H.No. 2-739/4-C/2/21
Ramnagar, Behind Old Bus Depot
Hanamkonda. *** Respondent/
Opposite Party.
FA 633 of 2009 against C.C. 41/2008, Dist. Forum, Warangal
Kunduru Subhashini
W/o. Jammula Ranga Reddy
Age: 58 years, Pvt. Employee
H.No. 5-8-73/1, Reddy Complex
Lashkar Bazar, Hanamkonda
Now at D.No. 1-8-467
Madali Narsimha Reddy Qtrs
Hanamkonda, Warangal Dist. *** Appellant/
M/s. Rajani Chit Fund Pvt. Ltd.
Rep. by its Managing Director
Smt. Vanaja, W/o. Late CH. Saraiah
Age: 51 years, Rajani Complex
Chowrastha, Hanamkonda
Now at H.No. 2-739/4-C/2/21
Ramnagar, Behind Old Bus Depot
Hanamkonda. *** Respondent/
Opposite Party.
FA 634 of 2009 against C.C. 42/2008, Dist. Forum, Warangal
Kunduru Subhashini
W/o. Jammula Ranga Reddy
Age: 58 years, Pvt. Employee
H.No. 5-8-73/1, Reddy Complex
Lashkar Bazar, Hanamkonda
Now at D.No. 1-8-467
Madali Narsimha Reddy Qtrs
Hanamkonda, Warangal Dist. *** Appellant/
M/s. Rajani Chit Fund Pvt. Ltd.
Rep. by its Managing Director
Smt. Vanaja, W/o. Late CH. Saraiah
Age: 51 years, Rajani Complex
Chowrastha, Hanamkonda
Now at H.No. 2-739/4-C/2/21
Ramnagar, Behind Old Bus Depot
Hanamkonda. *** Respondent/
Opposite Party.
FA 635 of 2009 against C.C. 43/2008, Dist. Forum, Warangal
Kunduru Subhashini
W/o. Jammula Ranga Reddy
Age: 58 years, Pvt. Employee
H.No. 5-8-73/1, Reddy Complex
Lashkar Bazar, Hanamkonda
Now at D.No. 1-8-467
Madali Narsimha Reddy Qtrs
Hanamkonda, Warangal Dist. *** Appellant/
M/s. Rajani Chit Fund Pvt. Ltd.
Rep. by its Managing Director
Smt. Vanaja, W/o. Late CH. Saraiah
Age: 51 years, Rajani Complex
Chowrastha, Hanamkonda
Now at H.No. 2-739/4-C/2/21
Ramnagar, Behind Old Bus Depot
Hanamkonda. *** Respondent/
Opposite Party.
Counsel for the Appellant: M/s. V. Gourishankara Rao
Counsel for the Respondent: M/s. Shyam S. Agarwal
ORAL ORDER: (Per Hon’ble Sri Justice D. Appa Rao, President.)
1) These batch of appeals consisting of 6 in number are filed by the unsuccessful complainant against the very same chit fund company. Though the Dist. Forum passed separate orders on each of the complaints since common questions of fact and law are involved, we are of the opinion that same can be disposed of by a common order.
2) The case of the complainants in brief is that she joined as member in the chit floated by the respondent chit fund company for various amounts as shown in the tabular form below payable in 50 months Accordingly she paid subscriptions which reflect by way of receipts and acknowledgements in the pass book. Later it stopped collecting the amounts at it went into deep financial problems. It locked the premises to evade payment to the subscribers. The chit was terminated. When contacted, the Managing Director assured that he would return the amount in instalments. When insisted at last he refunded certain amounts with a promise that he would pay the remaining amount within a short time. Accordingly he also executed an undertaking. While so CH. Saraiah, Managing Director died on 18.11.2005 and on his death his wife Smt. Vanaja became the Managing Director. Despite repeated demands amounts were not paid, and therefore she claimed the amounts covered under the chit with interest @ 12% p.a., from the date of complaint till realization together with compensation and costs.
S.No. | F.A. No. | C.C. No. | Chit value | Subscribed | Refunded | Balance |
| | | | | | to be paid |
1. | FA 628/2009 | C.C. 36/2008 | 2,50,000 | 75,000 | 10000 | 65000 |
2 | FA 630/2009 | C.C. 38/2008 | 5,00,000 | 340000 | 10000 | 330000 |
3 | FA 631/2009 | C.C. 39/2008 | 5,00,000 | 250000 | 10000 | 240000 |
4 | FA 633/2009 | C.C. 41/2008 | 2,50,000 | 240000 | 10000 | 230000 |
5 | FA 634/2009 | C.C. 42/2008 | 2,50,000 | 80000 | 10000 | 70000 |
6 | FA 635/2009 | C.C. 43/2008 | 2,50,000 | 230000 | 10000 | 220000 |
3) The respondent chit fund company resisted the case. While denying each and every allegation made in the complaint she denied payment of amount and acknowledgement dt. 15.11.2005 as forged and fabricated document. The complaint was hopelessly barred by limitation. In fact the complainant was appointed as a foreman in the chit fund company and filed civil suits on behalf of the chit fund company against the members for realization of amount vide O.S. No. 75/2002 on the file of Principal Senior Civil Judge, Warangal, and some suits on the file of Principal Junior Civil Judge, Warangal. She also filed execution applications for recovery of the amounts and did not account for. After gathering information it would file additional written version. By virtue of orders of 1st Additional Senior Civil Judge, Warangal in O.S. No. 48/2001 the office was seized. Misusing the official position acknowledgement was fabricated. Sri CH. Saraiah, Managing Director fell sick in the month of October, 2005 with paralysis and had taken treatment in Sai Krishna Super Speciality Hosptial, Kachiguda, Hyderabad from 27.10.2005 to 7.11.2005. Later in Aditya Multi Speciality Hosptial, Hanamkonda from 11.11.2005 to 16.11.2005, and further in Care Hospital till his death on 18.11.2005. Therefore the allegation that he gave acknowledgement on 15.11.2005 is false. Since complicated questions of fact and law are involved the Dist. Forum has no jurisdiction. Therefore she prayed for dismissal of the complaint with costs.
4) The complainant in proof of her case filed her affidavit evidence and got Exs. A1 to A8 marked while the respondent filed the affidavit evidence of Smt. Ch. Vanaja and got Exs. B1 to B4 marked. During the course of hearing the appeal the complainant filed an application to receive certain documents by way of additional evidence. The application was allowed and they were assigned as Exs. A9 to A11.
5) The Dist. Forum after considering the evidence placed on record opined that though the complainant filed suits on behalf of the chit fund company for realization of amount evident from Ex. B2 authorised by the Board to act as Foreman and that she waited as far as her complaint is concerned till closure of chit period obviously obtained his signature when he was in hospital evident from Ex. B1 hospital record, and therefore it was doubtful. When the chit was closed in the year 1999 and the complaint having filed in the year 2007 was barred by limitation. Therefore the complaint was dismissed without costs.
6) Aggrieved by the said decision, the complainant preferred the appeal contending that the Dist. Forum did not appreciate either facts or law in correct perspective. It failed to consider the amounts that were received on various dates and finally under Ex. A8 acknowledgement which was not proved to be forged or fabricated and the respondent being the Managing Director attending to the affairs of the chit fund company on the death of her husband ought to have paid the amounts. The acknowledgement was dt. 18.11.2005. The complaint was filed within the period of limitation. Therefore the complaint was liable to be allowed.
7) The point that arises for consideration is whether the order of the Dist. Forum is vitiated by mis-appreciation of fact or law?
8) It is an undisputed fact that the complainant basing on the Board Resolution dt. 4.4.2001 Ex. B2 was appointed as foreman and authorised to file various suits O.S. 75/2002 on the file of Principal Senior Civil Judge, Warangal and O.S. No. 1526/2004 on the file of Principal Junior Civil Judge, Warangal against the members who have committed default and obtained decrees vide copies of decrees Exs. B3 & B4 respectively. She also alleges that she also subscribed to the chit for a sum of Rs. 2,50,000/- payable in 50 monthly instalments at Rs. 5,000/- per month commencing from January, 1998. According to her she contributed a sum of Rs. 75,000/- up to March, 1999 vide entries in the pass book Ex. A1. She alleges that as chit fund company became financially unviable closed its business and when she was insisting for payment of amount the erstwhile Managing Director Sri CH. Saraiah, husband of the respondent refunded Rs. 10,000/- on various dates vide receipts Exs. A2 to A7, and finally gave an undertaking Ex. A8 dt. 15.11.2005. It may be stated that the acknowledgement is on the letter head of the chit fund company. The signature of the Managing Director finds a place. The acknowledgement bears the stamp of the chit fund company and CH. Saraiah singed as Managing Director in the space left for his signature as Managing Director. There are two witnesses in the said document. Minutes and Resolutions of the Company Board of Directors dt. 5.3.1989 Ex. A10 authorised Sri CH. Saraiah to be the foreman as well as Managing Director to deal with legal proceedings and administrative affairs, clause 4 reads: “(4). to chalk out the recovery programme for purpose of speed recoveries. (5). to conduct agents meeting for purpose of business development. (6). to file suits and complaints against the defaulting subscribers for recovery of money from time to time”. On his death his wife Smt. Vanaja was appointed as Managing Director and Foreman evidenced under resolution Ex. A11 dt. 12.12.2005.
9) Sri CH. Saraiah, Managing Director had afflicted from Bells Palsy. He took treatment in various hospitals evidenced from hospital record Ex. B1 dt. 27.10.2005. He died on 18.11.2005. In view of his ailment the contention is that CH. Saraiah could not have signed the acknowledgement Ex. A8 as he was struck with paralysis. It may be stated herein that he had only Bells Palsy and obviously could attend to his work as well as sign. If really the complainant did not pay the amount evident from Ex. A2 to A7 the respondent who is now the Managing Director could have filed the affidavit evidence of the clerk whose initials finds a place in all these receipts stating that no amount was paid. Since he was having account, day book and ledger she could have filed in order to prove that these payments were not true and they were created and taking advantage of the position of the complainant as Foreman. Equally the respondent could have examined the attestors to Ex. A8 to prove that signature on Ex. A8 is a forgery. She could have taken steps by sending the said acknowledgement/undertaking to a handwriting expert in order to find out whether the signature on Ex. A8 belongs to CH. Saraiah or not. The evidence of the complainant was uncontroverted by any evidence to the contrary. The respondent is capable of running a chit fund company on the death of her husband ought to have filed the records to prove that the complainant did not join as a member nor contributed the amounts, and that the payments made by her were not true, equally so Ex. A8. When she could not prove any of these facts it cannot be said that Ex. A8 is a forgery. Even the Dist. Forum while observing that the respondent could not prove that the signature is a forgery by sending to an expert etc., however, solely on the ground that he could not have singed in view of his admission in the hospital cannot be up-held. The documents do not reveal that he was admitted as in-patient in the hospital and had taken treatment. In Ex. B1 there was a categorical mention that he had only left side Bells Palsy and the treatment suggested was clinical treatment and facial massage. He was admitted on 17.11.2005 at 10.05 a.m. and was discharged on the same day.
10) While the acknowledgement/undertaking was on 15.11.2005 he was admitted in the hospital on 17.11.2005 with a diagnosis DM uncontrolled. He was treated conservatively and discharged on the same day. This was two days after the acknowledgement/undertaking. Therefore the contention that he could not have singed on Ex. A8 is far from true.
11) To sum up, the complainant could prove that the complainant having joined in the chit contributed the amounts, and in the light of Ex. A8 she was entitled to the amount. Since acknowledgement/undertaking Ex. A8 is dated 15.11.2005 and the complaint having filed on 14.11.2007 it was within limitation. It was not barred by limitation. The Dist. Forum did not appreciate these facts in correct perspective.
12) In the result the appeals are allowed setting aside the order of the Dist. Forum. Consequently the complaints are allowed directing the respondent to refund the amount covered under the chits as follows
S.No. | F.A. No. | C.C. No. | Rs. |
1. | FA 628/2009 | C.C. 36/2008 | 65000 |
2 | FA 630/2009 | C.C. 38/2008 | 330000 |
3 | FA 631/2009 | C.C. 39/2008 | 240000 |
4 | FA 633/2009 | C.C. 41/2008 | 230000 |
5 | FA 634/2009 | C.C. 42/2008 | 70000 |
6 | FA 635/2009 | C.C. 43/2008 | 220000 |
with interest @ 9% p.a., from the date of complaint viz., 14.11.2007 till the date of realization together with costs of Rs. 2,000/- each set. Time for compliance four weeks.
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