BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM–II, U.T. CHANDIGARH Execution Application No.15 of 2011 in Consumer Complaint No.1475 of 2009 & First Appeal No.49 of 2011 Monica Singh Vs. M/s Microzone & ors. PRESENT: Complainant in person with her counsel Sh.Davinder Lubana, Advocate. Sh.Mandeep Singh Saini, Counsel for OP No.3 & 4. None for OP No.1 & 2. Dated the 19th day of July, 2012 ORDER 1. Sh.Mandeep Singh Saini-Counsel for OP No.3 & 4 has made the following statement, recorded separately:- “That a demand draft bearing No.753014 dated 21.6.2012 amounting to Rs.45,100/- drawn in favour of complainant on The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, has been delivered to the complainant today and a sum of Rs.23,500/- was deposited by OP No.3 & 4 at the time of filing of appeal. The OP No.3 & 4 has no objection if the complainant withdraws the said amount from the Hon’ble State Commission. After releasing of the said amount of Rs.23,500/-, the order dated 24.12.2010 passed by this Forum (which stands approved by the Hon’ble State Commission vide its order dated 1.11.2011) stands fully satisfied” 2. The complainant, alongwith her counsel, has made the following statement, recorded separately:- “I have gone through the above statement made by counsel for OP No.3 & 4. I have received a demand draft bearing No.753014 dated 21.6.2012 amounting to Rs.45,100/- drawn in my favour on The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. The complainant shall move an application for withdrawal of the amount deposited with the Hon’ble State Commission. After receiving the said amount, the order dated 24.12.2010 passed by this Forum, which was confirmed by the Hon’ble State Commission vide its order dated 1.11.2011, has been fully complied with. In these circumstances, I do not want to pursue this execution application. It be dismissed as withdrawn. I will handover the laptop in question to OP No.3 & 4 today itself” 3. In view of the statement made by complainant and counsel for the OP No.3 & 4, the execution application is dismissed as withdrawn and the complainant shall be at liberty to move an application before the Hon’ble State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, U.T. Chandigarh, for the withdrawal of the amount of Rs.23,500/- deposited by the OP No.3 & 4. The complainant shall handover the laptop in question to OP No.3 & 4 today itself. 4. The parties shall be bound by the statement made before this Forum. 5. Certificate for recovery/warrants, if any, sent in this case be recalled. 6. Certified copy of this order be communicated to the parties free of cost. After compliance file be consigned. Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- (JASWINDER SINGH SIDHU) (LAKSHMAN SHARMA) (MADHU MUTNEJA) MEMBER PRESIDENT MEMBER